
 One of the cornerstone concepts in environmental science is global warming and climate change. Throughout the term, you learned numerous ways in which human behaviors can modify ecosystems. For your Unit 9 Assignment, you will put together a Final Project report that describes how you attempted to reduce your carbon footprint.

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Use the progress report logs from Units 3, 5, and 7 and the background research (with references) you conducted in Unit 8 to help you write your summative paper. Be sure to include your original hypothesis, methods used (from Unit 2), and your final results. You should include actual numerical data (and respective units) where appropriate (i.e., before and after usage of water/gas/oil). Assess the influence this change had on your carbon output, and the attendant effect this had on the environment.

Include a minimum of three outside references, all from reliable sources, and one direct reference to your text.

The paper should be between 750–1,000 words (approximately 3–5 pages) in APA format. Your paper should be in writing in your own words. You may not copy text from any resource, except within quotations, and they may not make up any more than 10% of your paper. Include appropriate references and follow the guidelines of APA formatting. Proper citation, syntax, and spelling are the basic requirements in mechanics.

If you have any questions or require additional assistance in writing this Assignment, please work with your instructor and/or the

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early in the term (preferably before Unit 4).

Basic Writing Expectations:

  1. Your report should be between 750–1,000 words, not counting the title or reference pages, or progress reports.
  2. Include a title page, double-space your paper, and use font size 10 or 12.
  3. Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
  4. Demonstrate superior organization — use logic.
  5. Make certain that your paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.
  6. Avoid plagiarism.
  7. Use the APA style for all citations.
  8. Always include an introduction and conclusion.

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