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Several recent studies have indicated that women are much more likely than men to seek (and utilize) health care. In addition, women are more likely than men to be the principal brokers or arrangers of health care for their spouses and children.

Discussion Questions:

I’m curious…

· Do you think women are better than men for

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seeking recommended screenings for Heart Disease, Cancer, or Diabetes?

· Why or Why Not?

· Do you think Social and Economic Factors have an impact on Cancer, Heart Disease or Diabetes treatment success statistics?

· If So, How?

· If No, Why Not?

Respond to the Questions above; 


Section 1: Assessment 

Click on the Assessment Link below.  Complete the online Assessment, then Write a Brief Summary of your results. Please do not cut-and-paste raw results data directly into your assignment.  

Click Here For Assessment (Links to an external site.)

Section 2: Your Response 

1. Sketch, Graph, or Summarize an Outline of your Family Tree or History: Go as far back as possible, i.e. Parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents…etc. If members are deceased, list the known cause of death. If you were raised in an adoptive household and have no knowledge of your biological family outline your Adoption Family.
 If you get stuck, click here and use this tool. 


2. Summarize Your Family Characteristics and your risk of Chronic Disease (Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and Diabetes): What social characteristics of your family (nutrition, obesity, tobacco, sedentary, etc.) may put you at risk for these diseases?  

3. Briefly outline a plan or strategy to alter or change your current risk!






Section 3: Video/Article Review:

Select either an Article or Video below to Review.  Write a Brief Summary of the Video or Article that you select; include any comments or opinions you may have on the content.


Video 1

Article 1 (Links to an external site.)

Video 2

Article 2 (Links to an external site.)

Video 3

Article 3 (Links to an external site.)

Note: Please report any broken or dead links to your Instructor, including unplayable videos

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