ABS 300. 2 DIS 1

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required textbook chapters and articles for this week and view the video on

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Functional Behavioral Assessment (Links to an external site.)

by Dr. Tim Lewis.For this discussion, you will take on the role of the private psychologist being asked to re-evaluate a client. Carefully review the

ABS 300 Week One Assessment Scenario

. In your initial post, write a rationale for either agreeing or disagreeing with the request to re-evaluate the client based on the information available. Explain which theoretical assumptions about psychological testing and assessment support your decision. Discuss the ethical responsibilities a psychologist must consider if choosing to use psychological assessment tools to re-evaluate the client. Provide a pro/con analysis of both potential decisions regarding whether or not to re-evaluate the client. In your pro/con analysis, present the potential ethical issues which might arise from each decision–the decision to re-evaluate and the decision to not re-evaluate–the client in the given scenario. Assume you have the opportunity to conduct a behavioral assessment interview before making your decision about whether or not to conduct a full re-evaluation. Give examples of the types of information from the behavioral assessment would aid you in making an ethical decision about whether or not to conduct a full re-evaluation.

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