Discussion DQ2

  • 2-1. Based on the ideas described in the trait approach, do you think Pat is looking for the right characteristics in the people he hires?
  • 2-2. Could it be that the retention problem raised by upper management is unrelated to Pat’s recruitment criteria?
  • 2-3.  If you were Pat, would you change your approach to recruiting?

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MAN 4120 Leadership Challenges & Supervision
Instructor: Dr. Armando J. Poleo

Spring 2019

CASE 2.3

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Recruiting for the Bank

Pat Nelson is the assistant director of human resources in charge of recruitment for Central
Bank, a large, full-service banking institution. One of Pat’s major responsibilities each spring
is to visit as many college campuses as he can to interview graduating seniors for credit
analyst positions in the commercial lending area at Central Bank. Although the number
varies, he usually ends up hiring about 20 new people, most of whom come from the same
schools, year after year.

Pat has been doing recruitment for the bank for more than 10 years, and he enjoys it very
much. However, for the upcoming spring he is feeling increased pressure from management
to be particularly discriminating about whom he recommends hiring. Management is
concerned about the retention rate at the bank because in recent years as many as 25% of
the new hires have left. Departures after the first year have meant lost training dollars and
strain on the staff who remain. Although management understands that some new hires
always leave, the executives are not comfortable with the present rate, and they have begun
to question the recruitment and hiring procedures.

The bank wants to hire people who can be groomed for higher-level leadership positions.
Although certain competencies are required of entry-level credit analysts, the bank is
equally interested in skills that will allow individuals to advance to upper management
positions as their careers progress.p.36

In the recruitment process, Pat always looks for several characteristics. First, applicants need
to have strong interpersonal skills, they need to be confident, and they need to show poise
and initiative. Next, because banking involves fiduciary responsibilities, applicants need to
have proper ethics, including a strong sense of the importance of confidentiality. In addition,
to do the work in the bank, they need to have strong analytical and technical skills, and
experience in working with computers. Last, applicants need to exhibit a good work ethic,
and they need to show commitment and a willingness to do their job even in difficult

Pat is fairly certain that he has been selecting the right people to be leaders at Central Bank,
yet upper management is telling him to reassess his hiring criteria. Although he feels that he
has been doing the right thing, he is starting to question himself and his recruitment

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