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As a journalist, you are constantly writing stories to get people’s attention. Your boss recently asked you to take things to the political sector.

You have been tasked to write an article to address the four amendments that you feel have the most significance on the criminal justice system.

You must include an outline of one landmark case to each of the amendments you choose to write about. Find two with which you agree and explain why the ruling is solid from a legal reasoning perspective. Find two with which you would have ruled opposite of that decision rendered by the Court. Be sure to offer a legal rationale or reasoning (no opinion) for why the Court got it wrong.

Make sure you are clear that these rulings are based on a legal principle and not the facts of the case. Example: Roe v. Wade was not an abortion case, it was about privacy, and the fact that there was a pregnancy is completely secondary. In reality, the pregnant woman, Norma McCorvey, who brought Roe, could not possibly have benefited from the case because she had given birth long before the case arrived in the U.S. Supreme Court.

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