Have you learned concepts from your coursework that have helped you during your externship?  Discuss specific content that has been applicable to your job and how you have implemented what you are learning into your current position.

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Have learning experiences during your externship been beneficial to your academic progress?  Discuss specific experiences that you have applied to your academic projects.


Each CPT Experience Discussion assignment will take place in one week. By Sunday at midnight each even week (2,4,6,8,10,12,14) you will post an initial thread that directly addresses the topic provided by the instructor.


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Your initial posts will be due by Sunday of each week of the module. All original threads should be at least 150 words. This parameter helps to promote writing that is thorough, yet concise enough to permit other students to read all the postings. While this is a formal discussion environment, you are allowed to use the first person perspective in all your posts since you will be expressing your personal experiences and opinions. All original threads should: Bring clarity to the issues being discussed. Raise new and novel (yet relevant) points. Relate issues to personal experience. Rationally defend your stated position.

For a detailed description of how all posts are graded, see the CPT Experience Discussion Grading Rubric.

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