Sports Ministry Plan Part IV

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For this assignment, readdress the Sports Ministry Plan Parts I-III and implement revisions based on instructor feedback where necessary. Submit a comprehensive description of a hypothetical global sport ministry effort that includes:

· An identified geographic area and population that is the target of a support ministry effort;

· Background research of the general, sport, and religious culture as well as the socioeconomic environment in the geographic area you are targeting;

· A detailed description of your preparation and planning for a trip to the targeted area;

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· A detailed description of your planned programming activities and support for why those activities are culturally appropriate.

Assess the current situation of your plan and summarize the importance of the journey and how the plan will be developed. Reflect on these assignments by discussing the personal impact it can have on your growth as a follower of Jesus.

Cite at least 6 scholarly sources to support your position.

The Final Sports Marketing Plan is due by 11:59p.m. (ET) on
of Module/Week 8.

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