Discussion paper with 2 responses

Discussion: This week we focus on the social and organizational issues that exist with a better understanding of why changes occur.  This week discusses the phases of change noted in the Linear Development in Learning Approaches section in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text.

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The response should be 250-300 words.

Post 1: Organizational change is described as how an organization changes its strategies, structure, operational methods, organizational culture, or technologies to affect its growth and its effects on the organization. It can occur for distinct periods or be continuous. According to Arthur M. Langer (2018), focusing solely on the individual’s role in the organization is an inadequate approach to forming an efficient learning plan. The author suggests an approach based on a concept named learning maturation, which incorporates the learning of individuals and the organization in the life cycle of learning. The author chooses a different way to depict the relationship between individual and organizational learning over time, to outline a “maturity” arc called ROD arc to demonstrate the life cycle of technology and organizational learning. Every sector of ROD is measured in a linear and integrated way. Every step in the learning development stage, the author presents how organizational and individual learning techniques work collectively but emerge specifically.

Types of learning are categorized into Phase 1,2 and 3, respectively.

Phase 1 is an early stage of learning organization development; individual contemplative methods apply to organize operations and line management. New culture establishes with no change in the organizational structure. This initial phase lacks executive involvement due to limited integration.

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Phase 2 is a blend of event-driven and early-stage social, organizational learning formation. Line managers retain new training and partake in more insignificant event-driven learning. Social assimilation stability with existing structures; early phase of IT organizational alliance with similar groups. Strategic integration in initial stages of value/needs based on a similar strategic arrangement.

Phase 3 is a shift towards social-based organizational decision making, applicable to the different uses of technology. Away from the holistic formation of IT into a separate driver and supporter attributes. Individual and organizational methods both integrate for the learning approach are based on functionality, as objected to being organizationally specific. Based on business requirements, social structures indicate strategic integration.

These different phases of the learning process will further mature an organization’s ability to incorporate technology, strategically and culturally.



Langer, A. (2018). Information Technology and Organizational Learning. Boca Raton: CRC Press,


Post 2: There would be extremely misled for the organizational change due to the rapid change of the organization. The reason behind it is that organizations are seeking a quiet place for change rather than rapid change. The various factors for the rapid change within the organization is a change in technology, people, outcome, and economic changes. Under the current terms, it might be hard for people to survive because they are not accepting the change within a short period of time. There would be complexity within the leaders who are still changing the words through editing it and sending it to the decision board. The reason behind it is the absence of change within the organization.

By using effective technology, it might be easy to improve organizational activities. The move may be increased inevitably with a high range of improvement, although it would be settled initially (“Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change”, 2007). The way of communication has been affected by various technologies. Additionally, through the various changes within the organization, employees may not use the telephone for making calls and get busy due to a lack of signals. It can be obtained by using effective technology and beneficial procedures.

For any experts, now employees can search online through various social media. Hence, they may not call the other person to get the details about the wanted person. The booming technologies enable the companies to explore new things and learn faster compared to the traditional methods. Companies are always available for customers through mobile phones; therefore, they are highly satisfied with the services provided by the companies. Along with that, it is crucial for every organization to learn the skills and knowledge about the new technology (“Special Issue on Professionalisation of accounting and organizational change”, 2008).


Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change. (2007), 3(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/jaoc.2007.31503aaa.002

Special Issue on Professionalisation of accounting and organizational change. (2008), 4(2). https://doi.org/10.1108/jaoc.2008.31504baa.001

Post 1 : The change will not happen just because “it’s a good idea.” The planned growth on the part of the educator or manager takes conscious and diligent effort. It will only occur when an individual’s or an organization’s pain is high enough to justify the difficulties of assimilating the change. Through organizational and individual vision clarity, organizations can expect their members to show commitment, diligence, and a passion for work. Individuals and organizations that can find a passion for work will not only flourish and be productive. Still, they will also find excitement in performing even the most mundane functions in everyday work.(Al-Mulla)

The author (Langer, 2018) demonstrates how to utilize various phases of the learning process to mature further an organization’s ability to strategically and culturally integrate technology and explain below three phases of change in Linear Development in Learning approaches.

Phase 1: Establish learning to learn objectives: Individual learning contracts an inventory of learning styles—early-stage development of learning organization. A new culture was established; no change in an organizational structure—limited integration due to executives’ lack of involvement.

Phase 2: Create a formal learning program: Individuals need to operate in communities of practice during this phase, as the infrastructure to support a democratic consensus process building. The learning process matured by speeding up the need for structural change in IT’s actual reporting process.

Phase 3: Implement evaluation: Monitoring operations for measurable results by individual and group assessments. As organizational learning matures within ROD(responsive organizational dynamism), it appears there is an increasing need to educate the organization’s executive management team. That was not the case during the case study’s early stages.



Al-Mulla, D. M. (n.d.). Organizational Change & Development. Retrieved September 09, 2020, from https://www.academia.edu/4533951/Organizational_Change_and_Development

Langer, A. M. (2018). Organizational Learning Theory and Technology. In Information technology and organizational learning: Managing behavioral change in the digital age (THIRD ed., pp. 96-107). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

Post 2: Understanding why change occurs

Change is as important as its management in an organization. The process of change is naturally tiring and usually met with significant resistance. However, it is imperative that any business in a fast-moving environment must adopt strategies to implement change processes. Essentially, without change, businesses would lose their competitive advantage. Some of the reasons why an organization would need to find ways of outlining change include the continually increasing technological development, the evolving needs of the customers, the dynamic global economy, the challenging status quo, and the changing means of growth opportunities, among others. According to Langer (2017), line managers can try reverting to the former operational culture due to the challenges of outlining a change process.

As noted by Langer (2017), the phases of change were essentially aimed at allowing the organization to adopt and understand the process without interfering with the morale of the employees, among other aspects of the organization. The change process can be outlined in three phases, for that matter. The first phase involves an outline of the individual reflective practices applied in establishing the basic operations and line management. The first phase is an early stage learning that contributes to the development of the organization. In the process, new organizational culture is established without changing the organization structure.

The second phase involves having the line managers devise ways to defend the new organizational culture and participate minimally in learning opportunities without events. The organization leverages the existing structures to assimilate stability. In the third phase, the organization makes significant steps towards adopting new strategies. Besides, the organization moves towards adopting a social-based organizational decision making. The essence is to fully assume the outlined change aspects. The third and the last phase imply a mature application of cultural assimilation. The social structures adopted therein allows for strategic integration.


Langer, A. M. (2017). Information Technology and Organizational Learning: Managing Behavioral Change in the Digital Age. CRC Press.

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