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Topic: The Third Screen: Smartphones and Tablets and Media Uses and Impacts

Prompt: Consider the current impact of mobile  computing devices and how we will consume media content. Be sure to  watch the video presentations in Module/Week 2. Answer the following  questions. Reference at least one in-text peer-reviewed citation as well as the textbook in your thread and both your posts to classmates. You must also include a biblical worldview in either your initial thread or one of your replies. See “Biblical worldview” below. This assignment requires that you use APA format. 

     1. Current mobile devices offer everything from ordering a pizza to  playing video games to doing your banking.  Is having this consumer  control and access a benefit or are we ceding some control over to a few  large media companies?       
2. How are today’s evolving media content and mobility options  increasing or decrease the quality and value of the media we have  available to use as consumers?         3. After viewing the trends shown in Laura Zalaznick’s presentation “The Conscience of TV” of 6  years ago, what trends, if any can you identify between media content  and economic, societal or social media trends in your life today?  What  parallels can you draw between television content and the state of  America?      


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