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Question 15

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(CO G) This act eliminated the requirement of a prior hospitalization requirement for home health services reimbursement and eliminated the limitation on the number of home health visits.

Group of answer choices

National Health Planning and Resource Development Act of 1974



Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA)

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA)


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Question 25 pts

(CO G) The SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act included provisions for which of the following?

Group of answer choices

Increased mental health funding

Increased funding for independent children’s hospitals to train pediatricians

Increased funding to train nurses

Increased funding for pediatric oncology

None of the above

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Question 35 pts

(CO E) For the capital budget, a step that is required just after identifying and prioritizing requests is to

Group of answer choices

determine additional shipping costs.

determine any additional insurance requirements.

verify when title passes.

project the cash flows from the project.

politically determine who the champion for the project is and act accordingly in rating it.

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Question 45 pts

(CO E) The most common method of evaluating budget performance is

Group of answer choices

variance analysis.

liquidity ratios.

key indicators.

turnover ratios.

industry benchmarks.

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Question 55 pts

(CO B) One reason that protecting tax-exempt status is a major goal is the attempts of

Group of answer choices

state and local governments to find new revenue sources.

pressure and challenges from for-profit competitors.

public apathy concerning tax-exempt organizations.

increasing profits and revenue streams from grants and other sources.

None of the above
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Question 65 pts

(CO B) A major objective of healthcare financial management is to monitor physicians. This is important because

Group of answer choices

physicians represent approximately 32% of all healthcare spending.

physicians influence much of the spending attributable to hospitals and nursing homes.

physician negligence can expose the healthcare organization to legal liability.

All of the above

Both the first and third answers

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Question 75 pts

(CO D) The basic indicator of financial liquidity is

Group of answer choices

cash balances.

the current ratio.

net assets.

total patient receivables.

the inventory turnover ratio.

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Question 85 pts

(CO D) A situation that affects the amount of supplies on hand, possibly because an inventory process has been disrupted or a delivery was missed, is called

Group of answer choices

out of stock.

back order.

safety stock.



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Question 910 pts

(CO C) Explain the difference in per diem reimbursement in an acute care hospital versus an extended care facility.

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Question 1010 pts

(CO D) You are preparing the monthly management accounting reports. Your inventory turnover ratio is much lower than normal. Is that good or bad? Give an example of what could cause that to happen.

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Question 1110 pts

(CO D) Describe a ratio used by management to control and monitor accounts receivable. What is the common business logic behind the use of this calculation?

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Question 1210 pts

(COs F and G) There are 10 LHIs (leading health indicators) that can significantly impact the amount of care we need and the intensity of that care. Describe two LHIs and how an individual can improve his or her ability to increase the quality and years of healthy life he or she will have.

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Question 1310 pts

(CO D) Discuss the role of explanatory notes.

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Question 1410 pts

(CO D) Discuss the objective of accounts receivable management.

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Question 1510 pts

(CO G) What is the first step in financial analysis?

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Question 1610 pts

(CO G) What are long-term liabilities?

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Question 1720 pts

(CO A) Responding to regulations is one of the major objectives of healthcare financial management. Explain what Nowicki means by quasiregulations and give an example of a quasiregulation that you are familiar with from your work or course work.

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Question 1820 pts

(CO A) Influencing the method and amount of payment is one of the six major objectives of healthcare financial management. Explain how a healthcare organization can affect the method and amount of payment.

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Question 1920 pts

(CO D) There are four financial statements. Briefly describe each and then rank the statements in order of importance as if you were the CEO of the organization (i.e., which statement would you look at first when reviewing the period end reports?).

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Question 2020 pts

(CO F) Future trends will include more older adults using more healthcare services. What responsibility or role does the individual have in controlling or minimizing the cost of healthcare?

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Question 2120 pts

(CO F) With our graying population, future trends will require certain actions and accountability from different segments of society. What will family responsibility be in the context of healthcare and future trends?

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Question 2220 pts

(CO H) Organizations with excessive debt are a part of the growing trend of not-for-profit organizations joint venturing or being acquired. Describe the debt issues causing this or cite ratios you would use to evaluate this area.

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Question 2320 pts

(CO G) Describe the three steps used in financial analysis.

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Question 2420 pts

(CO C) Discuss closed panel HMOs.

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