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The location near the expressway is perfect it will allow us to ship our products more quickly.

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Question 2

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PowerPoint slides are viewed for only a few seconds good design is important.

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Question 3

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Since we have identified our options the manager must move forward quickly.

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Question 4

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We need to make a decision so having the financial analysis will be critical.

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Question 5

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Our team has designed a new forecasting model but it will not be used until next year.

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Question 6

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Because hackers are good at what they do we must be better.  

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Question 7

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If you respect your audience’s time they will be more receptive to your message.  

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Question 8

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We have experienced an increasing number of cybersecurity attacks so we will be required to use passwords with 12 characters instead of 10 and include numbers, letters, and symbols.

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Question 9

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We rely on email to communicate with customers so the system must be reliable.

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Question 10

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In order to prepare for the audit we need to be sure the company’s financial statements are free of errors. 

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Question 11

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Tom wastes time every day at work his boss is upset with him.

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Question 12

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Mid-level managers must carry out policies the role of the CEO is to weigh different strategies.

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Question 13

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The accountants have given us their approval we can move forward.

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Question 14

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Almost all businesses use Excel having it on your resume is important.

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Question 15

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We have identified our options the manager must move forward quickly.

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Question 16

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 The managers were undecided about two job candidates one had better qualifications.

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Question 17

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If you improve your credit policies you will improve your business.

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Question 18

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Unless the weather changes we will not be able to fly to Dallas.

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Question 19

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The software needs to be installed when users are not logged on so we will have to work on Saturday.

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Question 20

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The people in your audience are busy you should be respectful of their time when presenting.  

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b. semicolon





























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