General Biology

The Skeletomuscular System

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The skeletomuscular system allows us to move through the environment using different modes including walking, running, eating, typing on a computer, and even driving a car. But sometimes accidents happen, like a slip on the ice resulting in a broken wrist, or a long run leading to achy joints.

Respond to the two topics below for this unit’s Discussion.

  1. Many of us know someone who has broken (or fractured) a bone, whether it is a wrist, ankle, or hip.

    What are the different types of bone fractures?
    How does bone remodel itself?
    What are the different ways a doctor may treat a fractured bone?
    Have you or someone you know had a fracture? How was it treated? What was the outcome?

  2. John is training for a marathon and recently he has been experiencing knee pain. He subsequently went to the doctor for a diagnosis.

    What are the possible diagnoses for his knee pain?
    What is the structure and function of the synovial joint of the knee?
    What is knee synovitis?

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