PSY-838 Wk 6 DQ2

Current trends point to the use of 360-degree feedback for development and performance. Opponents of this approach argue that using 360-degree feedback for performance can lead to perceived threat or vulnerability and an adversarial relationship. Is using 360-degree feedback for performance justified? Should it be used only for development and learning?

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Multi-source ratings 1


Construct validity of multi-source performance ratings: An examination of the relationship of

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self-, supervisor-, and peer-ratings with cognitive and personality measures

Edwin A.J. van Hooft, Henk van der Flier, and Marjolein R. Minne

Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

****IN PRESS at International Journal of Selection and Assessment****

Edwin A.J. van Hooft, Henk van der Flier, and Marjolein R. Minne, Department of

Work and Organizational Psychology, Free University Amsterdam.

Edwin A.J. van Hooft is now at Institute of Psychology, Erasmus University

Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

An earlier version of this article was presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April 2005, Los Angeles. We would

like to thank the employees of the public organization, Liesbeth van Leeuwen (Meurs HRM),

and Jeroen Meliëzer (Construct Bedrijfspsychologie) for their cooperation and the two

anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Edwin A.J. van Hooft,

Institute of Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam,

The Netherlands. E-mail:

Multi-source ratings 2


Although more and more organizations prefer using multi-source performance ratings

or 360-degree feedback over traditional performance appraisals, researchers have been rather

skeptical regarding the reliability and validity of such ratings. The present study examined the

validity of self-, supervisor-, and peer-ratings of 195 employees in a Dutch public

organization, using scores on an In-Basket exercise, an intelligence test, and a personality

questionnaire as external criterion measures. Interrater agreement ranged from .28 to .38.

Variance in the ratings was explained by both method and content factors. Support for the

external construct validity was rather weak. Supervisor-ratings were not found to be superior

to self-ratings and peer-ratings in predicting the scores on the external measures.

Keywords: multi-source ratings, 360-degree feedback, construct validity

Multi-source ratings 3

Construct validity of multi-source performance ratings: An examination of the relationship of
self-, supervisor-, and peer-ratings with cognitive and personality measures

Performance feedback in an organizational setting by multiple sources (e.g.,

supervisor, peers, subordinates, and self), or 360-degree feedback, is enjoying great

popularity. An increasing number of organizations have started using some kind of multi-

source performance feedback (Church & Bracken, 1997; London & Smither, 1995). Estimates

of the percentage of organizations in the United States using 360-degree feedback procedures

vary between 6% (Bettenhausen & Fedor, 1997) to 12% (Antonioni, 1996). A more recent

survey among large organizations in The Netherlands, reported that 28% of the participating

companies used 360-degree feedback (Jellema, 2000). Multi-source and 360-degree feedback

has also attracted much research attention in the last decade. The majority of 360-degree

feedback studies focused on either issues such as self-other agreement and the impact of 360-

degree feedback on behavioral change (see for reviews: Atwater, Waldman, & Brett, 2002;

London & Smither, 1995) or on the psychometric properties of multi-source


ratings in terms of either interrater agreement (see for a meta-analysis: Conway & Huffcutt,

1997) and validity. Studies on the validity of 360-degree feedback ratings mostly focused on

construct validity by comparing the ratings within and between the different sources (e.g.,

self, supervisor, peers, and subordinates). Only very few studies have used external criteria for

validating 360-degree feedback ratings. The main purpose of the current study therefore was


investigate the external construct validity of multi-source ratings within a nomological

network of cognitive and personality measures.

Performance appraisal and 360-degree feedback

Performance appraisal in general is an important topic for many organizations. A

British study revealed that 82% of the participating organizations operated some formal

performance appraisal scheme (Long, 1986). Murphy and Cleveland (1991) reported several

Multi-source ratings 4

studies indicating that 74% to 89% of the surveyed organizations had a formal performance

appraisal system. Thus, performance appraisal is widely used in organizations. The four main

purposes for using performance reviews are (Drenth, 1998; Murphy & Cleveland, 1991): (a)

administrative purposes (e.g., decisions about promotions, remuneration, or dismissal), (b)

employee development, (c) assessment of potential, and (d) research purposes (e.g., use as


360-degree feedback systems are mainly used for the purpose of employee

development, although over the last decade more and more organizations have started using

these systems for administrative purposes too (Bettenhausen & Fedor, 1997; Fletcher, Baldry,

& Cunningham-Snell, 1998; London & Smither, 1995; Waldman, Atwater, & Antonioni,

1998). However, the use of multi-source ratings to base personnel decisions on has caused

much debate (e.g., DeNisi & Kluger, 2000; Fletcher, 1998; Lepsinger & Lucia, 1997; Toegel

& Conger, 2003). Many authors have argued against the use of multi-source ratings for

administrative purposes because it affects the quality of the ratings (e.g., more leniency, less

variability, more halo; Fahr, Cannella, & Bedeian, 1991; Murphy & Cleveland, 1991; Zedeck

& Cascio, 1982), reduces the user acceptance (Bettenhausen & Fedor, 1997; Fahr et al., 1991;

McEvoy & Buller, 1987), and influences the requirements the system has to meet regarding

the content of the appraisal and the agreement among rating sources.

With regard to the content of the appraisal, 360-degree systems serving developmental

purposes must be specific and concrete. In addition, the dimensions where the appraisal and

the feedback focus on must be changeable. Therefore, when aiming at employee development,

it is specific employee behavior that should be appraised, in order to provide rich and detailed

data (Drenth, 1998; Toegel & Conger, 2003). Appraisals serving administrative purposes

should especially be objective and reliable. Objectivity and reliability positively influence the

fairness perceptions of appraisees regarding the performance appraisal, and fairness

Multi-source ratings 5

perceptions are extremely important in the area of personnel decisions. Therefore, appraisal

on some kind of measurable output, that is behavioral results, is most suitable in this case

(Drenth, 1998).

The agreement between rating sources used in a 360-degree setting is usually rather

low (Conway & Huffcutt, 1997; Harris & Schaubroeck, 1988). When 360-degree systems are

employed for developmental purposes, low or moderate interrater agreement is not

problematic, and to some extent even desirable. Different raters, from various hierarchical

levels, provide in different viewpoints of the ratee’s performance. As Toegel and Conger

(2003) note, differences between rating sources reflect legitimate differences in the

perceptions of the ratee’s various roles. In support of this idea Scullen, Mount, and Goff

(2000) found that an important proportion of the variance in supervisor and subordinate

ratings is perspective-related, that is, unique to the rating source. Because of these unique

perspectives, high interrater agreement between sources should not be expected (Greguras &

Robie, 1998). Moreover, if high interrater agreement existed, indicating that raters are

interchangeable, using multiple sources would be superfluous (Murphy & Cleveland, 1991).

Thus, for developmental purposes feedback from various rater groups is desirable, in that it

provides ratees with different views of their performance. Inconsistencies in ratings are

acceptable, and regarded as informational. For administrative purposes, however, low

interrater agreement is problematic. Consolidation of the appraisal information into one global

judgment has to be possible, in that personnel decisions can be based on it (Drenth, 1998).

Several studies have demonstrated that individual raters share little common variance, and

aggregating ratings in 360-degree settings thus may be inappropriate (Greguras & Robie,

1998; Mount, Judge, Scullen, Sytsma, & Hezlett, 1998; see also London & Smither, 1995).

Based on the different requirements 360-degree systems have to meet, Toegel and Conger

(2003) argued for using separate appraisal procedures for developmental purposes and for

Multi-source ratings 6

administrative purposes.

360-degree feedback and validity evidence

As mentioned above, research has found little evidence for the validity of 360-degree

ratings in terms of interrater agreement between different rating sources. In Conway and

Huffcutt’s (1997) meta-analysis uncorrected correlations between rater categories ranged

from .14 (self – subordinate) to .34 (peer – supervisor). Interrater agreement within rating

sources does not seem to be much higher (Greguras & Robie, 1998; Mount et al., 1998).

Furthermore, research on the construct validity of 360-degree systems has focused on

examining the extent to which the variance in 360-degree ratings can be attributed to the

ratee’s performance on the one hand and to rater characteristics (i.e., organizational level of

the rater or individual rating tendencies of the rater) on the other. Conway (1996) analyzed 20

multitrait-multirater (MTMR) studies and found a considerable proportion of method variance

(i.e., variance due to rater effects) in the data. Greguras and Robie (1998) demonstrated that

rater effects explain more variance in supervisor-, peer-, and subordinate-ratings than ratee

effects. In their studies, using data sets consisting of over 2,000 managers, Mount et al. (1998)

and Scullen et al. (2000) reported strong method effects. Moreover, they showed that method

variance in 360-degree ratings is associated more strongly with individual rating tendencies of

the raters than with their organizational level (e.g., supervisor, peer, subordinate, or self).

Overall, research using the MTMR-approach has consistently found substantial method

effects in 360-degree ratings.

Method effects associated with the rater’s organizational level can be interpreted as

part of true performance (Scullen et al., 2000), because the difference in organizational level

may cause raters to observe and assess different aspects of the ratee’s performance (Bozeman,

1997). This then raises the question what aspects of the ratee’s performance are being

measured by ratings of various rating sources. This question can be addressed by investigating

Multi-source ratings 7

the construct validity of 360-degree ratings within a broader nomological network of

intelligence, personality, skills, and abilities. However, relatively little is known about the

relationship of 360-degree ratings with such external measures. Among the few exceptions is

a study by Vance, Coovert, MacCallum, and Hedge (1989), who found a moderate

relationship of an averaged task rating based on self-, supervisor-, and peer-ratings with an

aptitude test in a sample of 201 job engine mechanics. Lance, Teachout, and Donnelly (1992)

reported correlations ranging from .21 to .29 between 360-degree ratings and a work sample

test. More recent, Atkins and Wood (2002) used assessment center (AC) ratings to validate

360-degree ratings. In their study among 63 team leaders in a service company they found a

correlation of .39 between the overall AC-score and the averaged supervisor – peer –

subordinate rating. Correlations between individual raters and separate AC-exercises,

however, were mostly non-significant.

Present study

The current study extends the work that has been done in this area by examining the

external construct validity of 360-degree ratings using not only an AC-exercise, but an

intelligence test and a personality questionnaire as well. Moreover, as Borman (1997) noted,

an important issue in the field of 360-degree feedback is whether additional ratings sources

provide incremental validity beyond the ratings of the supervisor. We examined this issue

empirically using three external measures. In addition to the external construct validity and

the incremental validity, the interrater agreement and the internal construct validity of the

360-degree ratings were investigated. Finally, the implications of findings for the use of 360-

degree ratings for developmental versus administrative purposes were discussed.

Hypotheses were tested concerning interrater agreement, internal construct validity,

external construct validity, and incremental validity. Based on previous meta-analytical

research on interrater agreement (Conway & Huffcutt, 1997; Harris & Schaubroeck, 1988),

Multi-source ratings 8

we expected that the supervisor–peer agreement would be higher than the supervisor–self

agreement (Hypothesis 1a), and higher than the peer–self agreement (Hypothesis 1b).

For multi-source ratings to be internally construct valid, the factors underlying the

ratings should reflect the ratee’s competencies or traits rather than the rating source (i.e.,

method). Using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) approach, it was hypothesized that the

variance in the ratings could be explained by trait-factors rather than by method-factors

(Hypothesis 2).

Regarding the external construct validity of the multi-source performance appraisal

instrument, a number of relationships were expected between the multi-source ratings and the

three external measures. First, a positive relationship was hypothesized between the total

averaged score on the multi-source instrument and the total score on the In-Basket exercise

(Hypothesis 3a), because previous research has demonstrated that overall assessment center

ratings positively relate to general job performance (Arthur, Day, McNelly, & Edens, 2003;

Schmidt & Hunter, 1998), and the total score on the multi-source instrument can be

interpreted as a measure of general job performance. Second, research has consistently found

that individuals with higher scores on tests of general mental ability perform better in their

jobs than others (e.g., Schmidt & Hunter, 1998). Again, because the total score on the multi-

source instrument can be interpreted as a measure of general job performance, we expected a

positive relationship between the total score and general intelligence (Hypothesis 3b).

In addition to relationships on the level of the total scores on the multi-source

instrument, we expected a number of relationships at the dimensions level. The multi-source

instrument consists of 14 behavioral dimensions (see Table 1 for an overview of the

dimensions and their definitions), which were all expected to correlate with conceptually

similar or related scales of the external measures. First, the dimensions

Organizing and

planning and Judgment were hypothesized to relate positively to the total score on the In-

Multi-source ratings 9

Basket exercise (Hypothesis 4a), because an In-Basket is an AC-exercise focusing on people’s

potential to analyze problems, plan actions to deal with the problems, and set priorities. As

shown by the definitions in Table 1, the multi-source dimensions Judgment and Organizing

and planning are conceptually similar to the competencies as measured by an In-Basket.

Second, the dimensions Judgment and Adaptability were hypothesized to relate positively to

general mental ability (Hypothesis 4b). Using sound judgment and problem-solving ability are

generally interpreted as important components of intelligence (Sternberg, 2000). In Arthur et

al.’s (2003) meta-analysis Judgment and general mental ability were categorized in the same

main category of Problem solving. Adaptability relates to effective behavior in new and

changing situations. The ability to adapt to the environment is generally thought to be an

important component of general intelligence (Sternberg, 2000).

Third, we hypothesized that the multi-source dimensions would correlate significantly

with conceptually similar or related personality traits (Hypothesis 5a). In addition, it was

hypothesized that the average correlation between conceptually similar dimensions exceeded

the average correlation between conceptually non-similar dimensions (Hypothesis 5b).

Finally, we investigated the incremental validity of the self-ratings and the peer-ratings

over the supervisor-ratings, using the three external measures. Previous research has shown

that supervisor-ratings are more reliable than ratings of other sources (Conway & Huffcutt,

1997; Greguras & Robie, 1998; Viswesvaran, Ones, & Schmidt, 1996). Scullen et al. (2000)

concluded that supervisor-ratings captured more of the ratee’s actual performance than ratings

from other sources. Moreover, Atkins and Wood (2002) found that supervisor-ratings showed

higher correlations with overall assessment center ratings than ratings from other sources.

Therefore, we expected that supervisor-ratings would show higher external construct validity

than self-ratings (Hypothesis 6a) and peer-ratings (Hypothesis 6b). However, as Kane and

Lawler (1979) posited, no rating source is superior in every situation. Raters can only assess

Multi-source ratings 10

behavior that is observable for them. Using more raters, and using raters from different

organizational levels, results in more opportunities to observe, and a more complete picture of

the ratee (Cascio, 1991). Although ratings from different sources usually correlate only

weakly, several authors have noted that these ratings may still be valid as they reflect different

aspects of the ratee’s performance (e.g., Bozeman, 1997). In line with this argument, we

expected that self-ratings and peer-ratings would show incremental validity over ratings by

the supervisor (Hypothesis 7).


Sample and procedure

Multi-source ratings were collected of 195 employees in a large Dutch public

organization. The ratings were completed as a part of an employee development program. As

a part of the employee development program participants also completed an intelligence test

(MBS-Brain-H), an In-Basket exercise (‘Zeezicht’), and a personality questionnaire (MBS-

Quest). The MBS-Quest and the MBS-Brain-H both are part of the basic set of tests for

personnel selection from the Dutch consulting firm Meurs HRM (MBS; see Evers, Van Vliet-

Mulder, & Groot, 2000).

The mean age of the ratees was 38.6, varying between 24 and 55 (SD = 6.32). Eighty

percent (n = 156) of the ratees was male, and 55.4% (n = 108) completed higher vocational or

academic education (similar to a bachelor’s and master’s degree, respectively). The supervisor

and two peers of the ratee acted as rater. In addition, the employee completed a self-rating.

Self-ratings were completed by 168 to 172 employees and supervisor-ratings were completed

for 188 to 195 employees. One peer-rating was available for 182 to 191. Because a second

peer-rating was available for 144 to 155 employees only, these ratings were excluded from the

analyses in order to maximize the number of valid cases.


Multi-source ratings 11

The multi-source feedback instrument consisted of 14 dimensions, all measured by

one item. Items were completed by using 5-point Likert scales, with response options being

weak, moderate, normal, good, and strong. For every dimension a definition was provided on

the rating form, as well as at least two negative and two positive behavioral descriptions. The

multi-source feedback instrument was developed in the mid 1990s by the public organization.

The theoretical basis for the development was a list of 50 behavioral dimensions based on the

managerial dimensions as identified by Thornton and Byham (1982). A team of experts was

formed to reach consensus on the clustering of the 50 dimensions into a smaller set. This, and

the input of various user groups (e.g., human resource staff, managers), resulted in the 14

dimensions and definitions as presented in Table 1.

Intelligence test. The MBS-Brain-H is an intelligence test, developed by Meurs HRM,

which is supposed to measure general mental ability. The test consists of five subtests:

Analogies (18 items), Number series (14 items), Series of figures (19 items), Number work

(12 items), and Vocabulary (34 items). All subtests have a time limit, varying between 5 and

15 minutes. Based on the internal consistency reliabilities (KR-20) and the split-half

reliabilities of the subtests (see Houtman, 1996), the stratified alpha of the total score of the

Brain is .83 and .84, respectively. Validity of the Brain test is satisfactory, as is indicated by

moderate to strong correlations of the total score with several external criteria (i.e., course

grades and training ratings; Evers et al., 2000; Houtman, Van Leeuwen, & Vinke, 1999).

In-Basket exercise. The Zeezicht PC In-Basket is an AC-exercise that assesses

managerial potential. The Zeezicht test is the Dutch adaptation by De Kok (1996) of the

‘Seeblick’ PC In-Basket developed by Scharley (1994). The exercise takes 60 minutes and is

administered on a computer. The participants have to deal with 40 items of written

correspondence, representative for what a manager typically comes across with. The Zeezicht

PC In-Basket is scored electronically using a standardized scoring scheme. Scores are

Multi-source ratings 12

calculated on the dimensions Delegation, Problem recognition, Prioritizing, Planning of

appointments, and Logical order. Previous research has reported satisfactory internal

consistency reliabilities, ranging from .71 for Prioritizing to .80 for Planning of appointments

(Minne, 1999). Support has been found for the validity of the In-Basket exercise. Minne

(1999) reported positive correlations between the In-Basket total score and measures of

general intelligence (e.g., r = .32 with the MBS-Brain-H and r = .22 with the LSCP Multi-

Cultural Capacity Test). Because the correlations between the In-Basket dimensions were

substantial (ranging from .52 to .74), a confirmatory factor analysis was run to test whether

the variance in the dimensions can be explained by one underlying factor. Because the fit of a

single-factor model was satisfactory, χ²(5, N = 195) = 50.85, p < .001, SRMR = .052, CFI =

.92, we decided to collapse the dimension scores into a single In-Basket total score.

Personality questionnaire. The MBS-Quest is a personality test, developed by Meurs

HRM, measuring work related personality traits. The Quest consists of 189 items, reflecting

13 dimensions (Assertiveness, Deliberative behavior, Enthusiasm, Flexibility, Leadership

ambition, Management behavior, Manipulation, Social behavior, Achievement motivation,

Stress tolerance, Social presentation, Social adequacy, and Work locus of control). Previous

research among 5,118 applicants has shown satisfactory internal consistency reliabilities for

most dimensions (mean Cronbach’s alpha was .80, ranging from .66 for Management

behavior to .88 for Social adequacy and Leadership ambition; Houtman et al., 1999).

Moderate to high correlations of the Quest dimensions with independent assessor ratings and

a social effectiveness test support the validity of the MBS-Quest (Evers et al., 2000).


For the analyses concerning interrater agreement, a composite performance score was

calculated (cf. Becker & Klimoski, 1989). Within each rater category the scores on the 14

dimensions of the multi-source instrument were summed into one composite performance

Multi-source ratings 13

score for every ratee. In addition, interrater agreement was examined for each multi-source

dimension separately.

To examine the internal construct validity, the dimensions of the multi-source

instrument were classified into three broad categories of managerial performance:

Administrative skills, Human skills, and Technical skills, following the work of Mount,

Scullen, and colleagues (Mount et al., 1998; Scullen et al., 2000; Scullen, Mount, & Judge,

2003). Six members of staff of the Work and Organizational Psychology department of the

Free University independently assigned the 14 dimensions of the multi-source instrument to

one of the categories, based on the dimension definitions and descriptions of the categories

(cf. Scullen et al., 2003). Dimensions were assigned to a category if at least four of the six

raters agreed on the category assignment. As a result, four dimensions were dropped because

of lack of agreement. The remaining dimensions (with the percentage of raters that agreed on

the classification in brackets) were for the Administrative skills category: Decisiveness (67%),

Organizing and planning (100%), and Progress control (100%); for the Human skills category:

Adaptability (67%), Flexibility (67%), Effort (83%), Persuasiveness (67%), and Tact (100%);

for the Technical skills category: Independence (67%), and Judgment (67%).

The resulting classification of the multi-source dimensions was used to examine the

internal construct validity of the instrument with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Twenty-

six cases had self-ratings or peer-ratings missing and were therefore excluded from the CFAs.

Missing values for the remaining 169 cases were imputed using the Expectation

Maximization technique (e.g., Roth, 1994). Covariances between the ten assigned dimensions

served as input into the LISREL 8.30 program. Maximum likelihood was chosen as method of

estimation. Four models (A, B, C, and D) were tested to account for the variance in the multi-

source ratings. Model A is a unidimensional model, in which all dimensions loaded on a

single factor for all raters. Model B is a three-factor trait-only model, hypothesizing that the

Multi-source ratings 14

variance in the ratings is explained by the ratee’s competencies or traits completely. Model C

is a three-factor method-only model, hypothesizing that the variance in the ratings is

explained by the rater’s characteristics completely. Model D a six-factor model, hypothesizing

that both trait-factors and method-factors are needed to explain the variance in the multi-

source ratings. Fit indices of the models were evaluated, using Hu and Bentler’s (1999)


External construct validity was examined by calculating and comparing mean

correlations for the predicted and non-predicted relationships. The analyses were run for every

rater separately (i.e., Self, Supervisor, and Peer), and for the total averaged rating across the

three raters. The hypotheses for conceptual similarity or relatedness between the multi-source

dimensions and the personality traits were developed as follows. The first two authors

independently hypothesized relationships of the multi-source dimensions with the personality

traits, using the definitions of the dimensions and the traits. A relationship that was predicted

independently by both authors was used in the study. Agreement between the two authors was

90.1% (Cohen’s κ = .54). The two authors discussed the relationships on which they did not

agree initially to reach consensus. Table 6 presents the resulting hypothesized relationships.

Incremental validity was examined using hierarchical regression analyses on the In-

Basket dimensions, the In-Basket total score, the intelligence total score, and the personality

traits. The supervisor-ratings were entered in the first step of the analysis and the self-ratings

and peer-ratings in the second step.


Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the multi-source ratings. Using the

composite performance scores, the supervisor-ratings were significantly lower than both the

self-ratings, t(171) = -5.79, p < .001, and the peer-ratings, t(190) = -5.43, p < .001. The self-

and peer-ratings did not differ significantly, t(168) = -0.20, p = .84.

Multi-source ratings 15

Interrater agreement

The level of agreement between the raters was calculated using both the composite

performance scores and the scores on the separate dimensions. Using the composite

performance scores, correlations between raters were .28 for Self-Supervisor, .38 for Self-

Peer, and .33 for Supervisor-Peer. All correlations were significant at the 1% level (see Table

2). As reflected by these correlations, the Supervisor-Peer agreement was a little higher than

the Supervisor-Self agreement (Hypothesis 1a supported), but lower that the Peer-Self

agreement (Hypothesis 1b not supported). Table 2 also presents the interrater agreement for

all dimensions separately. Mean correlations for the separate dimensions ranged from .14 for

Flexibility to .37 for Initiative.

Internal construct validity

Table 3 presents the fit statistics of the CFAs of the five models tested. The first model

(Model A), had a poor fit, indicating that the multi-source performance ratings do not reflect

one single performance construct. The fit statistics for the second (Model B) and the third

model (Model C), hypothesizing that the multi-source performance ratings reflect either three

correlated trait factors (Administrative skills, Human skills, and Technical skills) or three

correlated method factors (Self, Supervisor, and Peer), were hardly better.

Model D was a six-factor model with three correlated trait factors (Administrative

skills, Human skills, and Technical skills) and three correlated method factors (Self,

Supervisor, and Peer). The trait and method factors were not allowed correlate with each

other. As shown in Table 3, Model D fitted the data significantly better than the previous

models, Δχ²Model B – Model D = 780.37, df = 33, p < .001, and Δχ²Model C – Model D = 488.56, df = 33,

p < .001. Thus, in support of Hypothesis 2, it can be concluded that both method factors and

trait factors are needed in order to reflect the factor structure of the performance ratings

properly. Model D demonstrated acceptable fit, with the RMSEA close to .06 and the SRMR

Multi-source ratings 16

close to .08 (cf., Hu & Bentler, 1999). The NNFI and CFI were lower than the recommended

values. Factor loadings of the method factors were all significant. Factor loadings of the trait

factors were significant for all dimensions, except for Persuasiveness, Effort, and

Independence. Because the factor loadings were non-significant for all three rating sources,

these findings suggest that the dimensions Persuasiveness, Effort, and Independence may not

reflect the performance category that they were assigned to.

External construct validity

Construct validity was further examined using the scores on the In-Basket exercise,

the intelligence test, and the personality questionnaire as external criteria. Table 4 presents the

descriptive statistics of the external measures. The composite performance scores for all raters

were hypothesized to correlate positively with the total score on the In-Basket exercise

(Hypothesis 3a) and the intelligence test (Hypothesis 3b). As shown in the last lines of Table

5, support for these hypotheses was very limited. Only the correlation between the peer-rating

and the In-Basket score approached significance (i.e., r = .13, p < .10).

Multi-source dimensions were expected to correlate with conceptually similar or

related external measures. Table 5 presents the correlations for the expected relationships with

regard to the In-Basket exercise and the intelligence test. Concerning the In-Basket,

significant correlations were expected for the multi-source dimensions Organizing and

planning and Judgment (Hypothesis 4a). Support for Hypothesis 4a was limited, because only

one correlation was found significant (i.e., rPeer Organizing and planning – In-Basket: Total score = .19, p <

.05). Concerning the intelligence test, significant correlations were expected for the multi-

source dimensions Adaptability and Judgment (Hypothesis 4b). Limited support was found

for Hypothesis 4b, that is, the Total rating on Judgment correlated marginally significant with

general intelligence (i.e., r = .15, p < .10). Correlations for Adaptability were not significant.

Table 6 presents the correlations for the expected relationships with regard to the

Multi-source ratings 17

personality test. In addition, per dimension category the mean correlations for the

conceptually similar dimensions and the conceptually dissimilar dimensions were calculated.

In support of Hypothesis 5a, a substantial number of predicted correlations was significant or

approached significance. Moreover, mean correlations for the similar dimensions were in all

cases higher than the mean correlations for the dissimilar dimensions. Overall, as shown on

the last line of Table 6, the mean correlations on similar dimensions exceeded the mean

correlations on dissimilar dimensions, supporting Hypothesis 5b. Some differences were

found between the multi-source dimensions. For example, most of the predicted relationships

were found significant for the Administrative skill dimensions, for Effort, Flexibility,

Persuasiveness, and Stress tolerance. In contrast, for the dimensions Tact, Adaptability,

Judgment, Internal customer orientation, and Oral communication hardly any of the predicted

relationships was supported. Furthermore, self-ratings were more strongly correlated with the

personality traits than supervisor- and peer-ratings. This finding is not surprising, as the self-

ratings and the personality questionnaire are both completed by the ratees themselves.

Although the differences were small, the peer-ratings generally correlated a little stronger

with the personality traits than the supervisor-ratings.

Incremental validity

Supervisor-ratings were hypothesized to exhibit higher criterion-related validity than

self-ratings and peer-ratings (Hypothesis 6a and 6b). As presented in Table 5 and 6, no

support was found for these hypotheses. Correlations of the supervisor-ratings were mostly

lower or about equal to the correlations of other raters.

A series of hierarchical regression analyses were performed to test Hypothesis 7,

stating that self-ratings and peer-ratings would show incremental validity over supervisor-

ratings. As presented in Table 7, the supervisor-ratings on Organizing and planning and

Judgment failed to show significant beta-weights for the predicted In-Basket dimensions.

Multi-source ratings 18

Also the averaged supervisor-rating (composite performance score) did not relate significantly

to the In-Basket total score and the total score on the intelligence test. Thus, concerning the

In-Basket exercise and the intelligence test, no validity evidence was found for the supervisor-

ratings. Furthermore, very little support was found for the incremental validity of the self-

ratings and the peer-ratings with regard to the In-Basket exercise and the intelligence test.

Only one beta-weight was significant in the predicted direction (i.e., peer-rating on

Organizing and planning with In-Basket: Total score).

Table 8 presents the regression analyses using the personality traits as external criteria.

The supervisor-ratings significantly predicted personality scores for only two personality

traits (i.e., Flexibility and Stress tolerance). Adding the self-ratings and peer-ratings to the

regression equations, resulted in a significant increase in explained variance for seven of the

ten personality traits for which relationships were predicted. These analyses thus show

incremental validity of self-ratings and peer-ratings over supervisor-ratings when personality

is concerned as external criterion.


In this study we evaluated self-, supervisor-, and peer-ratings, collected with a 14-

dimension, behavior-based multi-source feedback instrument. The main purpose was to

investigate the external construct validity of multi-source ratings within a nomological

network of cognitive and personality measures. However, we also examined the interrater

agreement and the internal construct validity of the ratings.

Interrater agreement

Results demonstrated that supervisors rated more severely than peers and self. The

finding that self-ratings are somewhat higher compared to supervisor-ratings is consistent

with previous research on 360-degree feedback systems (e.g., Atwater & Yammarino, 1992;

Harris & Schaubroeck, 1988; Nilsen & Campbell, 1993). Furthermore, we found moderate

Multi-source ratings 19

levels of agreement between the self-, peer-, and supervisor-ratings. Specifically, self-

supervisor, self-peer, and peer-supervisor correlations using the averaged score across the 14

dimensions were .28, .38, and .33, respectively. Correlations at the dimensions level were

mostly lower, with mean correlations across raters varying between .14 and .37. The

magnitude of these correlations is in line with previous research on multi-source ratings. In

their meta-analysis, Conway and Huffcutt (1997) reported self-supervisor, self-peer, and peer-

supervisor mean correlations of .22, .19, and .34, respectively. In contrast to these meta-

analytical findings, our results demonstrated lower peer-supervisor agreement than peer-self

agreement. Because of the explicit developmental purpose of the multi-source feedback

ratings in the current study, self-ratings might have been less biased than is generally found in

the literature.

Interrater agreement in multi-source feedback studies is much lower than the

agreement between assessors reported in the assessment center (AC) literature. Interrater

agreement in AC-research typically varies between .75 and .90 (Jansen, 1993; Kolk, Born, &

Akkerman, 1998). Several structural differences between AC-ratings and multi-source

performance ratings may explain the difference in interrater agreement between the two

systems. In assessment centers trained raters, who are not familiar with the ratee, assess

specific behavior in a controlled setting, and it is well specified what behavior is effective and

what is not (Atkins & Wood, 2002; Jansen & Vloeberghs, 1999). In multi-source ratings,

however, untrained raters, who differ in level of interaction and acquaintance with the ratee,

assess general behavior in an uncontrolled setting. Thus, political use of appraisals,

differences in viewpoints, and disagreement about what behavior is effective and what is not,

affect the ratings and are likely to suppress interrater agreement. This issue is supported by

Kenny, Albright, Malloy, and Kashy (1994), who reviewed the personality literature on

consensus among judges in rating Big Five personality traits of a common target. Among

Multi-source ratings 20

judges who were acquainted with the targets, the mean consensus correlations varied between

.26 and .29. Those values are comparable to the levels of interrater agreement in the current

study and other 360-degree feedback studies.

Internal construct validity

Internal construct validity was examined using confirmatory factor analysis. Results

demonstrated that both method and content factors were needed in order to explain the

variance in the multi-source performance ratings. That is, the factor model with three method

factors (one for every rater) and three content factors (Administrative skills, Human skills,

and Technical skills) outperformed factor models with method or content factors only. These

findings concur with previous research in this area. Mount et al. (1998), for example, also

concluded that multi-source performance ratings were best explained by a combination of

content factors and method factors (one for every rater). Furthermore, our results showed that

a method-only factor model fitted the data better than a content-only factor model. These

findings, suggesting that method factors explained more variance in the multi-source

performance ratings than content factors, are also in accordance with previous research

(Greguras & Robie, 1998; Mount et al., 1998; Scullen et al., 2000). Thus, it can be concluded

that multi-source performance ratings more reflect rater characteristics than the performance

of the ratees. These findings parallel the assessment center literature, in which it is also found

that method variance exceeds trait variance in AC-scores (Lance, Lambert, Gewin, Lievens,

& Conway, 2004). In this field of research it has been shown that decreasing the number of

dimensions improves the construct validity (Kolk, Born, & Van der Flier, 2004; Lievens &

Conway, 2001). This might also be a promising avenue for future attempts to improve the

construct validity of 360-degree appraisals.

Although method factors explained a large part of the variance in our data, content

factors (i.e., Administrative skills, Human skills, and Technical skills) improved the model

Multi-source ratings 21

significantly. Thus, in line with the work by Mount, Scullen, and colleagues (Mount et al.,

1998; Scullen et al., 2000), support was found for the three category model of managerial

performance as proposed by Katz (1974) and Mann (1975). However, the dimensions Effort,

Persuasiveness, and Independence did not reflect the performance category that they were

assigned to. When assigning the multi-source dimensions to the three performance categories,

the interrater agreement on these dimensions was also not perfect (i.e., 83%, 67%, and 67%,

respectively). These results demonstrate that the three category model may not be an

exhaustive classification of managerial performance. Indeed, Scullen et al. (2003) found

support for a fourth category, that is, Citizenship behavior.

External construct validity

Little evidence was found for the external construct validity of the multi-source

instrument used in the present study. In contrast to our hypotheses, the averaged ratings across

all 14 dimensions were not or only very weakly correlated with the overall In-Basket


and general intelligence. These results are in accordance with Atkins and Wood (2002), who

also reported mostly non-significant correlations between AC-exercise scores and averaged

self-, peer-, and supervisor-ratings. As overall AC-ratings and general intelligence are usually

moderately to strongly related to general job performance (Arthur et al., 2003; Schmidt &

Hunter, 1998), these findings may suggest that multi-source ratings are not adequate measures

of job performance. It should be noted, however, that the current study included only one peer

and one supervisor in the ratings. Because Atkins and Wood’s (2002) results indicate that

aggregated ratings across a larger number of raters may be more valid, future research should

further examine the relationship of AC-scores and general intelligence with multi-source

ratings using more raters per rater category.

Also at the dimensions level, the support found for the external construct validity was

rather weak. In contrast to our hypotheses, multi-source dimensions like Organizing and

Multi-source ratings 22

planning, Adaptability, and Judgment largely failed to show significant associations with the

In-Basket score and general intelligence. Only the peer-rating on Organizing and planning

was associated with the In-Basket score. Using the personality questionnaire as external

criterion, more validity evidence was found. Most multi-source dimensions were significantly

correlated with conceptually similar personality traits, with effect sizes being mostly small to

medium. Moreover, mean correlations with conceptually similar traits exceeded mean

correlations with conceptually dissimilar traits for all raters.

Comparing the external validation measures, substantial differences occurred in the

support found for our hypotheses regarding the intelligence test and the In-Basket exercise on

the one hand and the personality questionnaire on the other. These differences may be

explained by common method variance and the conceptual similarity of the scales measured.

Regarding common method variance, the multi-source instrument shares more method

variance with the personality questionnaire than with the intelligence test and the In-Basket

exercise, because the multi-source instrument and the personality questionnaire are both

typical performance measures using written questionnaires, whereas the intelligence test and

the In-Basket exercise are measures of maximum performance. This argument may be

especially true for the self-ratings on the multi-source instrument. Indeed, the self-ratings

demonstrated higher correlations with the personality traits than the supervisor-ratings and

peer-ratings. Regarding the conceptual similarity of the scales, it should be noted that the

personality questionnaire measured concepts that were more similar to the multi-source

dimensions than the intelligence test and the In-Basket exercise. The highest correlations were

found between the exactly corresponding dimensions/traits Flexibility and Stress tolerance.

Future research should therefore investigate the construct validity of multi-source ratings

using external measures that assess exactly corresponding dimensions.

Previous research demonstrated that supervisor-ratings are more reliable than ratings

Multi-source ratings 23

of other sources (Conway & Huffcutt, 1997; Greguras & Robie, 1998; Viswesvaran et al.,

1996). However, the results of our study showed that this does not imply that supervisor-

ratings are more valid than ratings of other sources. In general, supervisor-ratings were

equally or less strongly correlated with the external measures than peer-ratings. These results

correspond with Lance et al. (1992), who found that supervisor-ratings were not stronger

correlated to a work sample test than peer-ratings. Furthermore, peer-ratings (and self-ratings)

demonstrated incremental validity over supervisor-ratings regarding several personality traits.

This finding may be interpreted as an argument for the use of 360-degree feedback instead of

relying on supervisor-ratings solely. Atkins and Wood (2002) came to a similar conclusion

based on their finding that the total rating aggregated across supervisors, peers, and

subordinates was a more valid predictor of overall AC-scores than individual ratings.


In general, weak support was found for the external construct validity of the multi-

source instrument. Although the lack of associations between the multi-source ratings and the

external measures may be interpreted as lack of validity of the multi-source instrument, it may

also indicate lack of reliability and validity of the external measures. However, the external

measures all demonstrated acceptable psychometric properties, as judged by the Dutch Test

Committee (Evers et al., 2000). Nonetheless, future research should examine the construct

validity of 360-degree feedback systems, using a broader variety of external measures that

have been proven to be reliable and valid more extensively.

Another limitation of the present study relates to the number of raters used. Because

only one rater was available per rater category for most employees, we were not able to

distinguish between validity of individual raters and validity of rater categories. Moreover, no

subordinate ratings were available. These issues should be addressed in future research.

Although carefully developed and tested, the multi-source performance feedback

Multi-source ratings 24

instrument that was evaluated in the present study showed some weaknesses. For example,

each dimension was only assessed by one behavioral item. Therefore we were not able to

calculate the reliability of the dimension scores. Although there is some evidence that one-

item measures may be as valid as multiple-item measures (e.g., Wanous, Reichers, & Hudy,

1997), future research should investigate the generalizability of our results to other 360-

degree feedback systems that assess each dimension with multiple items.


Results of the current study and previous research on the reliability and validity of

360-degree ratings, raise the question whether 360-degree feedback ratings should be used for

administrative purposes. As discussed in the Introduction, performance appraisal systems for

administrative purposes demand objectivity, reliability and the possibility to consolidate the

appraisal information into one global judgment. 360-degree feedback ratings do not possess

objectivity. That is, raters in 360-degree feedback systems are selected on having frequent

interactions with the ratee (cf., Jansen & Vloeberghs, 1999). This results in a personalized

relationship, likely leading to subjectivity in the ratings. Furthermore, previous research (and

the current study) demonstrated that the interrater agreement in 360-degree feedback ratings is

typically low to moderate (Conway & Huffcutt, 1997; Harris & Schaubroeck, 1988).

Consequently, summing up the ratings of different rater-categories into one global judgment

is questionable. In addition to objectivity and reliability, performance ratings that are used for

administrative purposes should demonstrate strong validity. The current study found little

evidence for the construct validity of 360-degree feedback ratings using cognitive and

personality measures as criteria. These findings imply that organizations should be careful in

adopting 360-degree performance appraisals for other than developmental purposes.

Thorough research and evaluation of the reliability and validity should precede the

implementation of 360-degree performance appraisals to base administrative decisions on.

Multi-source ratings 25


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Multi-source ratings 31

Table 1

Overview of the dimensions of the multi-source instrument, the classification, the means and standard deviations.

Self-rating Supervisor-rating Peer-rating Total-rating Multi-source dimensions Definition
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Administrative skills:

Organizing and planning Establishes priorities in goals and activities, and indicates when and how goals have to be attained 3.48 0.74 3.39 0.71 3.50 0.75 3.49 0.55

Progress control Controls the progress of tasks and activities and adjusts plans if necessary 3.34 0.58 3.30 0.63 3.34 0.67 3.37 0.42

Decisiveness Takes the plunge, does not postpone decisions unnecessary, takes action, makes explicit decisions, takes position 3.65 0.74 3.34 0.68 3.66 0.82 3.58 0.56

Human skills:
Tact Is sensitive, takes the interests of others into consideration when acting 3.47 0.76 3.15 0.76 3.36 0.87 3.32 0.59

Effort Produces more than the average, performs beyond that what is asked for, is energetic and enthusiastic 4.04 0.67 3.88 0.67 4.00 0.75 3.99 0.50

Adaptability Remains effective under changing circumstances, is able to adapt to new situations, gives up initial goals if necessary 3.69 0.62 3.41 0.61 3.58 0.72 3.57 0.47

Flexibility Remains effective in case of resistance, problems, or opportunities by choosing different methods of working 3.78 0.64 3.45 0.64 3.69 0.72 3.65 0.44

Persuasiveness Is able to win others over to his/her position by putting forward relevant arguments at the right time and in the right way 3.56 0.69 3.29 0.69 3.56 0.76 3.47 0.53

Technical skills:
Judgment Recognizes all important aspects, takes different viewpoints when analyzing situations, distinguishes between main and

side-issues and between cause and effect
3.71 0.60 3.49 0.68 3.75 0.71 3.67 0.50

Independence Goes by his/her own judgment, does not act on the basis of opinions and reactions of others 3.55 0.70 3.48 0.71 3.69 0.76 3.60 0.51

Internal customer orientation Recognizes and takes into account the needs and interests of internal customers 3.89 0.57 3.65 0.61 3.75 0.78 3.76 0.45

Stress tolerance Remains effective when under pressure and in case of setbacks and disappointment, is not put of balance easily 3.66 0.75 3.49 0.70 3.67 0.80 3.63 0.53

Initiative Begins out of his/her own accord, does not await, searches for opportunities, recognizes obstacles and acts accordingly 3.78 0.75 3.57 0.78 3.68 0.79 3.71 0.58

Oral communication Expresses him/herself well in conversations, meetings and presentations, uses words and gestures effectively 3.47 0.71 3.35 0.65 3.64 0.78 3.49 0.49

Composite performance score 3.65 0.36 3.45 0.37 3.63 0.44 3.59 0.29

Multi-source ratings 32

Table 2

Correlations between rating sources for composite performance score and for all dimensions


Correlations Multi-source dimension

Self –


Self –


Supervisor –




Administrative skills:

Organizing and planning .37** .33** .25** .32

Progress control .12 .32** .11 .18

Decisiveness .36** .33** .35** .35

Human skills:

Tact .26** .34** .38** .33

Effort .31** .33** .16* .27

Adaptability .28** .36** .19* .28

Flexibility .20** .16* .07


Persuasiveness .27** .31** .32** .30

Technical skills:

Judgment .41** .29** .33** .34

Independence .36** .14 .31** .27


Internal customer orientation .04 .18* .25** .16

Stress tolerance .28** .29** .29** .29

Initiative .39** .38** .33** .37

Oral communication .10 .26** .19** .18

Composite performance score .28** .38** .33** .33

Note. Due to missing values N varied between 153 and 190.

* p < .05.

** p < .01.

Multi-source ratings 33

Table 3

Confirmatory factor analysis fit statistics for the four models


Model A (1 factor) 1410.73** 405 .110 .122 .38 .43

Model B (3 trait factors) 1372.00** 402 .110 .120 .42 .46

Model C (3 method factors) 1080.19** 402 .096 .100 .58 .61

Model D (3 trait and 3 method factors) 591.63** 369 .087 .060 .78 .82

Note. N = 169. χ² = goodness-of-fit chi-square statistic. df = degrees of freedom for chi-square

statistic. RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation. SRMR = standardized root mean

square of residuals. NNFI = non-normed fit index. CFI = comparative fit index.

** p < .01.

Multi-source ratings 34

Table 4

Descriptive statistics for the external criterion measures

External criterion dimension N Mean SD

Intelligence test:

Total score 153 25.71 8.54

In-Basket exercise:

Total score 195 63.77 10


Personality questionnaire:

Assertiveness 194 5.86 2.95

Deliberative behavior 194 4.07 2.71

Enthusiasm 194 6.35 2.94

Flexibility 194 5.25 3


Leadership ambition 192 5.88 3


Management behavior 192 7.76 2.46

Manipulation 192 6.30 2.92

Social behavior 194 5.98 2.71

Achievement motivation 194 5.63 3


Stress tolerance 194 4.99 2.80

Social presentation 194 4.85 2.67

Social adequacy 194 5.44 2.79

Work locus of control 194 4.74 2.51

Multi-source ratings 35

Table 5

Correlations of hypothesized relationships of the dimensions of the multi-source instrument

with the In-Basket exercise and the intelligence test

Correlation Multi-source dimension Hypothesized similar

measures Self Supervisor Peer Total

Administrative skills:

Organizing and planning In-Basket: Total score .00 .06 .19*


Human skills:

Adaptability Brain: Total score .08 -.01 .06


Technical skills:

Judgment In-Basket: Total score

Brain: Total score







Composite performance score In-Basket: Total score

Brain: Total score






Note: Due to incidental missing values N varies between 159 and 195 for correlations with the In-

Basket total score, and between 122 and 153 for correlations with the Brian total score.

† p < .10. * p < .05.

Multi-source ratings 36

Table 6

Correlations of hypothesized relationships between the dimensions of the multi-source

instrument and the personality test

Correlation similar dimensions Multi-source dimension Hypothesized similar
personality traits Self Supervisor Peer Total

Administrative skills:
Organizing and planning Deliberative behavior .16* .07 .14†


Progress control Leadership ambition .15† .20** .27** .29**
Decisiveness Assertiveness .35** .20** .23** .34**
Deliberative behavior (-) .02 -.08 .06 .06

Mean r similar dimensions = .16 .14 .15 .19

Mean r dissimilar dimensions = .11 .10 .08 .14
Human skills:
Tact Assertiveness (-) .03 -.03 .02 .04
Social behavior .05 -.08 -.01 .01
Effort Achievement motivation .33** .15* .17*


Enthusiasm .16* .15* .17* .23**
Adaptability Flexibility .24** .07 .11


Flexibility Flexibility .18* .22** .20** .29**
Persuasiveness Assertiveness .27** .14† .17* .24**
Social adequacy .24** .09 .08 .16*
Stress tolerance .15* .02 .19* .18*

Mean r similar dimensions = .18 .08 .12 .17

Mean r dissimilar dimensions = .07 .05 .05 .09
Technical skills:
Judgment Deliberative behavior .15* .03 .12 .15†
Independence Assertiveness .27** .16* .25** .31**
Social presentation (-) -.05 -.10 -.04 -.05

Mean r similar dimensions = .16 .10 .14 .17

Mean r dissimilar dimensions = .05 .05 .04


Internal customer orientation Social behavior -.09 .08 -.09 -.04
Stress tolerance Stress tolerance .38** .19** .35** .47**
Oral communication Social adequacy .25** .04 .00 .11

Mean r similar dimensions = .18 .10 .09 .18

Mean r dissimilar dimensions = .07 .08 .07 .12
Overall mean r similar dimensions .17 .10 .12 .18
Overall mean r dissimilar dimensions .08 .07 .06


Note. Hypothesized negative relationships are indicated with a minus sign between brackets. For multi-source
dimensions with a hypothesized negative relationship, the sign of the correlation for the hypothesized negative
relationship was reversed before the mean r was calculated.
† p < .10. * p < .05. ** p < .01.

Multi-source ratings 37

Table 7

Hierarchical regression of the In-Basket total score and the intelligence test total score on the

multi-source (MS) ratings

In-Basket: Total




Organizing and

planning and MS


In-Basket: Total
score & MS


Brain: Total score
& MS

Adaptability and

MS Judgment

Brain Total score

& MS Composite



Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2

Step 1

Supervisor-rating (β)



.07 .03 -.04




-.03 -.05

Step 2

Self-rating (β)



-.03 .08


Peer-rating (β) .22*


.14 .04



Multiple R .10 .23 .07 .15 .04 .15 .03 .07

ΔR² .04 .02

.02 .00

Adjusted R² .00 .01 .00 .00 -.02 -.03 .00 .01

Note. Due to missing values N varies between 122 and 169. The beta-coefficients reflect the

standardized regression weights for the multi-source dimensions that were hypothesized to be

conceptually similar or related to the external measures. The order of presentation of the beta-weights

corresponds with the order in Table 5 (e.g., the first coefficient in the cell ‘Supervisor-rating’ and ‘In-

Basket: Total score & MS Organizing and planning and MS Judgment – Step 1’ reflects the beta-

weight of the supervisor-rating on Organizing and planning and the second coefficient reflects the

beta-weight of the supervisor-rating on Judgment).

* p < .05.

Multi-source ratings 38

Table 8

Hierarchical regression of the personality traits (PT) on the multi-source (MS) ratings

PT Assertiveness &

MS Decisiveness,


Persuasiveness, and


PT Deliberative

behavior & MS

Organizing and

planning, Decisiveness

(-), and Judgment

PT Enthusiasm &

MS Effort

PT Flexibility &



and Flexibility

PT Leadership

ambition & MS

Progress control

PT Social

behavior & MS

Tact and Internal





motivation &

MS Effort

PT Stress

tolerance & MS


and Stress


PT Social

presentation &



PT Social

adequacy & MS


and Oral



Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2

Step 1

Supervisor-rating (β) .17†


.11 .05





.12 .09 -.12




.12 .01 -.06




-.06 -.05 .08


Step 2

Self-rating (β) .20*





.08 .22*


.06 .09


.28** .09


-.03 .14


Peer-rating (β) .08




.19* -.09


.27** .07


.12 .14†


.02 .00

Multiple R .18 .42** .08 .28 .11 .25* .20* .34** .12 .32** .14 .21 .12 .34** .24** .51** .06 .07 .08 .28*

ΔR² .15** .07† .05* .08* .09** .02 .10** .20** .00 .07*

Adjusted R² .01 .11** -.01 .02 .01 .04* .03* .08** .01 .08** .01 .01 .01 .10** .05** .23** .00 -.01 -.01 .04*

Note. Due to missing values N varies between 148 and 163. The beta-coefficients reflect the standardized regression weights for the multi-source dimensions that were
hypothesized to be conceptually similar or related to the personality traits as presented in Table 6. The order of presentation of the beta-weights corresponds with the order in
Table 6 (e.g., the first coefficient in the cell ‘Supervisor-rating’ and ‘PT Social behavior – Step 1’ reflects the beta-weight of the Supervisor-rating on Tact and the second
coefficient reflects the beta-weight of the supervisor-rating on Internal customer orientation).
† p < .10. * p < .05. ** p < .01.



  • Organizational Politics
  • and Multisource Feedback: An Opportunity or a Threat?

    Gary J. Greguras
    Singapore Management University
    John M. Ford
    CWH Management Solutions

    Despite favorable attitudes being critical to the viability of multirater systems, little is known about
    the factors that impact rater attitudes.

  • Results
  • from a field study demonstrated that perceptions of
    organizational politics negatively relate to rater acceptance and cost-benefit evaluations and that
    these relationships were not moderated by one’s understanding, control, or rater perspective.
    Results indicated that supervisors held the most favorable attitudes and that experienced raters
    held more favorable attitudes than those without experience.

    Keywords: Politics, Feedback, Ratings

    The use of multisource feedback systems (MSFS) has increased dramatically over the past several years (Church
    & Bracken, 1997). Proponents suggest several advantages of multisource ratings over single-source ratings
    including higher quality feedback (Wexley & Klomoski, 1984), improved performance (Tornow, 1993), reduced
    biases (Bernardin & Beatty, 1984), and greater employee empowerment (Cotton, 1993; London & Beatty, 1993;
    Moravec, Gyr, & Friedman, 1993). Although there are several potential benefits associated with MSFS, a
    prerequisite to the successful implementation of MSFS and to achieving these benefits is user acceptance
    (Bernardin, Dahmus, & Redmon, 1993; Bettenhausen & Fedor, 1997; Carroll & Schneier, 1982). Past research
    has attempted to understand factors that influence user acceptance of MSFS by focusing on ratees (e.g., Antonioni,
    1994; Bernardin et al., 1993), with relatively little research focusing on rater attitudes towards MSFS.

    Rater attitudes likely impact the effectiveness of MSFS because raters who hold negative attitudes may refuse
    to participate, provide inaccurate ratings, or attempt to manipulate the system to secure their own self-interests
    (Fedor, Bettenhausen, & Davis, 1999). As Antonioni and Woehr (2001) note: “…rater perceptions have to be
    considered and addressed in order to have an MSF process that is valid, reliable, and acceptable” (p. 116). As
    such, it is important to identify factors that influence rater attitudes regarding MSFS (Funderburg & Levy, 1997).
    One such factor may be organizational politics (cf. Bernardin & Beatty, 1984; Fedor et al., 1999). To date,
    however, little research has investigated the influence of organizational politics on traditional performance
    appraisals (Murphy & Cleveland, 1995), and research has not examined its effects on rater attitudes toward MSFS.
    With respect to MSFS, the current study investigates whether raters perceive organizational politics as an
    opportunity or as a threat. This research also explores whether understanding of organizational processes, control
    over organizational events, or rater perspective (i.e., supervisor, peer, or subordinate) moderates the relationships
    between organizational politics perceptions and rater attitudes toward MSFS.

    Organizational Politics

    After reviewing the organizational politics literature, Kacmar and Baron (1999) offered the following
    definition: “organizational politics involves actions by individuals, which are directed toward the goal of
    furthering their own self-interests without regard for the well-being of others or their organization” (p. 4). There is
    a growing acknowledgment that politics play a prominent role in organizational policies and processes and likely
    influence several important work-related attitudes and behaviors. Ferris, Russ, and Fandt (1989) note two features
    of organizational politics that should be considered when investigating its relationships with employee attitudes
    and behaviors. First, perceptions of organizational politics are more important than reality (Ferris et al., 1989). As
    Lewin (1936) noted many years ago, people respond to their perceptions of a situation, which may be different
    from the situation itself. As such, perceptions of organizational politics should be the focus of politics research,
    even if these perceptions represent inaccurate depictions of the actual organizational environment (Gandz &
    Murray, 1980). Second, organizational politics may be interpreted as either beneficial or detrimental to an
    individual’s well-being (Ferris et al., 1989). Organizational policies and practices that are viewed as highly
    political can create situations of potential gain (i.e., opportunity) as well as potential loss (i.e., threats) (Ferris et
    al., 1996b). Thus, organizational politics perceptions may result in differing responses to organizational policies
    and practices depending on whether politics are viewed as an opportunity or as a threat.
    Politics as a Threat. Kacmar and Baron’s (1999) review of the organizational politics literature concluded
    that organizational politics perceptions generally appear to be detrimental to organizations, both for individuals
    within the organization and for the organization as a whole. Raters who perceive their organizational environment
    to be highly political may likewise perceive MSFS as a threat. Employees in highly political situations may see
    MSFS as potentially jeopardizing working relationships, making employees feel vulnerable to retribution,

    creating a popularity contest, making coworkers overly concerned about pleasing each other, or creating a
    situation where the most productive workers are downgraded because of jealousy (Bettenhausen & Fedor, 1997).
    Fedor et al. (1999) suggest that perceptions of organizational politics within performance appraisal systems likely
    undermine user acceptance because individuals who are asked to participate in MSFS in highly political
    organizations are likely to expect negative outcomes.

    Politics as an Opportunity. Although the research reviewed above highlights the potential detrimental effects
    of organizational politic perceptions on employee attitudes, some researchers have suggested that organizational
    politic perceptions are not always negative for the employee. With respect to performance appraisals,
    Longenecker, Gioia, & Sims (1987) found that supervisors often provide political ratings to achieve their own
    personal goals within an organization. When using performance ratings to achieve personal goals, raters may
    desire to project a positive image, secure organizational resources for oneself, and avoid confrontations with, or
    disapproval from, others (Murphy & Cleveland, 1995). Similarly, raters may see MSFS as an opportunity to
    influence pay raises and to improve interpersonal relationships (Longenecker & Gioia, 2000). In these situations,
    organizational politics perceptions may be perceived as an opportunity, rather than as a threat.

    The first purpose of the current study is to assess whether perceptions of organizational politics negatively
    (threat) or positively (opportunity) relate to rater attitudes toward MSFS. The majority of research in this area has
    observed that organizational politics perceptions are detrimental to both organizations and individuals (Kacmar &
    Baron, 1999) and that perceptions of organizational politics are perceived as a threat to one’s well-being (Baum,
    1989). As such, the current study hypothesizes:

    H1: Perceptions of organizational politics will negatively relate to rater attitudes toward MSFS.

    Potential Moderators

    Understanding. Understanding may be one mechanism by which individuals define organizational practices
    as either opportunities or threats (Ferris et al., 1989; Sutton & Kahn, 1986). Understanding refers to knowledge
    concerning how and why things happen in the organizational environment (Kacmar, Bozeman, Carlson, &
    Anthony, 1999; Sutton & Kahn). When understanding is low, organizational politics are likely to be perceived as
    a threat because employees will not be able to insulate themselves from negative consequences (Ferris et al.,
    1989). However, employees who understand the politics of their organizations may be able to position themselves
    to take advantage of potential opportunities, resulting in less negative affective reactions (cf. McGrath, 1976).
    With respect to MSFS, understanding is expected to influence the interpretation of organizational politics as either
    opportunities or threats. Thus, the current study hypothesizes:
    H2: Understanding will moderate the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and rater
    attitudes of multisource feedback systems, such that under conditions of lower understanding, increases in
    perceptions of organizational politics will be associated with less favorable attitudes than under conditions of
    higher understanding.

    Control. A second factor that may influence whether individuals interpret organizational politics as
    opportunities or threats is control (Ferris et al., 1989). Control is defined as the extent to which individuals have
    the ability to exercise influence over their organizational environment (Ferris et al., 1996b). Individuals who feel
    high levels of control within their organization likely expect less aversive outcomes than those who feel that they
    have little control (Sutton & Kahn, 1986). Similarly, Ferris et al. (1989) argued that when employees perceive
    high levels of organizational politics and feel that they have little control over these organizational processes,
    organizational politics likely will be perceived as a threat. However, if employees feel that they have control over
    organizational processes, organizational politics will be perceived as an opportunity to promote their self-interests
    (Ferris et al., 1989). With respect to MSFS, raters who perceive having control over organizational processes are
    likely to feel less threatened by the potential costs of providing ratings and have less negative reactions to MSFS
    than those who perceive having less control. In contrast, those who perceive their organizations as being highly
    political and feel little control over organizational events are likely to focus on the costs (as opposed to the
    benefits) of MSFS and are likely less accepting of these systems than those perceiving more control. Thus, the
    current study hypothesizes:
    H3: Control will moderate the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and rater attitudes
    of multisource feedback systems, such that under conditions of lower control, increases in perceptions of
    organizational politics will be associated with less favorable rater attitudes of MSFS than under conditions of
    higher control.
    Rater Perspective. The current study also investigates whether rater perspective moderates the relationship
    between organizational politics perceptions and rater attitudes. Whereas few studies compare multiple rater
    sources within a single study (Bettenhausen & Fedor, 1997), the current study investigates supervisor, peer, and
    subordinate raters. While research suggests that supervisors use performance ratings for political purposes
    (Longenecker et al., 1987), for several reasons peer and subordinate raters may be even more influenced by
    organizational politics. First, research suggests that many employees feel uncomfortable and unqualified when it

    comes to providing performance ratings for their supervisors (i.e., subordinate raters) and peers (Bettenhausen &
    Fedor, 1997). Unfortunately, these are exactly the types of situations (i.e., uncertain, ambiguous) in which
    political behavior is most likely to occur (Ferris et al., 1989). Second, providing feedback is likely a riskier
    proposition for peers and subordinates than for supervisors. That is, peers and subordinates may fear retribution or
    other negative outcomes as a result of their ratings. Accordingly, the political implications of providing
    performance ratings are likely more salient for coworkers and subordinates than for supervisors. Third, peers and
    subordinates may be more susceptible to ratee political behavior (e.g., ingratiation, impression management) than
    supervisors because they likely have less experience and training in evaluating the performance of their coworkers
    or supervisors, respectively. Taken together, there are various reasons to expect that the relationships between
    organizational politics perceptions and rater attitudes will be more negative for peers and subordinates than for
    supervisors. In combination with the rationale presented above regarding the relation between organizational
    politics perceptions and rater attitudes, the current study hypothesizes:
    H4: Rater perspective will moderate the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and rater
    attitudes of multisource feedback systems, such that for peers and subordinates, increases in perceptions of
    organizational politics will be associated with less favorable rater attitudes of MSFS than for supervisors.

  • Method
  • Participants

    Participants in this study were 602 full-time working adults. Three samples were used in this research. The
    first sample consisted of 147 participants and assessed rater attitudes concerning evaluating one’s subordinates
    (i.e., supervisor rater sample). The majority of participants in the first sample were male (62%) and worked in
    middle-level managerial positions (50%). The second sample included 202 participants and assessed rater
    attitudes about evaluating one’s peers (i.e., peer rater sample). The majority of participants in this sample were
    male (52%) and worked in non-managerial positions (50%). Finally, the third sample (n = 253) assessed rater
    attitudes concerning evaluating one’s supervisor (i.e., subordinate rater sample). The majority of participants in
    the third sample were female (53%) and worked in non-managerial positions (43%).


    Perceived Organizational Politics. Perceptions of organizational politics were measured using Ferris and
    Kacmar’s (1992) 31-item Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale (POPS). The POPS is designed to measure
    respondents’ perceptions regarding the level of political behavior in their organizations.

    Understanding. Understanding of organizational events was measured using Tetrick and LaRocco’s (1987)
    three-item Understanding of Events Scale (UES) and three items written for the current research. The UES
    assesses the extent to which respondents understand the events within their work environment.

    Control. Control over organizational processes was measured using Tetrick and LaRocco’s (1987) six-item
    Control Over One’s Work Environment Scale. This scale was designed to measure the level of control
    respondents feel that they have over their work environment.

    Rater Acceptance of MSFS. Rater acceptance of MSFS was measured using nine items developed
    specifically for this study. As indicated in the appendix, three scales with parallel wording and structure were
    created to assess rater acceptance of the use of supervisor, peer, and subordinate ratings.

    Rater Perceptions of the Cost and Benefits of MSFS. Rater perceptions of the costs and benefits of MSFS
    were assessed by Bettenhausen and Fedor’s (1997) seven-item Positive Appraisal Outcomes Scale (PAOS) and
    their 10-item Negative Appraisal Outcomes Scale (NAOS). This scale was designed to measure the extent to
    which users perceive that positive or negative outcomes will result from the use of multisource ratings.
    Bettenhausen and Fedor created two parallel versions of this scale: one targeting peer feedback and the other
    targeting subordinate ratings. An additional version of the scale was developed for this research designed to
    assess rater perceptions of supervisor ratings (i.e., by replacing the words “peer” with “supervisor” and
    “coworkers” with “subordinates”).


    Three versions of the questionnaire were developed. Each questionnaire included measures assessing
    participant demographics, perceptions of organizational politics (POPS), understanding, and control.
    Questionnaires differed, however, in the rater source to which rater attitudes were directed. Specifically, one
    questionnaire assessed rater attitudes toward providing supervisor ratings, another assessed rater attitudes toward
    providing peer ratings, and a final questionnaire assessed rater attitudes toward providing subordinate ratings. So
    that participants would be representative of individuals who work for organizations in which a MSFS might

    realistically be implemented, questionnaires were not distributed to individuals who work for colleges or
    universities, individuals who work for organizations with less than two managerial levels, and individuals who
    work for family businesses. Consistent with Bettenhausen and Fedor (1997), we chose to conduct this study
    across organizations because the majority of studies on MSFS have been conducted using a single organization
    thereby making it difficult to determine if the results are because of contextual factors specific to that
    organization, or whether the results would generalize to other settings.

    The questionnaires began by defining MSFS and asking participants to imagine that their current organization
    was going to implement a MSFS for developmental purposes. A detailed description of MSFS was provided.
    Participants were then informed of the perspective (i.e., supervisor, peer, and subordinate) that they should take
    when responding to this part of the questionnaire and each perspective was defined (e.g., subordinates were
    defined as individuals who directly report to you). Completed questionnaires were returned directly to the
    researchers via a self-addressed, postage paid envelope. Note that our sample was comprised of working
    individuals who were asked to consider that their company would be implementing a MSFS. We chose this frame
    of reference because, for successful implementation of MSFS, it is essential that system users believe that MSFS
    will result in positive outcomes (Bettenhausen & Fedor, 1997; Ewen & Edwards, 2001). As Bettenhausen and
    Fedor (1997) note, these user preconceptions are a critical piece of information for practitioners deciding how and
    when to implement a MSFS.


    Development of Scales

    Each of the scales in the present research demonstrated acceptable levels of estimated reliability (range: α =
    .82 to α = .96). For all samples, POPS was negatively related to understanding and control. Past research
    investigating these variables have observed correlations of similar magnitude (e.g., Ferris, Gilmore, & Kacmar,
    1996b; Ferris et al., 1994; Kacmar et al., 1999). It is also interesting to note that while organizational tenure
    (Ferris et al., 1994) and tenure with supervisor (Gilmore, Dulebohn, & Harrell-Cook, 1996) were used as proxies
    of understanding in previous research, job tenure was unrelated to understanding in the supervisor, subordinate,
    and combined samples (i.e., treating all raters equally) and was negatively related to understanding in the peer
    Test of Hypotheses
    Hypothesis 1. To test Hypothesis 1, hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. Control variables (e.g.,
    gender) were entered on the first step, and POPS was entered on the second step. Results indicated that POPS was
    a significant predictor of rater acceptance of MSFS in the peer sample (∆R2 = .04, ∆F(1, 183) = 8.44, p < .05), the subordinate sample (∆R2 = .02, ∆F(1, 236) = 5.21, p < .05), and the combined sample (∆R2 = .04, ∆F(1, 535) = 23.98, p < .05) but not in the supervisor sample (∆R2 = .01, ∆F(1, 137) = 2.03, p > .05). POPS significantly
    predicted cost-benefit evaluations in all of the samples (supervisors, ∆R2 = .08, ∆F(1, 137) = 12.36, p < .05; peers, ∆R2 = .10, ∆F(1, 183) = 21.42, p < .05; subordinates, ∆R2 = .04, ∆F(1, 236) = 9.81, p < .05; and combined sample ∆R2 = .08, ∆F(1, 535) = 51.05, p < .05). Based on these results, Hypothesis 1 is largely supported. Hypothesis 2. Results indicated that the interaction between organizational politics perceptions and understanding failed to account for significant incremental variance in rater cost-benefit evaluations in each of the independent samples (supervisor ratings sample, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 135) = 0.59, p =.44; peer ratings sample, ∆R2 = .01, ∆F(1, 181) = 1.48, p = .23; subordinate ratings sample, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 234) = 0.26, p = .61) or in the combined sample (∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 531) = 2.54, p = .11). Similarly, results indicated that the interaction term did not predict rater acceptance in each of the independent samples (supervisor ratings sample, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 136) = 0.02, p =.97; peer ratings sample, ∆R2 = .01, ∆F(1, 183) = 2.27, p = .13; subordinate ratings sample, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 236) = 0.77, p = .38). However, in the combined sample, results indicate that the two-way interaction term was a significant predictor (∆R2 = .01, ∆F(1, 541) = 8.44, p < .05). Results indicated that the nature of the interaction was as hypothesized (i.e., when understanding is low, POPS is associated with lower acceptance of MSFS than when understanding is high). However, given the small amount of variance for which it accounted (1%), and the failure to find a significant interaction in all other analyses, Hypothesis 2 fails to be supported. Note that POPS had a main effect whereas understanding did not. Hypothesis 3. Results indicated that the control x organizational politics perceptions interaction did not account for significant variance in rater acceptance in any of the independent samples (supervisor ratings sample, ∆R2 = .01, ∆F(1, 135) = 0.70, p =.40; peer ratings sample, ∆R2 = .01, ∆F(1, 181) = 2.35, p = .13; subordinate ratings sample, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 234) = 0.76, p = .39) or the combined sample (∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 531) = 2.15, p = .14). Similar to the above results, this interaction did not account for significant variance in the prediction of rater cost-benefit evaluations in any of the independent samples (supervisor ratings sample, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 135) = 0.04, p =.84; peer ratings sample, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 181) = 0.81, p = .37; subordinate ratings sample, ∆R2 = .01,

    ∆F(1, 234) = 3.16, p = .08) or in the combined sample, (∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 531) = 0.03, p = .87) (see Tables 9-12).
    Hypothesis 3 fails to be supported. Note that POPS emerged as having a main effect whereas control did not.
    Hypothesis 4. Results indicated that rater perspective did not moderate the relationships between POPS and
    rater attitudes (for acceptance, ∆F = 1.46, p > .05; for cost-benefit evaluations, ∆F = 2.36, p > .05). As such,
    Hypothesis 4 fails to be supported. Rather, results indicated that rater perspective had a main effect on both rater
    acceptance and cost-benefit evaluations of MSFS. Follow-up tests demonstrated that rater attitudes were
    significantly more favorable for supervisors (acceptance, M = 4.28, SD = 0.46; cost-benefit evaluations, M = 3.89,
    SD = 0.46), than for subordinates (acceptance, M = 3.81, SD = 0.77; cost-benefit evaluations, M = 3.43, SD =
    0.66), which were significantly more favorable than peer rater attitudes (acceptance, M = 3.26, SD = 0.99;
    cost-benefit evaluations, M = 3.04, SD = 0.83).

    Additional Exploratory Analyses

    Understanding × Control Interaction. Although past research in this area generally has not investigated an
    understanding x control interaction, this interaction in rater attitudes toward MSFS was explored in the current
    study. Although the understanding x control interaction did not account for significant variance in the supervisor
    rater (acceptance, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 135) = 0.22, p = .64; cost-benefit evaluations, ∆R2 = .01, ∆F(1, 135) = 0.85, p
    = .36) and subordinate rater samples (rater acceptance, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 234) = 0.77, p = .38; rater cost-benefit
    evaluations, ∆R2 = .00, ∆F(1, 234) = 0.51, p = .48), it did explain unique variance in rater acceptance of peer
    feedback (∆R2 = .06, ∆F(1, 181) = 11.45, p = .001) and rater cost-benefit evaluations of peer feedback (∆R2 = .10,
    ∆F(1, 181) = 21.14, p < .001). As illustrated in Figure 1, the nature of the interaction revealed that when participants’ perceptions of control were low, higher levels of understanding were associated with higher reported acceptance of peer feedback. However, when reported control was high, there was a negative relationship between understanding and acceptance of peer feedback. The nature of the interaction was the same for peer cost-benefit evaluations.

    Rater Experience. One-way ANOVAs also were conducted to investigate whether rater attitudes toward
    MSFS differed based on participants’ prior experience with providing performance feedback ratings. To
    determine whether participants had prior experience with MSFS, participants in each sample were asked to
    indicate whether they had ever been asked to evaluate the performance of a supervisor, peer, or subordinate. For
    the supervisor feedback sample, prior experience with rating one’s subordinates did not significantly influence
    rater acceptance (F(1, 142) = 0.85, p = .36, η2 = .01) or rater cost-benefit evaluations (F(1, 142) = 0.12, p = .73, η2
    = .00) of supervisor feedback. Note, as expected, the vast majority of supervisors reported having experience
    evaluating their subordinates (129 out of 144 reported having experience with subordinate ratings). However,
    prior experience giving peer feedback did significantly impact rater acceptance of peer feedback (F(1, 190) = 8.31,
    p = .004, η2 = .04) and rater cost-benefit evaluations of peer feedback (F(1, 190) = 7.13, p = .01, η2 = .04).
    Participants who had previous experience with peer feedback reported higher levels of acceptance (M = 3.51, SD
    = 0.92) and more positive cost-benefit evaluations of peer feedback (M = 3.24, SD = 0.80) than participants
    without previous rater experience (acceptance, M = 3.10, SD = 1.00; cost-benefit evaluations, M = 2.92, SD =
    0.83). Similarly, prior experience with rating one’s supervisor was significantly related to rater acceptance of
    subordinate feedback (F(1, 245) = 3.98, p = .047, η2 = .02) and rater cost-benefit evaluations of subordinate
    feedback (F(1, 245) = 6.92, p < .01, η2 = .03). Participants who had previously been asked to evaluate the performance of their supervisors reported higher levels of acceptance (M = 3.94, SD = 0.73) and more positive evaluations of subordinate feedback (M = 3.59, SD = 0.62) than did those without previous experience (acceptance, M = 3.74, SD = 0.80, cost-benefit evaluations, M = 3.36, SD = 0.68). Thus, rater attitudes concerning the use of non-traditional rater sources (i.e., peer ratings, subordinate ratings) were more positive for individuals who had previously participated in such systems.


    Favorable user attitudes are critical to the acceptance and viability of MSFS (Edwards, Ewen, & Vendantam,

    2001). Little is known about rater attitudes toward MSFS or of the factors that impact these attitudes. The current
    study investigated the relationships between perceptions of organizational politics and rater attitudes toward
    MSFS, and whether these relationships are moderated by one’s understanding, control, or rater perspective.
    Results consistently demonstrated that the perception of organizational politics negatively relates to rater
    acceptance and rater cost-benefit evaluations of MSFS. The relationships between perceptions of organizational
    politics and rater attitudes were not moderated by one’s understanding of organizational processes, one’s control
    over organizational events, or rater perspective. Interestingly, one’s understanding and control did not predict
    rater attitudes, whereas, rater attitudes differed based on rater perspective such that supervisors held the most
    favorable attitudes, followed by subordinates, followed by peers. Exploratory analyses indicated that
    understanding and control interacted to predict peer rater attitudes, and that experienced raters had more favorable

    MSFS attitudes than those without experience.

    Politics as a Threat

    A consistent finding was that organizational politics perceptions were negatively related to favorable rater
    attitudes, suggesting that raters view organizational politics as more of a threat than as an opportunity. These
    results raise a warning flag that, in highly political organizations, there may be potential negative effects
    associated with the less favorable attitudes. For example, raters might resist the implementation of MSFS, might
    refuse to participate, or might attempt to sabotage the system if they perceive their organizations to be political.
    Because favorable rater attitudes are important to the effectiveness and maintenance of MSFS (Edwards et al.,
    2001), interventions aimed at reducing perceptions of organizational politics (e.g., increasing organizational
    communication, formalizing organizational policies and procedures) and increasing acceptance of MSFS (e.g.,
    rater training programs, MSFS orientation programs, reward systems that are consistent with MSFS,
    informational meetings with rater groups) might help facilitate the introduction and sustainability of MSFS.
    Bracken (1996) lists several factors (e.g., resources, management commitment) that likely influence an
    organization’s readiness to implement MSFS. Our results suggest that measuring employees’ perceptions of
    organizational politics may also be useful in assessing an organization’s readiness to implement MSFS.

    In contrast to previous research which has suggested that understanding and control moderate organizational
    politics perceptions-outcome relationships (e.g., Ferris et al., 1996b; Ferris et al., 1994), the current study found
    that organizational politics perceptions were negatively related to rater acceptance and cost-benefit evaluations of
    MSFS regardless of one’s level of understanding or control. One potential explanation for these different findings
    is that, while understanding and control may influence the opportunity/threat status of organizational politics
    perceptions in regard to general job attitudes and behaviors (e.g., job anxiety, job satisfaction), organizational
    politics perceptions may be more likely to be interpreted as threatening in the context of organizational systems
    that are traditionally tied to rewards and punishments (e.g., performance appraisal, selection and promotional
    systems). Accordingly, understanding and control may not play as important a role in framing whether
    organizational politics are perceived as opportunities or threats in the context of performance appraisal because, in
    these situations, organizational politics are overwhelmingly viewed as a threat. Interestingly, understanding and
    control both failed to be significant predictors of rater attitudes.

    One exception to the consistent finding that perceptions of organizational politics negatively relate to rater
    attitudes was that perceptions of organizational politics were not significantly related to rater acceptance of
    supervisor feedback. While rater cost-benefit evaluations concerning supervisor feedback were significantly less
    positive for individuals reporting heightened levels of organizational politics than for individuals reporting lower
    levels of organizational politics, rater acceptance of supervisor feedback was not negatively impacted by
    perceptions of organizational politics. A potential explanation for this finding is that because supervisor feedback
    is the most prevalent source of performance feedback (Murphy & Cleveland, 1995), supervisors may consider it to
    be part of their job duties regardless of whether they expect positive or negative outcomes. Consequently,
    although supervisors in highly political organizations might expect supervisor feedback to result in less positive
    outcomes than individuals in less political organizations, these perceptions may not influence their acceptance of
    supervisor feedback because they understand that providing feedback to their subordinates falls within their job
    responsibilities and that they have no other choice but to participate in such systems. As such, in highly political
    organizations they may accept the systems but not expect favorable outcomes.

    Rater Perspective

    The results of the current research indicate that, in general, participants reported rater acceptance and rater

    cost-benefit evaluations above the midpoint for each rater source. However, rater source (i.e., supervisor
    feedback, peer feedback, subordinate feedback) was found to account for significant differences in both rater
    acceptance and rater cost-benefit evaluations of MSFS. Rater acceptance and cost-benefit evaluations were most
    positive for supervisor feedback, followed by subordinate feedback, followed by peer feedback, respectively.
    Because supervisor feedback is the most common source of performance feedback (Murphy & Cleveland, 1995),
    it is not surprising that it is the most accepted form of feedback as well. One potential explanation for the finding
    that subordinate feedback is viewed more positively than peer feedback may stem from the fact that, while
    organizations often have policies in place to protect subordinates from supervisor retaliation, policies protecting
    employees from coworker retaliation are relatively rare (Fedor et al., 1999). Peer feedback may therefore carry
    more perceived risk. Peers may also be less accepting of MSFS because they may be in direct competition for
    organizational resources with their peers (e.g., promotions, salary raises). Alternatively, subordinates may be
    more accepting of MSFS (and have more positive expectations) because what a supervisor does directly impacts
    their jobs, while the performance of peers may have little personal relevance for the rater. Thus, the results of the
    current research indicate that individuals develop separate attitudes toward each type of rater source and that

    attitudes toward one source may not necessarily generalize to other sources.

    Understanding x Control Interaction

    An interesting finding of the current study was that understanding and control interacted to predict rater
    acceptance and rater cost-benefit evaluations of peer feedback. These results indicate that for individuals who
    report high levels of control, understanding was negatively related to rater acceptance of peer feedback.
    Conversely, the relationship between understanding and rater acceptance of peer feedback was positive when
    control was low. Individuals with low perceptions of control and high understanding of organizational processes
    may have viewed providing peer feedback as an opportunity to gain some level of control within their
    organizations. On the other hand, those with high feelings of control and understanding may view MSFS as a
    threat to their power because these systems provide a voice to those who currently have little influence in
    organizational decisions. Interestingly, this interaction was found in the peer sample, but not in the supervisor or
    subordinate samples. Perhaps these issues are more salient in regard to peer ratings because the raters and ratees
    are in more direct competition for resources, rewards, and promotions than is the case with supervisor or
    subordinate feedback.

    Rater Experience

    Participants in the current study who reported having previous experience providing peer and subordinate

    feedback reported higher levels of acceptance and more positive cost-benefit evaluations for these feedback
    sources than participants without such experience. Thus, as the use of MSFS increases, differences among rater
    sources may likely diminish. It may be that “fear of the unknown” explains the differences between rater attitudes
    toward supervisor feedback and alternative feedback sources. Consequently, rater acceptance and cost-benefit
    evaluations of MSFS may become more positive as raters participate in MSFS and become more comfortable with
    their roles as raters. Accordingly, training programs designed to expose individuals to MSFS and provide
    experience making performance ratings may reduce the level of resistance among those with little familiarity with
    MSFS. Although our findings suggest that experience has a positive effect on rater attitudes, it is likely that the
    relationships between experience and rater attitudes are moderated by type of experience. However, this point
    again highlights the importance in assessing the readiness of the organization (Bracken, 1996) and for creating
    conducive organizational environments prior to implementing MSFS so that participants’ experiences are positive
    and translate into favorable attitudes.

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      Organizational Politics
      Development of Scales

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