Negative Message

One effective way to communicate bad or negative messages is to use the sandwich method where you first compliment, then provide criticism or the bad news, and then compliment again.

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Think of a time when you had to write a negative letter, or when you received one—but not a letter having legal implications, such as terminating employment or threatening disciplinary action. Such a letter should not be discussed in this open forum.

What made the letter effective? What lessened its effectiveness? To what extent did it achieve the goal of conveying unpleasant news, while maintaining the recipient’s goodwill? Be sure to mention, and prioritize, all of the factors relevant to your analysis.

As before, you should support your analysis using the module sources, identifying each source with an in-text citation and reference at the bottom of your post.

Your analysis should be complete, concise, and logical. You should use proper English; avoid slang, jargon, and Webspeak.

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Please comment on your classmates’ postings using the criteria above. Your comments should be concise, logical, positive, and relevant to the discussion.

Discussion Expectations

Respond to the topic in an informed, rigorous, and professional manner. Your response should demonstrate an application of the concepts related to negative communication as well as a reflection of your personal experience.

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