Organization Network Infrastructure

Assignment 1 – Organization Network Infrastructure (HIT 372)

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Deadline: 21st August 2020, 23:59 Darwin Time

Marks: 10

You are the sole Network Administrator for ABC Corporation. The company is a growing one and is in

need to effectively design the Network Infrastructure. At this moment they have the following 4

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departments – Finance, IT, HR and Marketing, each having at a minimum 90 workstations. Your first

task will be to create 4 subnets and assign each subnet to each of these departments. The design has

to be such that not only each of the subnets must accommodate at least 90 workstations, but should

also have room for future expansion as more employees will be recruited in all of the 4 departments.

In addition, both IT and Marketing are again internally divided into two sub-networked domains. For

Marketing it is Zone A and Zone B and for IT, Development and Support. These subdivisions are

required to have 40 workstations at least.

In near future ABC Corporation has a plan to introduce 2 more additional departments (Compliance,

Quality Control) with a similar host specification as other departments.

All the primary departments should be able to communicate with each other. It’s an IPv4 Network

and the address that has been provided to you is

Task A:

1) Write down the Network Addresses along with the mask in CIDR notation for HR and Finance

department (mention the department name as well).

2) Provide the First and Last Valid Host Addresses for HR and Finance departments along with

the mask in CIDR notation.

3) Provide the default Gateway address for each of the 4 primary subnets belonging to 4

primary departments.

4) Write down the Network Addresses along with the mask in CIDR notation for all the 4 sub-

departments of IT and Marketing. (Mention the sub-department’s name as well).

5) Provide the First and Last Valid Host Addresses for each of the 4 sub-departments of IT and

Marketing along with the mask in CIDR notation.

Provide the answers in tabular format, it’s best to create 5 different tables for each of the 5 sub-


Task B:

Draw a logical diagram for the complete network using any drawing software. In case of

visualizing the hosts\nodes, just show the first and last hosts\valid nodes. All the nodes shown in the

design diagram must accompany relevant label showing network\device\interface names and\or

corresponding IP with mask. The diagram may include the two future departments as well. You may

use Riverbed Modeler or Packet Tracer Simulator for drawing purposes. Youtube has good tutorials

on these.

Task C:

Following Task and B, you must provide a detailed explanation of your approach for the way

you have designed the network and why do you think it can be the optimum solution for ABC

Corporation. The discussion should provide explanation for each of the subnets and sub-subnets and

how these subnets are connected to each other for communication purposes.

Task A constitutes 60% of the marks, while Task B and C make up the remaining 40% with 20% each

Submissions are expected in PDF Format



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