Corporate governance is the process that owners and other major players surrounding an organization are held accountable to for the company’s requirements and resources. Corporate governance can also play a big role in the audit process. Research corporate governance and auditing and answer the following questions:

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What are 2 of the principles that surround corporate governance? How do they tie into the recent legislation that was put into place to resolve ethical challenges and changes within the last decade?

The Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) are based upon 10 audit guidelines that fall into 3 categories. Briefly describe the 3 main parts of the audit, and give examples of what activities would occur in each category.

Describe the role of the audit committee. Include the outside directors in your discussion. Compare and contrast the oversight responsibility and the primary responsibility of the audit committee.

Explain how the Sarbanes-Oxley Act impacted the auditing profession.

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Describe the key role of the PCAOB.

Do you feel that it has met its objective?

What—if any—changes would you want to add to the scope of the PCAOB?

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