
  1. The following is Rainbow Corporation year-end adjusted trial balance dated December 31, 2019.

Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Insurance
Office Equipment
Accumulated Depreciation: Office Equipment Accounts Payable

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Debit € 5,700 4,500 2,100 18,300

€ 600 3,600

Rainbow Co. Adjusted Trial Balance

at 31 December 2019

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BCO114 Accounting I Task brief & rubrics

Task: Assignment 2 (33% of course grade)

You are required to answer all the questions in the following exercise.

This task assesses the following learning outcomes:

• Identify the steps in the accounting cycle.
• Apply acquired knowledge and skills to prepare an income statement and a statement of retained earnings.
• Demonstrate understanding of the balance sheet and the accounting equation.
• Prepare closing entries required at the end of accounting period.

LAUNCH: WEEK 3 Friday January 8th, 2021 / DELIVERY: WEEK 3 Sunday January 10th, 2021, 23:59hrs ON MOODLE

Submission file format: Word document with all the answers.

EXERCISE 1 (100 points)

The following is Rainbow Corporation year-end adjusted trial balance dated December 31, 2019.

Rainbow Co.

Adjusted Trial Balance

at 31 December 2019

Debit Credit

Cash € 5,700

Accounts Receivable 4,500

Prepaid Insurance 2,100

Office Equipment 18,300

Accumulated Depreciation: Office Equipment € 600

Accounts Payable 3,600

Unearned Revenue 5,300

Capital Stock 10,000

Retained Earnings 4,700

Dividends 1,100

Service Revenue Earned 19,750

Wages Expense 6,600

Utilities Expense 1,800

Rent Expense 2,700

Depreciation Expense 600

Income Taxes Expense 550 ______

€43,950 €43,950


Using Adjusted Trial Balance above, perform the following tasks:

(1) Prepare an Income Statement for the year ended December 31, 2019 (10 points).

(2) Prepare a Statement of Retained Earnings for the year ended December 31, 2019 (10 points).

(3) Prepare a Balance Sheet dated December 31, 2019 (20 points).

(4) Prepare all necessary closing entries at December 31, 2019 (20 points).

(5) Prepare an after-closing trial balance dated December 31, 2019 (10 points).

(6) Does the company appear to be liquid? Explain. Justify your conclusion with calculation of working capital and current ratio (15 points).

(7) Has the company been profitable in the past? Is the company profitable this year? Justify your conclusion with calculation of net income
percentage and return on equity (15 points).


9-10 The student demonstrates an excellent understanding of the

8-8.9 The student demonstrates a good understanding of the concepts.
7-7.9 The student demonstrates a fair understanding of the concepts.
6-6.9 The student demonstrates some, but insufficient understanding of the

3-5.9 The student demonstrates insufficient understanding of the concepts.

They may mention some relevant ideas or concepts, although it is
clear that the relationship between them is not understood by the

1-2.9 The student demonstrates insufficient understanding of the concepts
and does not mention any relevant ideas or concepts.

0 The student leaves the question blank or cheats.

Points are stated at the end of each question.

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