Katharine Becks-Southwest

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Case Study Analysis Template

Please write your case analyses in academic paper format with APA style citations and references. You are expected to address each of the items below. Your responses should be presented in comprehensive narrative and should reference course learning.

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1. What is the primary business issue described in the case?

Note: I am looking for the ONE overarching business issue which may or may not be a marketing issue in the narrow sense. If you find there are several big issues, consider how they might be related or if there is some order in which they should be approached. Ask yourself, “Which must be addressed first?”

2. From a marketing/sales perspective, what are the most important internal (organizational) strengths?

Note: “Internal” typically refers to factors that are within the organization’s domain. Think about the different aspects of an organization such as human resources/staffing, finances, physical plant, marketing management/sales, manufacturing, etc. Which internal strengths enhance/support marketing?

3. From a marketing/sales perspective, what are the most important internal (organizational) challenges?

Note: “Internal” typically refers to factors that are within the organization’s domain. Think about the different aspects of an organization such as human resources/staffing, finances, physical plant, marketing management/sales, manufacturing, etc. Which internal challenges cause difficulty for marketing?

4. From a marketing perspective, what are the most important external opportunities?

Note: “External” typically refers to all things not within the organization’s domain such as the environments in which businesses operate. These environments include, but are not limited to the economic, political, technological, legal/regulatory, social/cultural, and competitive environments. Opportunities are favorable and potential, meaning not yet taken advantage of.

5. From a marketing perspective, what are the most important external challenges?

Note: “External” typically refers to all things not within the organization’s domain such as the environments in which businesses operate. These environments include, but are not limited to the economic, political, technological, legal/regulatory, social/cultural, natural, and competitive environments. Which external challenges cause difficulty for marketing?

6. What marketing/sales strategies would you recommend to help improve the current situation?

Note: A business strategy is a long-term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives. Remember that marketing strategy may include product, price, promotion, and place/distribution channel, so you may recommend a strategy for one or more of these. For example, a distribution strategy for a cellular service provider might be to bring sales closer to potential buyers. Ultimately, most strategies focus on gaining long-term competitive advantage through differentiation.

7. What marketing tactics would you recommend to help improve the current situation?

Note: Tactics are distinct from strategies, but should logically follow from a proposed strategy. Tactics are the specific things marketers do to execute the strategy/plan. Using the cellular service example above, tactics might include (but would not be limited to) establishing sales kiosks in malls, on campuses, in airports, and sports arenas; launching a social media campaign to promote the satellite locations; and offering a time-limited holiday season discount for new accounts at the satellite locations. Remember that marketing tactics include product, price, promotion, and place/distribution channel, so your tactics may relate to any or all of these.

8. What other marketing observations or suggestions would you like to make?

Note: Do not reiterate what has been previously stated. Use this section to share additional insights related to marketing/sales.


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