ABA paper behavior analysis/ education

ABA paper, behavior analysis/ education

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  1. Students will write at 3 page paper describing the components of a multi-tiered positive behavioral framework.
  2. Students will include a diagram or model to illistrate their main ideas.

PBIS – MTSS Framework

Historically, children with disabilities and their families faced many obstacles with respect to

accessing education. IDEA aimed to resolve many issues that pertained to inclusion, so that

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children with disabilities could have access to special education in both regular and special

education classes. As more students with disabilities entered the public education system, it

became clear that these students also fell behind in socially accepted behaviors that would permit

them to better access the educational curriculum. Furthermore, as teachers often employed

reactive and punitive strategies, it only further compounded the behaviors and resulted in

suspensions and expulsions. Scheuermann & Hall (2016) specify that what is most troublesome

with such methods is the fact that it increases the risk of those students’ involvement with the

criminal justice system. As discussed on pbis.org, amendments of IDEA required that “the IEP

team to consider the use of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports for any student whose

behavior impedes his or her learning or the learning of others”. In addition, to encourage the

individual states to participate in the implementation of PBIS, congress allocated funding that

assisted to “provide training in methods of . . . positive behavioral interventions and supports to

improve student behavior in the classroom” (20 U.S.C. §1454(a)(3)(B). This paper will discuss

the framework of positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) within the multiple tier

systems of support (MTSS).

What is positive behavior intervention and supports aka PBIS

Sugai and Horner (1999), explain that behavior is learned and is often maintained by

environmental factors, and thus, can be changed. Practical interventions within positive behavior

support include the use of functional behavior assessments (FBA) to determine what the target

behavior strives to accomplish and consequently achieves, by the environmental factors that

unintentionally maintain it. PBIS strives to understand the environmental factors which

contribute to the target behavior in order to manipulate them in order to change that behavior.

Some strategies of environmental manipulation include proactive management of antecedents

such as changing adult behavior, teaching replacement behavior, providing curriculum

accommodations, as well as extinction of consequences that may attribute to target behavior

maintenance. The philosophy of PBIS is to move from a model of reacting to target behavior by

creating a proactive and positive climate focused on prevention of target behavior. Further, it

urges schools to “develop clear, appropriate, and consistent expectations and consequences to

ensure fairness, equity, and continuous improvement (Scheuermann & Hall, 2016).


The multiple-tier supports system attempts to utilize the research base knowledge of PBIS in

order to deliver differentiated and if necessary individualized instruction and early intervention.

As described on pbis.org, the three tiers of MTTS are designed to address and provide clear rule

and guideline for the entire school while understanding that not all children naturally fall within

those confines. MTTS hypothesizes that most typical children within the school will naturally

follow the guidelines set forth by the school. MTTS labels tier 1 as universal and further

indicates that 80% to 90% of all students will respond to this general preventative, proactive

approach. Tier 1 examples include what most of LAUSD refers to as the three B’s – be safe, be

responsible, be respectable, or keep your hands to yourself. Tier 2or, secondary intervention,

represents additional secondary interventions for the 5% to 15% of the school’s population with

at risk behavior that may need a more individual approach such as a weekly social skills group.

Tier 3, or tertiary interventions, addresses the 1%-5% of high risk students that need individual

high intensity intervention which often may include a 1:1 district assigned or NPA assigned

behavior therapist.


In conclusion, PBIS and MTTS, are both rooted in research based material. Both strive to

provide training and support to teachers, administrators and staff that would transform the school

environment to utilize positive proactive methods that would empower change in student

behavior by changing adult behavior. It further attempts to identify students of various needs to

deliver appropriate intervention by assessing the environmental variables that contribute and

maintain the behavior, as well as, attempt to teach replacement behaviors that are more

appropriate within the educational and social setting.



Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports – OSEP. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2017, from


Scheuermann, B., & Hall, J. A. (2016). Positive behavioral supports for the classroom (3rd ed.).

Boston: Pearson.

Sugai, G., Horner, R. H., Dunlap, G., Hieneman, M., Lewis, T. J., Nelson, C. M., . . . Ruef, M.

(2000). Applying Positive Behavior Support and Functional Behavioral Assessment in

Schools. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 2(3), 131-143.



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