population gen

The assignment will be on the life history of a non-human, non-primate organism! Discuss the life history of any organism of your choice and compare that to the life history of humans. Make sure that the primary peer-reviewed article you use for your non-human/non-primate species is no older than 10 years old.

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Please be certain to compare and contrast your organism’s life history to that of humans! Use what you have learned about Austad’s work on opossums to draw inferences about your species. Does your species “live fast and die young”? Why or why not? How have selecting pressures in its environment shaped your species’ life history?

As before, be sure you have the 800 word minimum and discuss the life history of your organism in depth. And remember to compare it to human life history at the end of your essay.

Peer reviews for this assignment will open up later that evening after the close of the assignment. Please complete peer reviews within 7 days.


Homework #3- Life histories comparisonHomework #3- Life histories comparisonCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the main point clear? Is evidence used to persuade the reader about life history and the selective pressures leading to it? Is it memorable?6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the essay complete and at least 800 words? Does the author compare their chosen organism’s life history with human life history?6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the citation of PRIMARY literature complete and accurate?3.0 pts
Total Points: 15.0

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