HHS 207 – 5


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Differences of opinion with a co-worker. Disagreements with your significant other. Arguments with relatives or friends. What do each of these scenarios have in common? Your ability to manage conflict is either effective or ineffective. How do you know if it’s effective or ineffective, and how can you learn from it? In this first discussion for the final week, you will consider areas of strength and improvement associated with your own style of conflict management based on your own experiences.

Read Chapter 11 from The Interpersonal Communication Book; answer the 10 true/false statements regarding your interpersonal conflict behavior (p. 297 – 298). Then, review your results and consider whether your interpersonal conflict management skills are effective or ineffective.


Initial Post: Prepare a 300-word minimum reply that sufficiently addresses each of the items below. Don’t forget that it is critical to cite your sources of information, including the textbook, using APA formatting.

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  • Identify personal communication strengths and growth. Describe at least two strengths and two growth areas.
  • Consider an actual example from your own personal or professional experience where you could have been more effective. How would you go about following the conflict management steps on pp. 292-296?

The initial reply is due no later than Day 3 (Thursday) of the learning week, and at least two substantive replies of at least 100 words to two different peers will be due no later than Day 7 (Monday) of the learning week.

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