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Subgroups of Americans who are at risk for vitamin deficiencies include pregnant women, older adults, those in poverty, chronic alcohol and drug users, and individuals with long-term chronic disorders such as cancer or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

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Pregnant women have an increased need for many vitamins.

Older adults are at risk because of difficulties with buying, preparing, and even chewing foods that are the best sources of vitamins.

Those in poverty may lack the resources or knowledge for adequate vitamin consumption.

Individuals who abuse alcohol or drugs are at risk because of inadequate dietary intake, increased requirement for thiamine to detoxify the alcohol, and decreased absorption of nutrients because of the effects of alcohol on the gastrointestinal tract.

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Those with long-term chronic disorders have special vitamin concerns because the metabolic processes of the body may be compromised, leading to an increased need or poor bioavailability.

What other groups might be at risk for deficiency and why

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