Accountability, Scorecards, and Regulations

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Read the following case scenario and express how you would handle the situation. Answer the questions and relate your post to your personal or professional experiences.

Case Scenario

You receive a notification from your regional accreditor that high school teachers in dual‐credit courses must have a master’s degree in the specialties they are teaching, or they need at least eighteen graduate‐level credit hours within their specialties. Your college has until September to assure that any high school teachers who teach college‐level courses meet these requirements.

Many of the high school teachers teaching dual enrollment courses may either have just a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in education, but not in the subject matter they are teaching.

What issues does the scenario create? What leadership competencies are involved? Who should be involved in addressing the situation? What actions would you take? Are there lessons to be learned? (Boggs & McPhail, 2016, p. 61).

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Boggs, G., & McPhail, C. (2016). Practical leadership in community colleges: Navigating today’s challenges. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

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