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Current Policy Issue Presentation and Discussion Assignment Instructions



The goal of the Current Policy Issue Presentation and Discussion is to encourage you to link current policy issues to course content. For this, you are encouraged read news articles. The New York Times or The Washington Post are good sources for this presentation as they provide the most original, comprehensive, and well-regarded reporting on social welfare issues in the United States. Besides, state-level news articles or major think tanks policy reports or policy watch organization briefs (e.g.,

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) can be also considered.


· Select an article from the recent news articles that deals with domestic (meaning United States) social welfare policies.

· This should be an original article, NOT an opinion piece (editorial, OpEd)

· The assigned student(s) needs to post a brief description of the issue with a video presentation file on the “Yellowdig” by Sunday midnight of the assigned week.

· Include one or two discussion questions.

· The presenting student should facilitate the discussion by responding to other students’ comments.


· Describe the main point of the article/event/issue

· Explain how the issue relates to course content (the current week’s reading – assigned chapter and Social Work Speaks)

· Also talk about the article’s (the issue) implications for social welfare policy

· The video presentation must have at least 7 slides (NOT including title, a discussion question, and reference slides)


See the tutorials ono the Bb about how to make a video presentation.

· Slides must be clear and grammatically correct

· Provide a link to the article discussed at the end of your slide.


· All students are expected to participate in this discussion by responding to the discussion question(s) and other students’ response by the Saturday of that week.

· The presenting student should facilitate the discussion by responding to other students’ comments.

· The discussion should be geared toward the influence of the problem, policy, or program on vulnerable and diverse populations, if possible.

· Your participation in the discussion throughout the semester will be calculated and rewarded by your final participation points (maximum 100 points).

Submission & Grading

· The video presentation file must be posted on the “Yellowdig” by Sunday midnight of the assigned week.

· How many students participate in the discussion will be considered for grading.

· 100 points

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