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1) Review the Office of Traffic Safety’s California Annual Report 2019:

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Provide numerical data to describe the number of fatal/injury accidents and most common types/causes of accidents. Describe any possible 4E’s solution that can help reduce the number of fatal and injury accidents.  

2) Review the IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2019 and answer the following:

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a) List the fatalities per billion vehicle-kilometers in the following countries: United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and Korea.  Comment on the data.

b) How does the US compare with other countries in proportion of different road user categories involving fatalities?  Use available data to compare.

3) Visit the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics site (

a)Describe the types of data that can be obtained from this site.  Identify data that you can use for your class project

b)Based on the BTS data sets 


i. Identify the age group with the highest traffic accident fatalities.  Who is 

involved in more accidents, female or male?  Use supporting data.

ii. Which has the higher number of accidents, heavy rail, light rail or commuter 

rail?  Is the trend increasing or decreasing?  Show the trend using available data.

iii.Describe the of transportation accidents by mode.  Tabulate the data that you 


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