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Sex Tourism

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Multidisciplinary Analysis of Human Sexuality and Diversity

Thailand’s Sex Tourism

California State University, Long Beach


HSC 425 -13

Word Count: 2187


Prostitution in Thailand has been around for hundreds of years. As a result of the Vietnam war the phenomenon of sex tourism began to erupt in the country. As prostitution began to expand so did the sex industry, many erotic shows started to appear throughout the streets of Thailand. Along with this increase in the sex industry came an increase in AIDS throughout the nation. Even though prostitution is illegal in Thailand, the country’s economy benefits significantly from it.


Countless evidence exists that examines the contributions of tourism, from its capability of bridging the gap between the those who are rich and those who are poor, to improvements in livelihood, increased occupational potential, and even its ability to overcome unequal growth in emerging regions around the world. Tourism is major a contributor to the solidity of expenses and international exchange earnings for developing countries, these nations must break into the commercial mainstream if they anticipate accomplishing the transformation into the twenty-first century. Thailand has perceived this point of view by establishing a tourism advertising method which accommodates large quantities of travelers to nearly all regions of the country. “Land of Smiles” is the catchphrase coined by Thailand to promote their nation. This motto has been advertised around the world, the country has developed into one of the most pursued and renowned international tourist destinations. On the contrary, an extremely dark side to the paradox of tourism exists, it is called sex tourism. Sex tourism universally refers to individuals traveling internationally, whose sole purpose, is to procure sexual services of indigenous men and women (Rao, 1999). This phenomenon affects both the political and economic spectrums. The main factors that cause the existence of this growing reality are the regions that endorse prostitution and the sources of demand that feed its growth.
The United States has deep roots tied to sex tourism in Thailand, the sex industry has a profound impact on the economic and social stability of the country.

History of Sex Tourism in Thailand

Part of the reason why Thailand’s prostitution dilemma has thrived for many years is due to a couple key political and social changes. The first major change took effect, in 1943, when prostitution was legalized by King Rama V. Then by 1960, under pressure for the United Nations, prostitution was banned across the county. By 1967 another major change had taken into effect, during the Vietnam War, a transaction of women for currency between Thailand and America, these incidents are considered to be the origins of sex tourism in the country. Due to the presence of the establishments constructed by the United States military during the war, a considerable expansion in Thailand’s prostitution industry was experienced. Being only a short distance from the warfare, the American soldiers used Thailand as a “Rest and Recreation” location (Nuttavuthisit, 2007). Prostitution had gained such an enormous popularity in the nation that it had replaced tourism altogether, even after the war had subsided. As prostitution began to run increasingly rampant across the country, the nation began to experience an increased volume of sex tourists flocking into the country from around the globe. The amount of Thai women consumed by the uncontrollable growth of prostitution during 1957 was an estimated 20,000. This valuation had increased to more than ten times to a half million, by the time the United States soldiers had dispersed (Belk, Ostergaard, Groves, 1998). The Vietnam War had officially embedded the tradition of Thai prostitution into the consciousness of western nations.

Prostitution began taking on new appearances in the form of aliases like bar girls, massage parlors, go-go clubs, singers, maids and other cover occupations. International economics coupled with Thai prostitution helped facilitate this new paradox of sex tourism. Cities like Pattaya, just an hour south of Bangkok, were created by this clash of forces. In 1987, the Thai government advertised a form of sexual tourism through the phrase “The one fruit of Thailand more delicious than durian, its young women” (Poulin, 2003). In today’s day and age, there are persuasive campaigns that broadcast sex tourism in Thailand all around the world. As an example, in Europe there are advertisements for “Thailand Express Sex Tours”, these advertisements refer to Bangkok as “one big brothel” (Nuttavuthisit, 2007). This type of marketing must not be held accountable for harming Thailand’s image and the proliferation of prostitution in the country. These advertisements only exist because Thailand allows the country to be branded accordingly. It would be a pivotal misconception not to acknowledge the components that help maintain this erotic image, such as unethical law enforcement who permit commercial sex services to prosper. The country must recognize holding this position means accepting that the global opinion will threaten the image of Thailand as a civilized and reputable nation. To the Thai people it is considered taboo to convey these types of issues openly, in most cases conversations of this nature are completely avoided. Comment by Nathan Matza: Amazing statement!

Thailand Sex Shows

For the Tourism Authority in Thailand, the sex industry is like the skeleton in the closet that nobody wishes to discuss. The nation strives to portray a traditional, historic, and alluring perception to the rest of the world. Yet, there is very little talk of the industry that has notoriously tainted Bangkok with a reputation as “the carnal capital of the world” (Chia, 2016). The countries sex industry had grown exceedingly for international travelers during the 1980’s, sex shows in particular. Many strange erotic shows began emerging onto the scene, it was at this time that many economies in Asia were facing accelerated industrialization followed by a striking increase of economic growth. The sex shows emerging during this time became a vital driver of the tourist industry. In the red-light districts, there are overwhelming amounts of posters and many neon lit signs that advertise these explicit forms of entertainment. On the streets, individuals carry posters and pass out flyers displaying the current line-ups for different shows, in attempt to lure clientele. These erotic shows could include anything from dart shooting, cigarette smoking, ping pong balls being shot across the room, to tricks with living fish and other critters, tricks with different types of fruit, writing letters or drawing pictures, stunts with razor blades strung together like a rope, and even genuine sex on stage. Many of these activities top the lists at a variety of these popular sex shows, most of the activities you would not believe unless you had seen it with your own eyes. These “vaginal acrobats” as some would call them, are definitely a very different kind of eroticism that most westerners wouldn’t be accustomed too, they may even be consider disturbing to some individuals.

HIV/AIDS in Thailand

Not only has sex tourism shouldered a significant source of income to boost the country economically, it has also suffered from downfalls. One of the major downfalls that struck the nation was the AIDS disease. In 1987 the first incident was diagnosed in the country, this incident marked the emergence of AIDS in Asian countries. At first, the escalation of the disease was predominantly a result of sex trade and drug consumption, but by 1997 there was an estimated 800,000 individuals in the country diagnosed with HIV. This rapid increase in individuals diagnosed with HIV induced Thailand to introduced a “100 percent condom use” campaign. This new movement emboldened the urgency of practicing condom use in brothels, educating individuals about the AIDS epidemic, and efforts to educate prostitutes on the necessity of condom usage (Nuttavuthisit, 2007). The outcome of the new program was extraordinary. A few months it was initiated, newly sexually transmitted infections amongst sex workers had been reduced in Ratchaburi Province, from beyond ten percent to below one percent. In reaction to its monumental success, government representatives vigorously extended the program to many provinces across the nation. According to the Department of Disease Control, within a few years after the campaign had been implemented throughout the country, condom use among sex workers had improved from under twenty percent to beyond eighty percent. In the succeeding years between 1991 and 2001, HIV infections dropped from 143,000 per year to under 14,000 (Treerutkuarkul, 2010). As word of the campaigns progress had spread throughout the land, comparable movements were embraced by bordering Asian countries such as: China, Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines, and Vietnam.

Economic Impact of Sex Tourism

Economically the nation benefits significantly from the revenue brought in by sex tourism. Before the 1960’s, the city of Pattaya was a rather small fishing village until hundreds of American troops had arrived for “Rest and Recreation” from the war, this surge of soldiers and their sex drive, led to the creation of one of the most expansive red-light districts in the world. Sex tourism still exists as the core of the economy in the city of Pattaya. As the controversy of sex exploitation arises, it must be scrutinized from a broader perspective. Many analysts believe that prostitution leads to the destruction of human rights and is a crime to women’s dignity, in numerous cases prostitution develops as a unique method of economic exploitation rather than carnal persecution. Women growing up in impoverished households may choose to participate in the sex trade because it may establish opportunities to provide benefits for their families (Nuttavuthisit, 2007).  The aspiration of becoming prosperous and achieving a social status in the Thai economy not only entices the masses into prostitution, but it also traps them there. Regions of the country where living conditions of individuals are indigent has caused an influx of exposure to distorted standards. Other factors such as a rising consumer culture, an increased burden to triumph in a materialistic world, as well as the need to overcome poverty, drives women to find supplementary ways to earn money to fund their material needs.

Sex tourism remains a very complex network, it is not solely the sex tourists who reap the benefits, but others in the organization as well. Others that may be benefiting from this industry include; local businesses, prostitutes, taxi’s, tuk-tuk drivers, and even vacation companies. Perhaps, it is the stakeholders that have an economic interest in promoting the continuance and development of the ongoing sex tourism industry and not so much the tourists. Sex tourists arriving in Thailand find themselves with an amplified economic purchasing power to contemplate choices of sexual pleasure in a multitude of situations and dealings (Nuttavuthisit, 2007). Legalizing prostitution was considered by the Ministry of Justice of Thailand in 2013, it was projected to raise tax revenue and create enhanced working conditions for the sex laborers. To this day, the debate has yet to be legalized, but it is generally observed that prostitution in Thailand as financial arrangement is commonly accepted. In 2015, it was predicted that the revenue from the sex businesses supplied from between two and ten percent of Thailand’s GDP (Chia, 2016).


Prostitution has been ingrained in the Thai culture for hundreds of years. It wasn’t until the Vietnam War when prostitution began to be exploited by more individuals around the world. This was the beginning of rapid growth of sex tourism and the sex industry in the nation. Even though prostitution is not legal, it is widely accepted because of the financial gains. It will be very hard to change the perceptions that other countries have about Thailand because of this dark side to tourism.


I do believe that prostitution and sex tourism runs rampant in Thailand. Although, I think there is a misconception that prostitution and forms of erotic fun can be seen on any street all over Thailand, this is not the case. There are places like red-light districts where most of these types of services are located. During the summer of 2017, I visited Thailand for three weeks after a study abroad trip I had finished in China. I had observed sex tourism at its finest, there were many older aged males, maybe 55 years or older, with one, two, or even three women under their arms. Many of these women could have been no older than twenty-five from what I could tell. It is a fact that in these emerging countries money is very sought after, especially US dollars.

At the time I was in Thailand, one dollar was equivalent to thirty-five baht. I believe this increase in purchasing power is a major factor why many sex tourist travel to Thailand from the United States. I also believe that much of the time the women involved are benefiting as well, they choose to be a part of the sex industry because money is the motive. I have made some friends in Thailand from Chiang Mai, which is up in the Northern part of the country, four of them lived in a single room and used a hole in the ground as a toilet. The air conditioner did not even work and it had to have been more than 95 degrees Fahrenheit outside daily, during my stay. With living conditions like this I could understand why some individuals would chooses prostitution or the sex trade to attempt to better their lives.

References Comment by Nathan Matza: Good refs and APA formatted

Belk, R. W., Ostergaard, P., & Groves, R. (1998). Sexual consumption in the time of AIDS: A study of prostitute patronage in Thailand. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 17(2), 197-214. Retrieved from

Chia, J. (2016). Rethinking Thai sex work: The mistress culture. Harvard International Review, 37(4), 9-10. Retrieved from

Nuttavuthisit, K. (2007). Branding Thailand: Correcting the negative image of sex tourism. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 3(1), 21-30. Retrieved from doi:

Poulin, R. (2003). Globalization and the sex trade: Trafficking and the commodification of women and children. Canadian Woman Studies, 22(3), 38-47. Retrieved from

Rao, N. (1999). Sex Tourism in South Asia. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(2), 96-99. Retrieved from

Treerutkuarkul, A. (2010). Thailand’s new condom crusade. World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88(6), 404-5. Retrieved from

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Rubric: HSc 425 Research Paper/Matza


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Reconfiguring Celebrity Sexual Misconduct


CSU Long Beach, HSC 425 Sec 27 6708

November 2, 2019; Professor Matza

Word Count: 1672


According to the United States Department of Justice, Sexual assault is defined as any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent. And based on, In America, every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Many of the sexual assault occurrences go unnoticed and unreported, and for various reasons. And historically, the punitive value of the punishments doled out to offenders and perpetrators far underweighted the offenses and subsequent consequences endured by the victims and others implicated by strength of periphery. Because of the piece-meal fashion of information that’s doled out to the public, there lacks a comprehensive and expansive understanding of sexual conduct and consent, all nuanced implications therein. To magnify the issue, the celebrity world has experienced a seismic shakedown of celebrity sexual assault cases, further complicating the situation on a grand scale. When taken into account the political, sociocultural and economic factors that affect victims and aggressors of sexual assault, especially in the wealthy celebrity sphere, a shift in political and societal participation is needed, in addition to a balanced gendered accountability, along with forward and progressive reform tactics that need to be implemented to better educate the public on best prevention practices
. Comment by Nathan Matza: Excellent intro.


Within the past few years, since 2017, there has been a wave of celebrity presence in the realm of sexual assault, with celebrities both blowing the whistle on moments of discretion, as well as those under the celebrity light being held accountable and under much fire as they have been exposed as perpetrators against victims. Sexual assault and misconduct have persisted for ages, but Gibson et al. (2019) notes, “2017 became a turning point where many accused perpetrators experienced negative consequences for their behaviors” (p. 218). “The 2017 Me Too celebrity acknowledgment of having been victimized and the powerful men accused, further got people’s attention” (Gibson et al., 2019, p. 219). This was initiated by actress Alyssa Milano, who, in a “Me Too” tweet requested her audience to respond if they had experienced sexual misconduct (Gibson et al., 2019). “Within moments, there were 30,000 responses and over 12 million reactions and posts via Snapchat, Facebook, and other platforms in two days” (Gibson et al., 2019, pp. 219-220).

“Each week, more celebrities voiced their victimization stories, and seemingly weekly, for a while, a number of celebrity men were being removed from positions or otherwise terminated in the face of accusations and related investigations” (Gibson et al., 2019, p. 220). Because of the shocking outpour of responses to the “Me Too” tweet, “Me Too” has ascended to a full-fledge movement, and in its whirlwind has picked up more than 70 cases of sexual accusations amongst high profile celebrities, and as a result displacing and dropping them from their once powerful status and out of work in the celebrity sphere. Some notable figures that have been under fire are Harvey Weinstein (film producer), Bill Cosby (comedian), Mario Batali (celebrity chef), Kevin Spacey (actor), Matt Lauer (news anchor), recently deceased John Conyers, Jr. (former U.S. Representative of Michigan), Russell Simmons (music executive), Al Franken (comedian and politician), Louis C.K. (comedian and producer), Andy Dick (actor), and many, many more. As celebrity is defined simply as a famous person, figures of various industries have been included in the scandal. Comment by Nathan Matza: Citation?

A Common Theme

A common theme in these scandals, regardless to industry, is the selfishly advantageous wielding of power. Using this power, those in positions of power and influence, generally men, are under fire. Power and influence are an obviously strong tool to lure and capture subordinates, compelling victims by fraud or coercion to give into requests not inherently desired. Without acquiescence, overtly or begrudgingly, the victim, along with their career and reputation are subject to harm. According to Gibson et al. (2019), “the harm could be a threat to the victim’s employment, performance, and/or the creation of a hostile, intimidating, or offensive work environment” (Gibson et al., 2019, p. 218).

Sexual Consent on Mars and Venus

It stands to make mention of a need for society, including celebrities, to gain a better understanding of the exact and explicit meaning and forms of appropriate sexual consent. Contextual information that will supply the public with a deeper knowledge of sociocultural differences between genders can possibly help bridge the gap and distance between Mars (men) and Venus (women). There isn’t much research on the gendered differences of indication and interpretation of sexual consent between men and women. And this is showing to be an important piece to explore and educate to better address sexual misconduct. Jozkowski, Peterson, Sanders, Dennis, and Reece (2014) state that it “is important to study sexual consent because of its relationship to sexual assault” (p. 904). In a research project performed on college students by Jozkowski et al. (2014), “analyses of how participants actually communicated and interpreted consent suggested that many college students, despite defining consent as an explicit communication of agreement, often use consent signals that are less clear than providing explicit permission or saying yes” (p. 912). It was also ascertained by Jozkowski et al. (2014), through the research that “men were more likely than women to rely on nonverbal cues to communicate and interpret consent and non-consent, and women were more likely than men to rely on verbal cues to communicate and interpret consent” (p. 913). This is one of few research attempts made at understanding the differences of men and women as it pertains to the matter of communication of sexual consent. If college students alone show a miscommunication between the sexes, it is plausible for older adults and even higher esteemed individuals, celebrities even, to experience the same wall in communication. Matters of sexual assault have been made so black and white that the existing blurred lines keep from an expansion in societal comprehension of all related phenomenon that influence or mediate something that has been going on for centuries. And, it is time for the collective to expand their efforts on how to address this issue from a didactic framework. Comment by Nathan Matza: Excellent points

Neoliberalism and Postfeminism

In another vein of drawing connections and correlations, politics and their occasional theme shifts have played a role in personal and public notions of sexual conduct and consent. It doesn’t go without sensitivity and understanding the role neoliberalism and postfeminism have played in the political undoing of the second-wave feminist’s successful movement in garnering public attention and concern to the mistreatment women faced during its time. Neoliberalism and postfeminism are complementary in their conjoined approaches to society, and together have cultivated a society that, when it comes to sexual misconduct and assault, puts a disproportionate onus and responsibility on the victim and not the perpetrator. “This convergence of neoliberal and postfeminist ideologies has had very real and often detrimental consequences for women” (Patterson & Sears, 2011, para. 13). Conversely, a fight to oppose the impression of neoliberalism and postfeminism has tried to bring back into play taking society and government back by the hand, urging them to pick back up the baton and treat this issue as a group matter and not an individual one. One observed backlash to this is the lack of balancing the accountability scale to address the role of complicity women have played in celebrity sexual assault scandals.

Accountability for Both Genders

Just as much as men require acculturation to newer societal agreement on proper sexual conduct and consent, women are in need of reproach as well, but for different matters. For female victims to “come out” after a substantial amount of time has passed, secretly acquiescing to sexual misconduct and assaults of superiors, and later demanding public support for themselves and punitive punishment for the offenders, should no longer be societally complicit nor personally practiced. And, especially if bribery tactics were accepted by the victims for silence, it should come off as common understanding that the victim essentially compromised legitimacy of their victimhood by consenting to an exchange. In the case of Harvey Weinstein, the victims made public exposure of Weinstein paying off accusers for decades. “When persons are trying to accomplish a lifelong goal, advance a career, or simply pay their bills, they may perceive a need to keep quiet about their exposure to misconduct” (Gibson et al., 2019, p. 220). This serves as a double-barreled problem, because, by consenting to a bribery exchange or submitting to abuse for career-oriented goals, not only is the victim no longer a victim in truth of innocence, but on a grander scale, the victim is now co-conspirator and agent of the cyclical problem.

Reform and Reflection

In schools and workplaces outside the career dwellings of the celebrity, efforts to bring awareness and strategy to sexual misconduct prevention have been in full swing, and especially since the “Me Too” movement. It isn’t ridiculous or rudimentary to make this a standard for all positions within the film and music industry, making no one of any status above training. Much of the training has had a heavy focus on ways to say and the imperativeness of the explicit gathering of “no”. But given the nuances surrounding appropriate and inappropriate sexual conduct, as well as indication and interpretation of consent, the education needs to be more comprehensive. In a paper by Lee, (2018), “the contents of the education and training should include as the followings: what words and behaviors are sexual harassment or gender bias, and when she or he experiences or observes sexual harassment or gender bias, she or he can speak up without fear and should be encouraged to do” (p. 433). There should also be a part of the training set aside to provide cultural context on the influence of sexual scripts and their traditional use in this country. And, given the ratio of female to male victims, it would help for men to take a strong hold in the involvement of rallying their gendered peers into support of vying for a better and more comprehensive understanding of proper sexual conduct and consent. Also, “because sexual violence affects both women and men, and also maintains gender inequality worldwide (Yodanis 2004), enlisting men’s help to end sexual violence is critical” (Yodanis, 2004, as cited in Chapleau, 2013, p. 86). Comment by Nathan Matza: Outstanding statement.


Chapleau, K. (2015). Using Masculinity to Stop Sexual Violence: Must Women Be Weak for Men to Be Strong? Sex Roles, 73(1-2), 86-89.

Gibson, C., Davenport, S., Fowler, T., Harris, C., Prudhomme, M., Whiting, S., & Simmons-Horton, S. (2019). Understanding the 2017 “Me Too” Movement’s Timing. Humanity & Society, 43(2), 217-224.

Jozkowski, K., Peterson, Z., Sanders, S., Dennis, B., & Reece, M. (2014). Gender Differences in Heterosexual College Students’ Conceptualizations and Indicators of Sexual Consent: Implications for Contemporary Sexual Assault Prevention Education. Journal Of Sex Research, 51(8), 904-916.

Lee, B. (2018). #Me Too Movement; It Is Time That We All Act and Participate in Transformation. Psychiatry Investigation, 15(5), 433.

Patterson, N., & Sears, C. (2011). Letting men off the hook? Domestic violence and postfeminist celebrity culture. Genders, 53, Genders, Apr 2011, Vol.53.

Rubric: Project 2 Research Paper (Matza)

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Details for Project 2: Signature Research Paper Department Requirements for Signature Assignment: Japanese Birth Control

1. Length: Paper length is 1500 minimum words (excluding title page, references, graphics, charts)

2. 2. Resources: This is a research-based assignment, sources must be scholarly, and websites should be reliable. Minimum of 5 peer reviewed sources. Textbook, encyclopedias do not count. Peer reviewed sources must include date and author. Resources must be within the past 10 years.

3. Thesis: Your thesis must be in italics and clearly state your opinion.

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5. The assignment must use college level writing, including spelling, verb usage and tense, grammar, vocabulary, sentence formation and paragraph development. Paper must be written in third person. Be cautious: direct quotes limited to 10% of paper.

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