Do you remember the final project that you will be working on the entire course? Here is the project introduction again:


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Do you remember the final project that you will be working on the entire course? Here is the project introduction again:

Your company has decided that it needs to engage in a more diverse market.  You have been tasked with developing a marketing plan to promote a product or service.  For this project you will choose the format based on your area of interest. 


MBA students you will expand your product or service in 2 markets- one in an undeveloped or developing country, and one in a developed country.

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HCA student you will develop a marketing plan to promote two new service lines to two diverse target audiences in your community.


HSM students you will develop a marketing plan for your projected hospitality business.  This will include two service lines.

Design a new product line.

Brainstorm and then prototype a new product line for the company you have chosen for your final project.

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Design a New service line.

Brainstorm and then prototype a new service line for the company you have chosen for your final project.

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Adapt a current campaign for an underdeveloped or developing country.

Explore a country in which you would like to move into. Research the culture, customer needs and other related information. Then take the new product or service you have created, and decide how you would like to market in that region. Find any current marketing efforts that have taken place. Either adapt a current campaign or design a new marketing campaign for one region or people group in an underdeveloped or developing country.

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