Total [ 4 discussions (350 words each with 3 apa citations ) + 1 PPT (5 slides with 50 words each slide notes ) + 1 and half page Annotated Bibliography+ one more discussion 900 words with 3 apa citiation] – all citation inside the paragraph

Task-1(350 words with 2-3 apa citations) -Add references at the end of each task 

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You are the HR manager for a commercial airline. You have been assigned to develop a realistic job preview for flight attendants. Your objective is to give a balanced picture of the job so that applicants will better understand what they will be asked to do. Job duties, schedules, and other facets of the job should all be well understood early in the recruiting process to avoid poor P/E fit later on.

How would you gather information about the job context and environment? Explain what sources you would use and why.

How could you use technology to show the positive and negative aspects of the job

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Task-2(350 words with 2-3 apa citations) -Add references at the end of each task 

 Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training?




Annotated Bibliography ( 1 and half page )

You must read two articles which are from the field of Human Resources and complete a one page annotated bibliography for each article (scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles). Your job is to provide information that another person would need to find each of the articles. Remember that you must do two articles for each of the three assignments.


Task -4 (350 words with 2-3 apa citations) -Add references at the end of each task 

 Discuss what talent management is and why it is a consideration addressed by a growing number of employers. 


Task-5 (350 words with 2-3 apa citations) -Add references at the end of each task 


Based on your experiences, as well as the chapter information, what are some good “rules of thumb” for conducting successful performance appraisal interviews?


PPT – Slides with 50 words in each slide in notes section 

Topic for PowerPoint Presentation:Discuss best practices for hiring top talent and the process for developing top talent from within the organization.


Task – 7 Discussion post – 900 words 

 Topic: “Protection of patient data has become a critical part of the scope of practice of all healthcare professionals. Routine data breaches underscore the importance of training clinical employees in protecting these data. However, beyond exposure to HIPAA regulations, little is done to educate the healthcare student about the risks and vulnerabilities of the online environment as it pertains to health data” (Swede, Scovetta, & Eugene-Colin, 2018). Search the peer-reviewed literature for examples of this. You may select any topic relating to technology that illustrates the potential for really messing things up. Include, in your description, an analysis of what might have caused the problems and potential solutions to them. Be sure to provide supporting evidence, with citations from the literature. 

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