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Writing Project—Exemplification Essay

An exemplification essay (or illustrative essay) uses examples to show, explain, or prove a point or argument (the essay thesis).

Exemplification Essay Assignment

Your assignment is to write a five-paragraph, 500-700 word essay addressing one of the prompts below. This essay must include an introductory paragraph, three or more body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Each body paragraph must be based on a topic sentence.

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Remember, effective writing incorporates such features as college-level diction, proper grammar and mechanics, an effective introduction that incorporates a thesis statement, solid supporting body paragraphs, smooth transitions, and a well-rounded conclusion.

You must type your essay in Microsoft Word only!  Save your document, click submit, browse to attach and upload the file, and click on the “+” icon in the text box header.  DO NOT write or copy your essay in the text box nor. Only uploaded Microsoft Word files will be accepted. Also, DO NOT submit a PDF file.

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Style Rules/Guidelines

for Writing Essays discussion for appropriate format and submission


  • Many of today’s drivers have dangerous habits.
  • Identify aspects of society that you would like to change
  • Our youth has become a generation of pessimistic, selfish, and apathetic people.

48 hours essay


Looking through a frosted window at fog and chimney smoke is the best. The only thing that could make it better is when snow is falling gracefully from the sky, powdering the ground below. That very scene is one of the reasons why I have come to love winter so much. Winter means freezing temperatures that allow you to sit by the fire with a cup of cocoa. Winter means family coming together. Winter means Christmas. Winter means my favorite time of the year has arrived.

I have always adored the season of winter. Growing up, it was because the snow and Christmas, just like every other kid out there. But now that I’m older, I have realized I love winter for reasons most people don’t​– such as mornings made up of frost smothered grass, or the icy wind that causes noses to glow red. Sure, I don’t like being cold all the time, but something about winter allows me to tolerate colder weather for the sake of the season. And colder weather means warmer fires.

There is no time of year other than winter where you can comfortably sit by the fire and sip a mug of hot chocolate without a care in the world. How could that not brighten someone’s day? Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face. Now imagine this: you’re sitting wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, the air smells like the musk from the fire, mixed with cinnamony apple from candles burning nearby, and the full mug of hot chocolate in your hand is steaming. Sounds quite lovely, doesn’t it? I think it does, but then again, I also believe every aspect of winter is phenomenal.

Even though not many people agree with me on this, one of the most attractive things about winter in my eyes is how close everyone gets, mainly families. I love how close my family gets. We’re always together: watching movies, going places, or my favorite, baking together. In my household, the winter baking starts on the first day of the season and then lasts all through-out January. My family’s baking list involves countless magnificent holiday cookies. I like the no-bakes and chocolate covered cherry cookies the best. While everyone is in the kitchen preparing the batters together for the first round of treats, we bring out the Christmas packed Rubbermaids.

Christmas is my absolute favorite part of winter. And I don’t just mean the day. I mean decorating for the whole season. Everything is fantastic. The atmosphere of decorating my house for the holiday is flawles​​s​—Rubbermaids open everywhere, Christmas music playing on the surround sound, and wreaths being hung. Decorating for Christmas takes an entire weekend for my family because we have a total of about forty Rubbermaids in which everything is stored. Going through those forty Rubbermaids takes up the most amount of time, but it’s also very interesting for all of us. The Rubbermaids are boxes filled with family memories. I love finding all the random little things my sister and I made in kindergarten. Even though the unpacking of Rubbermaids process takes what seems like forever, the Christmas music in the background makes time fly. My family and I all love Christmas music, so on that day of decorating, we sing all of the songs together one after another. As much as I’d love to sing Christmas songs together all the time, my family gets tired of them after Christmas, but I’m not going to lie, I listen to the music year round.

Winter doesn’t last all year round though. All too soon, the fires will die, families will separate, and the Christmas spirit will cease. Spring will arrive with the chirp of a bird, and all I will have left to do is wait around for my favorite time of the year to begin once more.

Writing Project—Exemplification Essay

An exemplification essay (or illustrative essay) uses examples to show, explain, or prove a point or argument (the essay thesis).


Exemplification Essay Assignment


Your assignment is to write a five-paragraph, 500-700 word essay addressing one of the prompts below. This essay must include an introductory paragraph, three or more body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Each body paragraph must be based on a topic sentence.


Remember, effective writing incorporates such features as college-level diction, proper grammar and mechanics, an effective introduction that incorporates a thesis statement, solid supporting body paragraphs, smooth transitions, and a well-rounded conclusion.


You must type your essay in Microsoft Word only!  Save your document, click submit, browse to attach and upload the file, and click on the “+” icon in the text box header.  DO NOT write or copy your essay in the text box nor. Only uploaded Microsoft Word files will be accepted. Also, DO NOT submit a PDF file.


Please adhere to the Style Rules/Guidelines for Writing Essays discussion for appropriate format and submission




       Many of today’s drivers have dangerous habits.

       Identify aspects of society that you would like to change

       Our youth has become a generation of pessimistic, selfish, and apathetic people.

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