
  1. Trap Adventures, Inc. is looking for an accountant.  In your own words, explain to Trap’s hiring team the role of accountant and accounting within business.  Provide examples of the expectations of the accountant.  

    Discuss the financial position of Trap Adventures, Inc. using the following ratios:   

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    Current ratio  
    Return on equity: For each ratio, provide the calculation and an explanation of the meaning.  Is this a positive or negative result for the Trap Adventures, Inc.?

    Using Trap Adventures, Inc.’s income statement, evaluate the operations for the month of December.  Complete a common-size income statement using sales as the base number.  What is the largest percentage?  What is the smallest percentage?  What recommendations could be made to increase Trap’s net income?  
    Currently, Trap Adventures, Inc. does not own any loans or bank notes (long-term liabilities).  What would happen if Trap decides to obtain a bank loan for $25,000 to fund daily operations?  How would this transaction impact the financial statements – which accounts would be affected?  What is the debt to equity ratio?  What does the debt to equity ratio represent

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