Talent Management

Following this week’s reading on talent management, how have your personal views on your own individual talent changed/remained the same? What are your recommendations to leadership in the strategic planning of talent management in today’s global environment?

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OL 342 Journal Rubric

The journal activities in this course are private between the student and the instructor. A course journal is generally made up of many individual Assignment
s. Each journal is graded separately.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

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Reflective Response Journal assignment supports
claims with relevant examples of
personal experience, previous
learning, or logical thought

Journal assignment supports
claims with mostly relevant
examples of personal experience,
previous learning, or logical
thought process

Journal assignment supports
claims with somewhat relevant
personal experience, previous
learning, or logical thought

Journal assignment does not
support claims with reflection on
relevant personal examples



Assignment shows excellent
depth of knowledge of the
module content and exhibits
careful consideration of the topic

Assignment shows good depth of
knowledge of the module
content and demonstrates that
the student has read the
module content

Assignment shows limited depth
of knowledge, indicating the
student may have reviewed the
module content but needs to
explore further

Assignment does not address the
prompt and reflects that the
student has not read the module


Voice Journal assignment is written in a
style that is appealing and
appropriate for the intended
audience, and a consistent
voice is evident throughout

Journal assignment is written in a
style that is generally appropriate
for the intended audience, and
an attempt is made to use a
consistent voice

Journal assignment is written in a
style that considers the audience,
but the author’s voice is not
consistent and is difficult to

Journal assignment does not
attempt to use a style that
considers audience, and there is
no evidence of author voice


Writing Journal assignment is free of
errors in organization and

Journal assignment is mostly free
of errors of organization and
grammar; errors are marginal
and rarely interrupt the flow

Journal assignment contains
errors of organization and
grammar, but these are limited
enough so that Assignment can
be understood

Journal assignment contains
errors of organization and
grammar making the journal
difficult to understand


Total 100%

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