Module 6 Discussion


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Use Judy Blume’s essay listed in Reading on Module lecture.

Address this issue: Do parents have the right to demand that schools censor their children’s reading materials?

In your opinion, do they have that right, and if so how should they exercise that right?

Your answer should consist of a well-developed paragraph or two, which means the first sentence should answer the question(s) (i.e., topic sentence), and the following sentences should support the topic sentence. The paragraph(s) should be unified and coherent with specific supporting details or examples from the story. The sentences should be clear, concise, and arranged in a logical order. Transitions, pronouns, and repetition should be used to provide coherence. The paragraph(s) should follow an argument format (logical!).

Discussion 6-Rough Draft

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Ryan Speaks posted Aug 4, 2020 5:12 PM


            Parents should have the right to demand schools censor what their children are reading. All books are not for all ages. A child should not read books that are available to a high school senior in the fourth grade. Schools should have grade-appropriate books, and those that are not appropriate for certain ages should not be allowed to be viewed. I do not have children, but if I did, I would not want them to read something explicit, knowing they were not mature enough to handle the content. I believe it is the parent’s job to teach the children about explicit topics; the school should only handle the academic portion.

            The Harry Potter series being banned in many states and also churches speaking out against the book series is an excellent example of censorship that went too far. We live in a free society, and no book should be 100% censored. The Harry Potter books are not bad in terms of the content they contain, but they also are not meant for a younger audience; these books are for middle school-age children and above. Parents and teachers should monitor what children are reading and should keep things age-appropriate, but not completely make a book off-limits. Like Judy Blume’s essay stated, the Harry Potter series does have many good qualities, and it does help fuel children’s imaginations in a good way. Children will not turn to satanic rituals and the occult after reading a Harry Potter book.  

Mod 6 Discussion-Initial Post

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Frederick Mezzatesta posted Aug 3, 2020 9:10 AM


          In my opinion, I believe the only right that parents should have regarding the books that are read in school would be if they are related to sexual education. I have three children and when my children were old enough to take a class on sexual education, the school sent home a paper I had to sign to agree to allow my children in the class and to accept the topics that would be covered. I agree completely with the way the school handled these types of classes because sexual education is handled differently in every single household, as it should be. By requesting the parent’s approval before the class began, it gave the parent the opportunity to allow their child into the class or deny the child the opportunity if they felt that it was not time for them to learn things on this topic.

          My opinion on the Harry Potter books is that these types of books should be allowed into the schools. It gives the children a sense of adventure and fantasy. The parents went too far to request for these types of books not to be allowed in the school system. If parents were allowed to determine which books were offered, there would be so many different opinions by different parents, and by the time the decision process was over there would be no books left on the shelves for the children to read. There should be a limit as to what the parents can control related to this topic.

Files- Module 6- Initial Discussion

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Charles Files posted Aug 4, 2020 8:03 PM


     Parents do not have the right to demand that schools censor their children’s reading materials. By enrolling a student, parents entrust the schools to educate their children using curriculums that are subject to the review of state education departments.

     A family’s personal beliefs may be contradicted by an assigned reading or assignment. Teachers and administrators make themselves available to resolve any of these conflicts anytime they may arise. Ultimately, parents always retain the right to remove their child or revoke their child’s participation in any assignment or project if it contradicts family beliefs or values.

    Many schools are understaffed. Schools do not have the resources to censor each reading assignment in response to any one parent who demands such. Instead, the parent maintains the right to have his or her child removed from that particular assignment. In doing so, the staff can resolve the conflict by giving that student a different assignment.

     Parents are entitled to several rights as it relates to their children and their children’s education. However, there must be a balance. The resources of many school districts are so limited, it would not be realistic to demand censorship of a reading assignment. This would result in much more work by an already understaffed school, simply to appease one students’ parent. Instead, the decision that any reading assignment does not fit the values of a family, must be left to that students’ parent(s). This shifts the responsibility back to the parent to not only have a buy-in their child’s education and curriculum, but to make the determinization to allow their child to participate or request a different assignment.

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