assignment part 2

In the second part of your Business Launch Plan, you’ll complete a positioning statement, branding and marketing checklist, sales script and plan, as well as a brief customer service policy. Your completed Assignment 2 Template is due by Sunday midnight of Week 8 and should be uploaded to Blackboard. Please reach out to your professor with any questions. 

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AdventureWorks Marketing Plan


BUSINESS Launch Plan II.

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BUS599_Business Launch Plan

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Positioning Statement 2
Marketing & Branding Checklist 3
Sales/Prospecting Plan 5
Customer Service Policy …………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Positioning Statement

Business Summary

Positioning Statement (a statement about how your product or service addresses your target customers’ problems better than the competitors and its specific benefits):

What is the one thing that customers want from my product or service?

How will my business provide value to the customer?

How would you describe your brand?

What are the features of your product or service that will appeal to the target audience?

Marketing & Branding Checklist
Marketing & Branding Checklist Contd.

How will your marketing message convey the benefit of your product or service to potential customers?

What type of packaging will you use, and will it appeal to your target audience?

What media will you use in your marketing campaign?

Sales/Prospecting Plan

What is your Sales Forecast (in units and/or dollars)

Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:

Year 4:

Year 5:

Write a brief sales script (1-2 paragraphs) that you can use when speaking with potential clients:

How many prospects will you contact per day (M-F)?

What days/hours will you devote to contacting prospects?

Customer Service Policy

Write a brief Customer Service Policy Statement (1-2 paragraphs outlining your customer service policy):

Note: If you would like to tailor this assignment to better match your current business goals and position, please contact your professor to discuss.

Title Page 4

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