Discussion Question 250 Words: Eating Disorder Diagnosis and Assessment

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Discussion Question 250 Words:

Eating Disorder Diagnosis and Assessment

Review the following media (linked in the Resources):

· Case Study: Nancy

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Based on the information in the case study, address the following questions using headings to match content in each bullet point:

· How would you incorporate the DSM-5 and the relational codes into the assessment phase with this couple or family?

· What other diagnostic or assessment processes would you use?

· How do larger systems impact the development of eating disorders? These systems might include sociocultural background, family of origin (that is, the family a person grew up in), current relationship dynamics, and the influence of the media. 

Support your ideas with references to the course texts, articles from this learning unit, articles from the Optional Readings for Principles of Psychopathology list,

Response Guidelines

Respond to the initial discussion post of one other learner. What reactions do you have to the ideas the learner has presented? Include examples from your own experience to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the dialogue.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

· Identify presenting problems from a client’s perspective.

· Explore resources to aid in differential diagnosis.

· Explore assessment tools that collect information relevant to identifying systemic issues.

· Use language appropriate for a counseling professional.

Case Study: Nancy

Nancy’s life centers around food. She traces her obsession back to her childhood where there was a lot of discord in her family. She found that eating calmed her and helped her deal with the stress. When she began gaining weight, her mother teased her saying that no one would like her if she were fat. As a result, her thoughts of eating and her body image tended to dominant her thinking. When she was in high school she read an article about a young woman who engaged in binge eating then caused herself to vomit. Although she knew it was quite risky, she began experimenting with the technique. It quickly became an ingrained habit that she’s been using for the last 17 years. Like many people with this disorder, she is concerned about her appearance. Nancy remains concerned about gaining weight. She exercises compulsively each day and sometimes fasts for protracted periods.

Nancy worries about how her eating disorder is affecting her family. In particular, her 12-year-old son has developed poor eating habits and was deemed over weight for his age by his pediatrician. Nancy is concerned that she has passed her eating disorder onto her son.

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