
Police Corruption & Accountability

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Review the items in your reading for this unit as well as any of your own research regarding police corruption.

Respond to the following questions in essay format.

1. What is police corruption? Define the types, levels, and theories. 

2. What are some possible factors leading to police corruption? 

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3. What is the “blue wall of silence”? 

4. What are some possible solutions to police corruption? Identify both internal and external approaches. 

5. What is the role of the Miranda decision and the exclusionary rule in holding police accountable for their actions that may lead to corrupt actions? 

Your response should be at least three pages in length, not to include the title or reference pages. You are required to use at least two articles in addition to your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced according to APA format. All paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Police Corruption: Deviance, Accountability and Reform in Policing Maurice Punch. (2010). Contemporary Sociology, 39(5), 629. 

Getty, R. M. (2018). Police corruption: preventing misconduct and maintaining integrity. Police Practice & Research, 19(6), 620–621.

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