California History ( 1 page )

California Water Discussion:  ( 1 page )

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According to legend, Mark Twain supposedly wrote, “God gave California plenty of whiskey, but just enough water to fight over.”

Chapter two talks quite a bit about water and its importance. Anyone who has lived here for any length of time knows that water issues are no joke. The state averages approximately 21-24 inches of precipitation per year. 75% of that occurs in the northern 1/3 of California. However, 80% of the water demand is in the southern 2/3 of the state. Droughts are a constant threat and scary reality.

Answer the following questions:

1. Give a summary of chapter 2’s sections on water.(2.5 pages of book are attached)

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2. Given the demands of southern California for water, and the lack of it, how could (has) this become a social and political issue? Twain’s quote is a good example.

3. Hawaii is the wettest state. It averages 57 inches of precipitation per year. It has a population of 1.4 million. However, California averages 21-24 inches but has the nation’s largest population at 39.5 million! If you were “in charge,” how would you “fix” it? Please be realistic.

Cite any sources you use.

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