Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation

Review the feedback on the change proposal professional presentation and make required adjustments to the presentation. Present your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Be prepared to answer questions and accept feedback.

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After presenting your capstone project change proposal, write a 250-350 word summary of the presentation. Include a description of the changes that were suggested by your preceptor before your presentation and how you incorporated that feedback. Describe how this interprofessional collaboration improved the effectiveness of your presentation. Include a description of the feedback and questions from your audience after your presentation, and how this experience will affect your professional practice in the future.

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Change proposal
Student’s name
Institutional affiliation

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The use of on-boarding program
Long-term training and professional development
Incentivizing behaviors
Evidence-based literature
The existing literature has investigated the different factors causing a nursing shortage and how this issue can be solved
Some findings and recommendations from the existing literature are; focusing on policies and practices to improve retention and supply of registered nurses, nursing shortage affects patient safety negatively, directly and indirectly, and adoption of transformational leadership style.

An on-boarding program will help in addressing the issue of the nursing shortage. Employee turnover can be reduced through group cohesion and nurse autonomy. Long-term training and professional development may help healthcare organizations in keeping nurses (Perry, Potter, & Ostendorf, 2015). This will impact nurses with new skills and knowledge. Giving nurses incentives will encourage behavior hence promoting employee retention.
The existing literature has provided in-depth knowledge and information on the issue of the nursing shortage. Many existing researchers have investigated the factors of the nursing shortage and how the problem can be solved. It has also provided findings and recommendations that can be applied by healthcare organizations in dealing with the problem.

Facilitating new nurses with an ability to contribute to the new role
Reinforcing the new nurse’s comfort level in the new role
Encouraging commitment and engagement
Enhancing productivity
Reinforcing the nurse’s decision to join the hospital

Due to the nursing shortage, new nurses have to be employed. An objective is to ensure that when new nurses are acquired, healthcare organizations have to ensure that nurses feel at ease. This will ensure that nurses commit and engage more hence will be able to increase productivity.

Resources needed
Bridge funding
Selecting task-appropriate leaders
Reallocation of the existing resources
Professional development
Anticipated measurable outcomes
Increasing the rate of healthcare staff
Improving patient outcomes
Increasing patient satisfaction
Improving nurse retention rates

Funding is important when implementing the change proposal. Having the required funds will ensure the smooth implementation of the change proposal. There is also a need for selecting appropriate individuals to complete their tasks accordingly. The reallocation of the existing budget based on the priorities will be undertaken. Lastly, time is an important resource. This means that it is important to identify and implement strategies for professional development.
The anticipated measurable outcome of the evidence-based practice of this project is increasing the rate of healthcare staff. This will improve the quality of care and safety as well as reduce issues such as medical errors. Additionally, solving this problem will eradicate higher morbidity and mortality rates. Solving the nursing shortage will eradicate cases such as nurse burnout among others.

Evaluation of the intervention
The intervention will be evaluated using;
Ascertaining response to the nursing intervention
comparing the patient responses with a predetermined outcome
Appraising the goals attained
Assessing collaboration
Identifying errors
Monitoring the quality of services provided

The evaluate the proposed nursing intervention for nursing, several measures will be undertaken. Some of the measures are; ascertaining the response to the nursing intervention, comparing the patient responses with a predetermined outcome, appraising the goals attained, assessing collaboration, identifying errors, and monitoring the quality of services provided.

The nursing shortage is a challenge facing both healthcare providers and patients.
The nursing shortage results in errors, higher morbidity, and mortality rates
Even with the increasing problem of the nursing shortage, this problem can still be eradicated
Some of the solutions that can be used in overcoming the problem of nursing shortage include; implementation of an on-boarding program for new nurses, incentivizing the nurses’ behavior, investing in long-term training and professional development, and converting current nurses to recruiters among others

Kueny, A., Shever, L. L., Mackin, M. L., & Titler, M. G. (2015). Facilitating the implementation of evidence-based practice through contextual support and nursing leadership. Journal of healthcare leadership, 7, 29.
Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., & Ostendorf, W. (2015). Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Change proposal
Student’s name
Institutional affiliation

The use of on-boarding program
Long-term training and professional development
Incentivizing behaviors
Evidence-based literature
The existing literature has investigated the different factors causing a nursing shortage and how this issue can be solved
Some findings and recommendations from the existing literature are; focusing on policies and practices to improve retention and supply of registered nurses, nursing shortage affects patient safety negatively, directly and indirectly, and adoption of transformational leadership style.

An on-boarding program will help in addressing the issue of the nursing shortage. Employee turnover can be reduced through group cohesion and nurse autonomy. Long-term training and professional development may help healthcare organizations in keeping nurses (Perry, Potter, & Ostendorf, 2015). This will impact nurses with new skills and knowledge. Giving nurses incentives will encourage behavior hence promoting employee retention.
The existing literature has provided in-depth knowledge and information on the issue of the nursing shortage. Many existing researchers have investigated the factors of the nursing shortage and how the problem can be solved. It has also provided findings and recommendations that can be applied by healthcare organizations in dealing with the problem.

Facilitating new nurses with an ability to contribute to the new role
Reinforcing the new nurse’s comfort level in the new role
Encouraging commitment and engagement
Enhancing productivity
Reinforcing the nurse’s decision to join the hospital

Due to the nursing shortage, new nurses have to be employed. An objective is to ensure that when new nurses are acquired, healthcare organizations have to ensure that nurses feel at ease. This will ensure that nurses commit and engage more hence will be able to increase productivity.

Resources needed
Bridge funding
Selecting task-appropriate leaders
Reallocation of the existing resources
Professional development
Anticipated measurable outcomes
Increasing the rate of healthcare staff
Improving patient outcomes
Increasing patient satisfaction
Improving nurse retention rates

Funding is important when implementing the change proposal. Having the required funds will ensure the smooth implementation of the change proposal. There is also a need for selecting appropriate individuals to complete their tasks accordingly. The reallocation of the existing budget based on the priorities will be undertaken. Lastly, time is an important resource. This means that it is important to identify and implement strategies for professional development.
The anticipated measurable outcome of the evidence-based practice of this project is increasing the rate of healthcare staff. This will improve the quality of care and safety as well as reduce issues such as medical errors. Additionally, solving this problem will eradicate higher morbidity and mortality rates. Solving the nursing shortage will eradicate cases such as nurse burnout among others.

Evaluation of the intervention
The intervention will be evaluated using;
Ascertaining response to the nursing intervention
comparing the patient responses with a predetermined outcome
Appraising the goals attained
Assessing collaboration
Identifying errors
Monitoring the quality of services provided

The evaluate the proposed nursing intervention for nursing, several measures will be undertaken. Some of the measures are; ascertaining the response to the nursing intervention, comparing the patient responses with a predetermined outcome, appraising the goals attained, assessing collaboration, identifying errors, and monitoring the quality of services provided.

The nursing shortage is a challenge facing both healthcare providers and patients.
The nursing shortage results in errors, higher morbidity, and mortality rates
Even with the increasing problem of the nursing shortage, this problem can still be eradicated
Some of the solutions that can be used in overcoming the problem of nursing shortage include; implementation of an on-boarding program for new nurses, incentivizing the nurses’ behavior, investing in long-term training and professional development, and converting current nurses to recruiters among others

Kueny, A., Shever, L. L., Mackin, M. L., & Titler, M. G. (2015). Facilitating the implementation of evidence-based practice through contextual support and nursing leadership. Journal of healthcare leadership, 7, 29.
Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., & Ostendorf, W. (2015). Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

An on-boarding program will help in addressing the issue of the nursing shortage. Employee turnover can be reduced through group cohesion and nurse autonomy. Long-term training and professional development may help healthcare organizations in keeping nurses (Perry, Potter, & Ostendorf, 2015). This will impact nurses with new skills and knowledge. Giving nurses incentives will encourage behavior hence promoting employee retention.
The existing literature has provided in-depth knowledge and information on the issue of the nursing shortage. Many existing researchers have investigated the factors of the nursing shortage and how the problem can be solved. It has also provided findings and recommendations that can be applied by healthcare organizations in dealing with the problem.
Due to the nursing shortage, new nurses have to be employed. An objective is to ensure that when new nurses are acquired, healthcare organizations have to ensure that nurses feel at ease. This will ensure that nurses commit and engage more hence will be able to increase productivity.
Funding is important when implementing the change proposal. Having the required funds will ensure the smooth implementation of the change proposal. There is also a need for selecting appropriate individuals to complete their tasks accordingly. The reallocation of the existing budget based on the priorities will be undertaken. Lastly, time is an important resource. This means that it is important to identify and implement strategies for professional development.
The anticipated measurable outcome of the evidence-based practice of this project is increasing the rate of healthcare staff. This will improve the quality of care and safety as well as reduce issues such as medical errors. Additionally, solving this problem will eradicate higher morbidity and mortality rates. Solving the nursing shortage will eradicate cases such as nurse burnout among others.
The evaluate the proposed nursing intervention for nursing, several measures will be undertaken. Some of the measures are; ascertaining the response to the nursing intervention, comparing the patient responses with a predetermined outcome, appraising the goals attained, assessing collaboration, identifying errors, and monitoring the quality of services provided.

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