Princ of Mgmnt- Writing Assignment 2 (3times)


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Chapter 10, “Organizational Change and Innovation: Lifelong Challenges for the Exceptional Manager,” may be one of the most important chapters of our course when it comes to your career. (Re-read the title of the chapter; it can take your breath away when you think about the adjectives – lifelong challenges and exceptional managers.)  Creating new ideas and changing old ones separate an organization’s true leaders from those who are merely supervisors. 

For this writing assignment, there will be two topics.  Please choose the one you prefer to write about, and make your chosen topic your title.  Use as many applicable “key words” from the chapter as appropriate.  Make sure that you are using them correctly.  Underline them as well to help me recognize them to boost your score. Be sure to go to the Course Information module for essay instructions and the scoring guide used for writing assignments in this class.

TOPIC 1.  Innovation

From your experience (whether at work, school, or volunteering), describe a time that you were involved with change in order to implement an innovation.  What type of innovation was implemented? Discuss the benefits that resulted from the changes that took place. What would you have done differently if you had been the manager?  Tell how you felt about the change experience. 

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TOPIC 2.  Resistance to Change 

From your experience (whether at work, school, or volunteering), describe a time when you were involved in a change that was feared or resisted by those who would be impacted by that change.  Discuss efforts that were used, or should have been used, to overcome this resistance to change.  What caused people to resist the change in your example? What would you have done differently if you had been the manager?  Tell how you felt about the change experience.

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