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The research is conducted on one of the most practiced and highly impactful concerns of the business sector. It also reveals the societal mindset and the position of women that she holds in society. The research would investigate the managerial capabilities that are required for a person to have irrespective of their gender and status. Management is a crucial position in a business organization and is the backbone of the organization (Ghislieri et al. 2017). Hence, the management position’s significance could be realized through the impact that the management role has in the organization. The research aims to investigate the business perspective of the men and women management aspects and the effect that it has on the business. Some studies reveal the mindset & the psychological impact of the gender on the management of an organization, and there are pieces of evidence that it does affect. Still, the effect is no way negative for any of the gender.

The research carries the purpose of providing unified qualities and aspects that are required to be present within a manager irrespective of their gender. The research carries a unique significance as the changing trend in the world and the increasing feminism aspect; the study would portray the role to be executed by the one who deserves it. The features and mindset of the management would be stated on the part of the role & the activities that need to be carried out by the position holder and not by women or men. The research would help in reducing the feminism aspect that is exploited by many for gaining some role, and it would also state the actual requirement of management position. The male and the female element could be considered in the research, but it would just be used for reporting their views on the role they play.

The research would be conducted by providing the study’s significance, followed by the various concepts on the research topic using the qualitative method. The literature review of the research would be constructed through undertaking a critical aspect of the male and female management requirements where the challenges of management role to be held by women would be presented. The issues at the workplace that female faces for attaining a management position would be provided. This literature review would investigate various studies on the same concern, and the gaps in the previous studies would give the actual concern for the research. The research problem states the issues that would be provided with a solution at the end of the research and its applications. The research question would be framed based on the literature gap and the problem statement.

The research attracted my attention due to the increasing feminism aspect in the world, and the people have been observed exploiting it for gaining attention or for some publicity. There should be equal opportunity for eachone, and these need to be stated with accurate facts and factual data, which would be done through the research. The research would justify each of its claims through proper and useful data and information which would help in gaining an identification and applicability (Hallinger, Dongyu & Wang, 2016). The research intends to investigate the men’s

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and women’s management perspectives and cross-verify it with the actual requirement of the management role. This would provide the justified details on the skills and capabilities required for gaining the position, whether it’s a masculine or a gentle perspective.

Literature Review

Management: A Business Perspective

As per Pullen & Vachhani (2018), management is the core part of the business, and it creates the business path, leading to the organization’s goals and objectives. Management is a broad concept that needs to be identified with relevant and productive skills and capabilities. Moosa & Bhana (2017) supports that effective management would always lead to a sustainable and long-lasting business organization. Business is a process that works & executes its activities through the path that is created by the management, and the tools for each action is based on the capability of the management body. Management requires some specific abilities and skills which help in building up a productive and enhancing management body. The goals of the business could be achieved easily if the management body has a broad vision. The management skills and capabilities could be built up by taking up some productive measures and training which could be gained through experience or some institution.

As per Lease, Shuman & Gage (2019), the management body is a soul that needs to enhance its capability through acknowledging and studying the management traits accurately and adopting it thoroughly. A person who carries a view of inculcating the characteristics of management within itself can do it by examining the traits and observing the behaviours and actions of their seniors. The management traits include interpersonal skills, which help create a perspective on creating relations and maintaining it through providing it with proper care and decisions. The interpersonal skills are quite a crucial part of management as it majorly depends on the nature of the reason and the capability to take up the skills. Though it is quite an essential part of management, it is stated by Tian & Deng (2017) that interpersonal skills seem quite challenging to adopt, but it could be gained through experience by any human being. Communication and motivation are another trait of the management body, which reveals the leadership quality. According to Giazitzoglu & Down (2017), motivational quality is a must for the management body as the entire group of the organization or business achieves motivation through the enthusiasm that the management holds. This needs to be implanted within the body through the dedication and the passion of the business. Problem-solving is another fact of management, which is a critical one as the problems that the management has to solve are diverse,

and thus, the body has to be multi-tasking, and a broad approach should be carried.

Management a Masculine Role: Critical Analysis

According to Dozier (2017), management is a crucial aspect of a business, and men can tackle the problems of management in a productive and enhancing manner because of their efficient thought process and the vision of being healthy. Male souls have the nature of viewing the situations abroad man, and thus this helps in productively planning for the business. The masculine gender carries a comprehensive view, and they access each perspective through all the possible solutions, which makes them quite efficient in their work. The management held by the make bodies is believed to be quite productive and well-structured with proper planning and execution because of their learning and unity nature. In the words of Maaranen & Tienari (2020), a male group is much more productive than a group of females or a group which contains a majority of female bodies. This is so because the females have a tendency to manipulate things and creating personal grudges. Males have a supportive nature, and they provide a helping concern for their mates, which creates a soothing environment over the organization. These aspects are contradictory to Carrim’s (2019) view. He states that the management body requires a soul that has the capability of learning and the intention of growth. Any person who carries a vision of being a managing body could teach all the traits through proper training and programs. Thus, management roles are not only for the masculine bodies but for the ones who deserve the position. The women are the ones who could take up a wide vision, and they carry the capability of maintaining a large group through providing and satisfying each body with what they want. Women are capable of observation, and they are believed to be the best souls who could create a learning environment. The female souls best serve motivation as they have the capability of acknowledging the person’s skill and strengths. According to Nair, Gupta & Wowak (2018), management is not a physical aspect but a mental aspect that needs to be taught through acknowledging the requirements of the situation, gender has no role in it.

On the other hand, Jamali, Samara & Ciappei (2019) states that females are much more capable than males in management. As they are the ones to have a wide vision, and their sixth sense works significantly, which could be an additional feature in management. The business operates through a calculative thinking process, and women are the ones with the best calculative moves.

Challenges Faced by Women in Management Work

As per Pullen & Vachhani (2018), women have been facing various workplace issues, and when it comes to achieving the position in management, they are generally outlined because of their gender. Women have experienced this discriminating behaviour for a long time, which impacts their mindset, and their dedication to work is affected negatively. Recognition at the workplace is the main challenge for females to achieve as they are stated to be weak and ignorant. There are various cases of women being deprived of opportunities because they are women, which impact the morality of working with enthusiasm and dedication. According to Dozier (2017), management is a crucial position that requires highly sensitive and attentive personalities, and women do not have that capability to tackle all the problems of management single-handed, which is the main reason for their deprivation from the position.

Hallinger, Dongyu, & Wang (2016) states that women do not have the ability to gain all the knowledge and skills of management as they are tilted towards emotions and feelings more and lack the practical consciousness, which is the core part of management. Women are supposed to hold other positions because management is not their cup of tea because of their inability to have a broad vision, and their responsibility to maintain home impacts the business. Women face the challenge of being divided into their duties as they have to look after their family and professional life, which carets obstacles in their way. Management is a crucial position, and a divisional perspective or dedication could create a mess through it. Women also face the challenge of being deprived of their rights because of the traditional way of thinking. Some men do not have the courage to accept that some women are far deserving and better than them, and thus they create obstacles in their success.

Management impact on Business

Management is the soul of business organizations, and this makes it highly significant. According toMaaranen & Tienari (2020), Business grows only if it has a competent management body that has a proper planning approach and varies all the traits of; leadership. Business grows and sustains in the industry only through active management. All the departments of the Business grow through proper management bodies, be it financial,marketing, strategic or any other factor. An effective management body provides all the sectors of Business with adequate planning and path to flow, which creates on the future f the Business. In the words of Gartzia & Van (2016),the impact of management on Business is such that ineffective management could dissolve the Business, and effective management could make the Business successful. The success of Business depends on more than 70% on the management role played. The traits of management are the critical factor, and they are required to be served effectively by the Business to the management to gain fruitful results. Employees’ assessments of their manager are driven by the extent to which the manager displays the fundamentals of managerial expertise, i.e., doing an exceptional job at supervising the team’s work and the team itself and being seen as a leader.

Furthermore, a good manager is the one who keeps their promises, assess employees’ performance impartially, considering employees’ ideas/feedback, solves problems rapidly and exercises an open, two-way communication (Gond et al. 2016). Their conduct should be coherent with the mission and values of the organization. They should provide ample opportunities to employees to mend their skills and reassure and motivate them by stating

their promising future.

As per Biron & Hannuka (2017), management has nothing to do with the gender of the person as a good manager is the one who carries all the traits of management. The views of Bernstein (2017) states that various entrepreneurial women have created a history in Business, and they are the management heads for their Business. These facts are not provided with accurate data, which could have helped state the productivity of women in Business. The impact of management depends on the traits and the factors and not on those who execute it. Management has a crucial impact on Business, and no business could survive without effective management.

Managers are essential because they symbolize the group’s interest and efforts for organization and selfsuccess; they act as a representative for both sides of the divide- the shareholders and the employees. They are ensured to look after the interests of the Business as well as the people (employees) who work for them. Business grows with management and drowns with management; in other words, management is a necessity for Business to sustain and grow. Management is like oxygen to Business, and thus without the proper flow of oxygen, the Business could never survive. According to Khorasani & Almasifard (2017), managers have the utmost uninterrupted influence on employees they line manage. They are responsible for aligning the performance of their department and its staff with supreme organizational goals. They also play a crucial role in shaping corporate culture.

Literature Gap

The articles investigated carry a gap of not utilizing the historical data on the management of women. The historical data needs to be explored, and the facts are to be drawn from them. This would help in identifying the actual difference or no difference between the two management personnel’s and a proper justification could be provided for the same. The articles investigated provide the factors and the other concerns which play a significant role in justifying the non-discrimination practice to be taken up for management personnel. The reports give the

business perspective accurately, but the relevance of data is missing, filled with the following research.

Problem Statement

The research would utilize the historical data on the management roles which were played by the women, and it would be matched up with the men management perspectives. Each of the views would be cross verified with the business management perspective, and the results would be attained. The research would provide a justified effect on business management that is required for a successful business. The study would delimit the previous works by specifying the management’s actual traits, which are necessary for business with no mention of any gender. The gap in each of the earlier works existed that the work was not supported by the data on the success or failure of the management in business by women or men. This would be met by stating the data through useful sources and authentic ones.

The research would also help in learning about the various management traits and how each person could inculcate it within them irrespective of their gender. The study would also provide the unethical use of feminism, and how it could be justified, and a fair decision on management could be taken. Lastly, the research would provide specific benefits that the organizations would gain as the clarity on the traits and capabilities that a productive manager should have would help in obtaining the most relevant manager. Thus, the business would accelerate. The gender discrimination would reduce, and therefore the society would gain a stable and justified approach. The community could gain a prosperous future as the judgemental approach would be reduced. A fair and legitimate aspect would be created for society. The researcher would benefit from learning identification of delivering and enhancing and fundamental research.

Research Question

The research question would be as follows:

• Masculine perceptive on management is the traditional practice in management, and is it authentic to follow the same for the future too?

• What does the historical data on management reveal on the part of the discriminating nature of the people among the two genders?

• Does the management of a business organization require a masculine aspect of a productive and capability perspective for productive and enhancing results?

Alternate Question

• Does gender play a vital role in gaining productive and enhancing management?

The scope of the research is wide enough to provide some authentic and relevant solutions to the discriminating nature of management in business. The study carries a transformative range of society and the economy. The accuracy attained in the allocation of management roles through a fair and to the ones who deserve it genuinely, would help in accelerating the business process and thus gain in economic terms. Society would develop too as the discrimination would reduce, and a fair system would prevail. The scope is quite valid, and it would help achieve an enhanced position of the society and the economy, which would help in gaining a prosperous future.



You need to conduct some research related to your own interests or to serve the interests of some organization (employer/client/sponsor). Before you start writing a formal proposal, you (or your employer/client/sponsor) would like to gather some information about the problem as well as understand its importance.


Title of your research

Make it intriguing – (BUT LESS THAN 12 CHARACTERS)


Provide a brief description of what the proposed research topic is about, why is it important and how you came to be interested in it.

Literature Review

The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in finding and analyzing valid literary resources for your research.
The review should be written in an integral / synthetic style, and NOT as an annotated bibliography.

This part of your research proposal should be roughly 7-9 pages (excluding cover page and references) and written in paragraphs, report format. All citations and references for this course are to be done in the APA style.

Please note: Use in-text citations to reference all ideas, concepts, text, and data that are not your own. If you make a statement, back it up with a reference!

· Research a minimum of 15 relevant business-related literature sources (focus on material available in digital format only for this course). Carefully choose your 15 “keepers” that are clearly related to your study. (Note: you might need to find 30 to “keep” only 15).

· Identify major common themes encountered in the selected literature sources. For each theme, create its own subsection within the literature review.

· For each theme / subsection of the literature review, explain the opinions of the authors and show their similarities, differences, methods of acquisition of data, methods of data analysis and other pertinent information. State how the reviewed research results relate to your proposed study.

· Identify the gaps in the literature and explain what needs to be done to move forward in your research.

Statement of the Problem

Detail the problem that you are considering. Explain:

· How are you defining and delimiting the specific area of the research?

· What is the gap that will be addressed by this research?

· What it is that you hope to learn by conducting this research?

· Discuss the anticipated outcomes and benefits to the researcher, the organization, or society.

Research Questions

Provide focused research questions for your planned research. Also provide a back-up question in case the first one does not pan out. Make sure you address the following questions:

· What is the scope of your research?

Is the scope of your research question reasonable?


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