
Part 1

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question 1=> Watch ‘The happy secret to better work. In the video Achor says: “ If we can find a way of becoming positive in the present, then our brains work even more successfully as we’re able to work harder, faster and more intelligently”.
1. In what way does this apply to your own life and/or your personal change project?
2. And what is the relevance of this for organizational change? 

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question 2=> Watch ‘The power of believing that you can improve. In what way is ‘the power of yet’ as Dweck calls it, demonstrated in your life? And what are the implication of that for your personal life, school life and career?

Part 2

pick one of these discussion questions.  When you response, please indicate what number you are responding to.  One page

1.   Compare and contrast the organizational cultures at Amazon and Google.  Imagine if you were in charge of a project team at both companies.  How might your approach to managing a project, developing your team, and coordinating with different functional departments differ at the two firms?

2.  Consider a medium-sized company that has decided to begin using project management in a wide variety of its operations.  As part of their operational shift, they are going to adopt a project management office somewhere within the organization.  Make an argument for the type of PMO it should adopt (weather station, control tower, or resource pool).  What are some of the key decision criteria that will help it determine which model makes most sense?

3.  Your company is planning to construct a nuclear power plant in Oregon.  Why is stakeholder analysis important as a precondition of the decision of whether or not to follow through with such a plan?  Conduct a stakeholder analysis for a planned upgrade to a successful software product.  Who are the key stakeholders?

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