Locate 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5-10 years about ethics in policing administration

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For each article critique, you will select 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5-10 years. you will write a paper critique that is at least 4 pages in current APA format.


Article Critique 1

Locate 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5-10 years about ethics in policing administration. Provide an in-depth discussion of the findings in each article.

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1. Based on your critique of the literary pieces, what might an ethical organization look like?

2. Specify the characteristics of training, leadership, and employees that might be expected in an ethical police organization.

3. Review the biblical themes in the presentation titled: “Police (Part 1)” found in the Module/Week 2 Reading & Study folder.

4. Discuss some of the challenges associated with organizations that are replete with corruption like racism and discrimination from a Christian and biblical worldview. 


What are peer-reviewed articles?

Use sources BEYOND the textbook. Push yourself with your research.

Peer-reviewed articles are articles that have been expertly reviewed by practitioners in the field.

These articles are some of the best sources for research.

Please visit the University Library

You can actually filter by “peer-reviewed articles” when you are searching journal articles in databases using the “advanced search feature”

You can also filter by year to ensure you are using the most recent research available.

**i attached my original paper for what needs to be corrected





Article Critique


Liberty University

Class #

Professor Name



Start text here…

Article Critique

Start here …. You need an introductory paragraph and thesis statement here.

Article 1-Background

Start text here… include parenthetical citations

Article 1 – Critique of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Article


Start text here… include parenthetical citations


Start text here… include parenthetical citations

Article 2-Background

Start text here… include parenthetical citations

Article 2 – Critique of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Article


Start text here… include parenthetical citations


Start text here… include parenthetical citations

Summary of Articles

Start text here… include parenthetical citations

Conclusion: Personal Reflection, Position, and Christian Worldview

Start text here… include parenthetical citations






Article Critique: Ethics in Policing Administration


A review of two peer review articles shows that in law enforcement, the top administrators’ ethical behaviors directly influence employee behavior via supervisory leadership. For policing to be characterized by ethical practices, it is crucial to create a new workplace culture within the relevant agencies. This culture can only be initiated by leaders and administrators. Therefore, there is a need for a change in the administrative and leadership structures in policing to ensure junior officers can adopt a new way of policing that is not marred by corruption, bribery, and racial discrimination.

Keywords: Ethics, policing, administration, workplace culture

Article Critique: Ethics in Policing Administration

In all law enforcement agencies, ethical conduct is essential for the effective functioning of duties. According to McCartney and Parent (2018), the leaders within any law enforcement agency play crucial roles in shaping their agency’s ethical orientation. Such individuals have to ensure that ethics is ingrained within the culture of their agency, such that officers respect the rights of others and behave ethically without having to be constantly monitored for compliance. However, this starts with the leaders themselves behaving in an ethical way. However, policepolicing in the country and the whole world, in general, is often criticized for the numerous unethical practices that it carries out and condones on a daily basis.

Many policing agencies are marred with cases of professional misconduct, corruption, and blatant disregard for the law that they are supposed to uphold (McCartney & Parent, 2018). In this regard, this paper analyzes two peer-reviewed articles that focus on ethics in policing administration to get an insight into the topic and identify possible solutions that leaders can use to ensure high ethical values characterize law enforcement agencies. From the two articles’ review, it is clear that the top administrators’ ethical behaviors directly influence employee behavior via supervisory leadership.

Article 1-Background

Article 1 is titled “Police Ethics: Organizational Implications” by Johnson and Cox (2014). The background of this article is on the police corruption that plagues the United States. Over the years, there have been various reforms aimed at eradicating this problem. Examples include improved officer training and enhanced personnel screening, among others (Johnson & Cox, 2014). However, none of these solutions has worked because the main obstacle to change is many policing agencies’ organizational culture. The driving force of the organizational culture is administration and management. This article looks at how leaders in law enforcement agencies can affect change by creating a culture where police officers are not above the law they are tasked with enforcing.

Article 1 – Critique of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Article


This is a peer-reviewed article and has been published by a renowned journal. Therefore, its information has been validated by professionals in the field of ethics and law enforcement. Additionally, this article cites numerous reliable sources in proving its arguments. The article also asserts the significance of organizational culture in effecting real change in policing (Johnson & Cox, 2014). Comment by Dr. Jade Pumphrey: not developed – not saying anything about the concepts developed in the critique; you have been asked to review only peer-reviewed sources anyway so you need to focus on building out the synthesis of the review of the article content and the voice of the author


The article does not make use of a study to validate its arguments. It only refers to other authors’ arguments to authenticate its assertions (Johnson & Cox, 2014). Therefore, it is not a primary source but a secondary one. The use of a study would have offered a practical view of the problem at hand. Comment by Dr. Jade Pumphrey: vague – no examples one one weakness mentioned

Article 2-Background

Article 2 is titled “Ethics and Police Management: The Impact of Leadership Style on Misconduct by Senior Police Leaders in the United Kingdom (UK) and Australia” by Keane and Bell (2014). Although this article does not directly focus on the US, its information is directly applicable to the US’s policing situation. More so, it shows how the US’s ethical policing issues are not unique and are the same in various parts of the world. This article’s premise is on how deviant police leadership has the potential of adversely damaging police institutions and the ethical integrity of police officers (Keane & Bell, 2014).

Article 2 – Critique of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Article


The article explores three case studies to provide a practical context for the problem at hand. This is also a peer-reviewed article and has been published by a renowned journal. Therefore, its information has been validated by professionals in the field of ethics and law enforcement. Additionally, this article cites numerous reliable sources in proving its arguments. The article also asserts the significance of organizational culture in effecting real change in policing (Keane & Bell, 2014). Comment by Dr. Jade Pumphrey: repeat – not needed; we know its a peer-reviewed article and the reasons you state here are why it was built into the expectations for the assignment- no need to mention.


The article does not make use of a study to validate its arguments. It only refers to other authors’ arguments to authenticate its assertions (Keane & Bell, 2014). Therefore, it is not a primary source but a secondary one. The use of a study would have offered a practical view of the problem at hand. Comment by Dr. Jade Pumphrey: This is a literal repeat of the paragraph above – its apparent that their is no evaluation of the article – no critique here

Summary of Articles

Article 1

According to Johnson and Cox (2014), various initiatives have been taken to tackle the ethics-related problems that plague law enforcement agencies in the country. However, the reform solutions that aim at the misbehavior and malfeasance on individual officers have not yielded any success. Consequently, the transformational leadership theory has emerged as an innovative way of dealing with this problem. This theory’s objective is to facilitate a participatory system where all stakeholders involved in policing are included during the policymaking of policing initiatives. However, Johnson and Cox (2014) note that the issue of ethics is not easy to deal with in law enforcement organizations that are unwilling to change and secluded from the public and political environment. They note that the successful implementation of transformational leadership requires administrative leaders to utilize a holistic approach that synergizes the police department’s development, vision, and goals. This calls for the selection of new leaders whose thinking is different from the current one. This is the only way to attain lasting change.

Article 2

Keane and Bell (2014) comprehensively discuss three case studies to reveal how the actions and behaviors of police officers in administrative and leadership positions have a huge impact on the rise of negativity from communities. These authors assert that junior officers learn their unethical behaviors from their seniors. Keane and Bell (2014) note that two factors characterize the problem of police administration. First, the public-policy relationship. Second, there is the internal dynamics of the police departments. Out of these two factors, the latter is most influential to the facilitation of ethical policing (Keane & Bell, 2014). Police leaders and administrators should be in the frontline of behaving ethically. Such a culture will eventually be ingrained in the junior officers who will behave ethically, and in turn, the whole community will have positive relations with the police department.

Conclusion: Personal Reflection, Position, and Christian Worldview

In conclusion, a review of two peer review articles shows that in law enforcement, the top administrators’ ethical behaviors directly influence employee behavior via supervisory leadership. From a Christian worldview, police officers’ unethical practices include discrimination and profiling of suspects based on race. Additionally, there are issues of corruption and bribery. These unethical practices are systemic and have taken root in law enforcement agencies over the years. Therefore, eradicating this problem requires a culture shift in this organization. This can only be realized by a leadership change where new leaders and administrators have a culture of good ethics. In turn, these leaders can slowly influence their juniors to create a new policing culture that is marked by good ethical practices. Comment by Dr. Jade Pumphrey: CON Comment by Dr. Jade Pumphrey: underdeveloped – build out ; include scripture support


Johnson, T. A., & Cox, III, R. W. (2014). Police ethics: Organizational implications. Public Integrity, 7(1), 67-79.

Keane, J., & Bell, P. (2014). Ethics and police management: The impact of leadership style on misconduct by senior police leaders in the United Kingdom (UK) and Australia. International Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences, 2(3), 1-15.

McCartney, S., & Parent, R. (2018). Ethics in law enforcement. Retrieved from https://opentextbc.ca/ethicsinlawenforcement/chapter/7-5-ethical-leadership/

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