English assignment

Homework1: What Others are Saying

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Please see the accompanying pdf, “They Say, I Say (Ch. 1),” and complete Exercise 1 
beginning on page 26. Write out the sentences a-g using the template language from earlier 
in the chapter. Then add one more sentence (f), that gives your (provisional) central claim 
for your essay, again using the template language. Do not do exercise 2. 

Homework 2: Body Paragraphs 
A body paragraph typically includes what 3 parts? 

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What 4 questions should you ask yourself about determining the purpose of a body 

What are 8 useful approaches for concluding an essay? 

Given the topic and purpose of Essay 1, which 2 or 3 strategies from the 8 are you 
considering using to conclude Essay 1? 

Homework 4 Due Monday 14th

COVID Info Links 
Data Trackers 



Assigned Materials 






Further Journalism 


Summaries and Discussion of Peer-Reviewed Medical Articles 








Pharmacist vs. Guru










Nanor Petrossian

Woodbury University WRIT 313

September 14, 2020



Ever since the emergence of coronavirus, it spread across the globe quicker than anticipated.

Some countries were hit harder than others due to lack of sufficient medical resources and

medical workforce to curb the disease in its early phases of spread. Approximately 213 countries

worldwide have registered cases of the pandemic. As of August 2020, there have been 29 million

cases, 900,000 deaths and 21 million recoveries. Despite the pandemic being a serious concern,

there has been a lot of politics and social issues surrounding the coronavirus pandemic that

changed its perception and response. A lot of world organizations such as U.N. joined hands with

philanthropists in different parts of the world to assist some of the less privileged countries to

fight COVID-19. However, the pandemic created an opportunity for a hidden political agenda in

some countries. Mistrust between government, health sector and citizens started materializing.

Most vaccines are either in their trial stages in some of the countries with resources to

successfully conduct the activity. During the early months of spread, contact tracing was

challenging, but with an advanced technological approach, it is easy to track COVID-19 victims.

The perception of the virus has been distorted, with some of the citizens feeling insecure with the

whole process of contact tracing and reported COVID-19 cases.

Perceiving COVID-19 Differently

The United States of America continues to be the leading country in terms of coronavirus

cases globally, registering 6.7 million cases. India and Brazil follow closely with 4 million cases

each (Worldmeter). There have been some improvements in terms of response to the coronavirus

Alexei Nowak
It feels like the abstract here is really the introduction. You can make this the start of the main essay, and add a new, shorter abstract, which simply highlights the main ideas of the essay.


in some countries than others. Countries like China had started with higher cases forcing

complete lockdown. The lockdown resulted in the country being able to reduce the spread of

coronavirus. Death cases in Italy during the first few months of the pandemic were worrying

enough, but current statistics reveal the situation is having turned out for the better. The United

Nations has been at the forefront of assisting African countries with medical kits as well as funds

to fight coronavirus. South Africa is the leading African country in terms of COVID-19 cases.

Latinos and blacks were among the most affected people per ten-thousand-person sample

collected in America. COVID-19 cases in America have been nothing short of drama and

politicization, which has raised a lot of questions.

Contact tracing in America was not as effective as Asian countries where phones could

easily be tracked. The failure of America in establishing a proper manner for tracing coronavirus

victims and people they shared close encounters was fueled by mistrust according to reports (The

Atlantic, Khazan, 2020). Some of the health facilities and organizations that had been given the

mandate to conduct contact tracing were less known to the public, igniting fear. Studies also

reveal that a significant number of U.S. residents reached by contact tracers do not answer their

phones. The lack of cooperation is being witnessed in Philadelphia, New Jersey, Houston,

Maryland and even Miami. Even some of the COVID-19 patients were willing to go an extra

length to protect their loved ones by refusing to disclose the required information. Comparing the

rate of responsiveness of the United States to other countries like New Zealand or Iceland, the

superpower has failed tremendously.

Alexei Nowak

Alexei Nowak
The sentences on China and Italy made sense together because they were the first two places with large, out-of-control outbreaks. But as the paragraph goes on it feels like a list of many different unrelated things. Reconsider what is the main topic of this paragraph, and revise to keep that topic at the forefront.

Alexei Nowak
Explain why this is (since the countries all have the same technology)

Alexei Nowak
Explain. Isn’t fear an understandable and even appropriate response to a pandemic?

Alexei Nowak
Why “even” Miami?

Alexei Nowak
Explain how this protected loved ones.

Alexei Nowak
Yes, definitely. To show what you mean, maybe insert a sentence directly before this one, where you reiterate that what you talk about in this paragraph has led to the most deaths in the world.


Racial disparity in regards to COVID-19 cases was another horror that the U.S. was facing

in fighting the pandemic. The blacks and Latinos as statistics revealed were registering twice the

number of infections of the whites. Death rates followed the same trend, and in hospitals, the

number of the two minority groups was confirmed to be higher. Federal data revealed

African-Americans and Latinos across different regions in America recorded the disparity when

compared against the whites. The repetitive trend was a clear indication that something was not

being done in the required manner. Factors leading to such trends in statistics put a lot of

institutions into question including some of the governing bodies in charge. Some of the

African-American leaders came up to address the elephant in the room. Kansas City mayor

Quinton Lucas termed it as ‘systematic racism’ which was extending beyond the criminal justice

structures. There was no justified explanation to illustrate how the discriminated groups ended up

being vulnerable to the pandemic (The New York Times, Oppel et al., 2020).

While COVID-19 got the attention of people worldwide, a sense of humor could not be

withheld by some group of people. New cases continue to stream in, mortality rates increasing

daily as recoveries also provide a beacon of hope. Memes were created despite the trying

moments that not only made people smile but also gave the perception of people (Josh, 2020).

There have been serious pandemics before coronavirus graced the world. COVID-19 offset the

status quo by being highly contagious to the extent of not allowing time for control measures to

be effectively implemented. Contact tracing failure in America might have contributed to the

spread of the virus at a faster rate. Advertising bodies and agencies failed to package the

conveyance of the crucial matter in the right format. Funny memes followed, and the struggle to

Alexei Nowak
This sentence is very true, but is this a topic sentence that shows how this paragraph links to the previous paragraph and to the overall essay? The way it reads here, as the topic sentence, sounds like the purpose of the essay is to point out all the several failures of the U.S. during the pandemic. That could be a good thesis, but you would want to announce it at the beginning.

Alexei Nowak
use different word

Alexei Nowak
This paragraph feels less integrated than the previous paragraphs. Note repetition in some of the sentences (especially about memes). What is the main idea of this paragraph and how does it fit in the essay?


convince a vast majority of Americans became real. The call for action by advertising brands

was not impactful as response discourse revealed. A lot of people spend most of their time online

since the emergence of coronavirus. A lot of people were laid off at work as some companies

closed down for a time until COVID-19 curve had flattened. Blog Posts and all forms of media

advertisement received attention like never before. While some brands were determined in

creating awareness of the pandemic, some people were quick to create humor out of the serious

matter. Failure to properly convey the message did little in keeping American on toes. Perception

of coronavirus in America was blurred, and everyone would feel the consequences.

I believe that the government is at the core of the pandemic hammering the United States

despite the country having the potential to curb the virus. The government was reluctant in

spending its resources on contact tracing. The pay for contact tracers was not enough to motivate

their drive-in service delivery. Rising cases for coronavirus meant an increase in contact tracing

cases which became overwhelming (The Atlantic, Yong, 2020). Rescuing America from the

pandemic was not an easy task for contact tracers. The U.S. government was trying to use

contact tracing on a population that already had skyrocketing cases. None of the countries that

had managed successful contact tracing did it after the cases had reached that of America. In

Texas, for instance, some of the days registered a maximum of 15000 new cases daily. It is

difficult for contact tracers to follow up on such cases via calls only, which the U.S. wanted to

achieve the impossible.

Another area that the government failed that changed people’s perception was in testing

duration before results were obtained. It took a very long time for patients to be informed about

Alexei Nowak
This is the thesis. Reorganize the essay to make this point from the beginning. See final comment.


their COVID-19 status. The United States of America is bigger than Iceland in terms of

geographical size and resources, yet the latter surpassed the former in the testing strategy.

American healthcare did not provide the mechanism for quickly testing and quarantining of

positive cases. Spreading of the virus in the United States was a matter of negligence by the

government and health sector to some point. It was understandable why the government did not

appeal to the desire of its citizens. Not all members of the government and health sector speak in

a harmonious tone, as some do not show any sign of tension concerning COVID-19. The same

mistrust got replicated on the citizens. The emergence of videos and blogs against the

government portraying the virus as a conspiracy, made some groups develop hatred for the


Racial disparity is also tied to government action, another web of misfortune. The

communities that had a huge percentage of inhabitants of minority groups were less tested.

African-Americans registering a higher mortality rate is due to suffering from preexisting health

conditions such as obesity, heart disease, asthma and diabetes. The virus becomes lethal when an

individual has preexisting health conditions (Callard, 2020). The neighborhood of Latinos and

African-Americans are not supplied with sufficient healthcare to cater to their needs. The

inequality of resources subjects the minorities to health conditions twice or more that of the

whites. COVID-19 tests were administered selectively across America, based on race and

employment rate. ZIP Codes that had more whites residents were frequented by health workers

conducting teasing as well as contact tracing. The situation was different for neighborhoods with

minorities or higher unemployment rates. Some blacks had established that they were more


vulnerable to the disease than any other race. Sixty-three per cent of COVID-19 infection in Kent

County is accounted for by Blacks and Latinos. Government’s unpreparedness and inequality of

services distribution made fighting COVID-19 a debacle (Vives, 2020).

It is never too late for the United States to change the narrative as the country has the

potential of reversing the situation. Dead people cannot be brought back to life but trying to save

the lives of individuals that are still breathing is possible. The government should take the mantle

of leadership as it has always done and served as an example to other nations. Winning the trust

of American citizens may take more than a single act. The president and his administration

should tighten their grip on the health sector. A lot of lives that the nation has lost due to the

pandemic are situations that could have been dealt with beforehand. Contact tracing was not

successful because the government failed to recognize its importance at that time. Also, the

government needs to eliminate racial discrimination across all platforms. It is disheartening that

some minority groups feel they are vulnerable to coronavirus compared to the whites. For the

fight of the pandemic to be successful, the government has the biggest role to undertake.

Misconceptions and distorted perception about the seriousness of the matter require the health

sector and government collaborating to ensure the right message is delivered. Even with vaccines

underway, chances of such a pandemic happening again in future is likely. The United States

needs to be fully prepared and equipped to address such national issues without reluctance

moving forward.

Alexei Nowak
Very good work on this first draft. You have brought together many types of sources, and the essay builds to a compelling conclusion. The first half of the essay is presented like background information, and the argument really gets going in the second half (from middle of page 5). For revising, reorganize the essay so that you articulate your central argument—your criticisms of the U.S. govt’s handling of the pandemic—right from the beginning. As it is now, you cover each topic twice, so that there is an early paragraph about contact tracing and then another paragraph in the second half with your argument about it (and they actually seem to contradict each other—in the early paragraph you say the U.S. could not have tracked phones, but then later you say the U.S. should have done more), and the same for race. Integrate these so that you discuss the contact tracing and give your argument about it at the same time, before moving on to race, where you should do the same. The paragraph about social media is the least clear—you can consider removing it if it doesn’t relate to your central argument about government failure. Note that the abstract here feels more like a paragraph that belongs in the main essay, and you can write a new abstract of just 4 sentences or so, just telling the reader what the major points of the essay are. Keep up the good work!




Callard, F. (2020). “​Very, very mild: Covid-19 symptoms and illness classification​.”


Vives, R. (2020). “Underserved and underfunded’: Inside California’s county hit hardest by




Khazan, O. “The Most American COVID-19 Failure Yet.” The Atlantic.



Oppel (2020). “The Fullest Look Yet at the Racial Inequity of Coronavirus.” The New

York Times.



Josh, Glenn. (2020). “Thick Description.”


Yong, E. (2020). “Long-Haulers Are Redefining COVID-19.”

















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Pharmacist vs. Guru






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