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Psychological Disorders
Answer the following questions.

1. The belief that abnormal behavior represents an illness with a biological cause, rather than demonic possession, is called the: 

Select only one. 

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☒ medical model.

☐ sociocultural model.

☐ diathesis stress model.

humanistic model.

2. The primary symptoms shown by individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are:  

Select only one. 

☐ egocentrism and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

☐ self-dramatization, exaggerated emotions, and attention-seeking behavior.

☐ intense fluctuations in mood, self-image, and interpersonal relationships.

☐ oddities in thinking and behavior.

3. Mrs. Lewis does not leave her home because of a negative experience she once had at a grocery store. What type of anxiety is Mrs. Lewis experiencing?  

Select only one. 

☐ social phobia.

☐ agoraphobia.

☐ generalized anxiety disorder.

☐ specific phobia.

4. Len can spend several days in a row staying up all day and night painting and repairing items around his home. He will often spend a great deal of money during this time. After several days of this, he will spend a week or two sleeping, being sluggish, and not communicating with his friends. What is the most likely disorder that Len is experiencing?

Select only one. 

☐ major depression.

☐ schizophrenia.

☐ panic disorder.

☐ bipolar disorder.

5. When Mae told her best friend Lena that she was going to commit suicide, Lena reacted correctly when she did all of the following things, EXCEPT for:  

Select only one. 

☐ telling Mae that it is just a sad mood and it will pass.

☐ taking the threat seriously.

☐ asking Mae how she planned on doing it.

☐ calling 1-800-SUICIDE.


Methods of Therapy
Answer the following questions.

6. The client does the most talking in which of the following therapies?  

 Select only one. 

☐ Client-centered

☐ Behavioral

☐ Psychoanalytic

☐ Gestalt

7. Consistency between a therapist’s feelings and her actions reflects:  

 Select only one. 

☐ unconditional positive regard.

☐ genuineness.

☐ reflection.

☐ empathy.

8. Valium, Librium, and Xanax are:  

Select only one. 

☐ anticonvulsive drugs.

☐ antidepressants.

☐ antipsychotics.

☐ antianxiety drugs.

9. Which of the following is an example of the transference relationship?  

 Select only one. 

☐ Dr. Phillips helped Rhonda see that her dream about the snake really had to do with her fear of engaging in sex with her boyfriend.

☐ As usual, Marcus lay on the doctor’s couch and began to express the thoughts that happened to cross his mind at the moment.

☐ Ever since Dr. Phillips asked Marsha to tell him about her father, she has become quite hostile toward the doctor.

☐ During a therapy session, Diego referred to his “girlfriend” when he meant to say “girlfriend.”

10. Jason is allergic to bees. He has always been afraid of bees. His therapist has started by showing him pictures of bees. Next, the doctor is going to have him stand outside by a patch of flowers where there are often bumblebees. What type of therapy is the doctor using?  

 Select only one. 

☐ humanistic therapy

☐ gradual exposure therapy 

☐ cognitive therapy

☐ didactic therapy 

11.  What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? 

Type answer here

12.  What clients would best benefit from this type of therapy? 

Type answer here

13. Provide examples of questions you would ask in a therapy session when using cognitive therapy. 

a. Type answer here 

b. Type answer here

c. Type answer here

14. What is depression? 

Type answer here

15.  What would be the best therapy to help with depression, and why? 

Type answer here

16.  What are some symptoms that come with depression? 

Type answer here

17. How can understanding psychology help you be more effective in your future healthcare career? 

Type answer here

18. Reflect on two specific concepts or key terms that you have learned in this course, and explain how you will use them in your healthcare job.  

a. Type answer here 

b. Type answer here 

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