Global Ethics Project 1

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Community Organization Global Ethics Project


Create a hypothetical community organization. Design a poster for this organization that describes the problem your organization seeks to address, presents the organization’s services, and includes the ethical framework in which it operates. There are 4 checkpoints (parts) in this project:

1. Select a community and create a hypothetical community organization to serve it. You will include the guiding ethical principles and frameworks that drive your organization’s work (due Week 3).

2. Using a provided template, submit a project outline describing your community, the problem you’ve identified, and your organization’s strategies for addressing the problem. Your outline includes a list of sources (works cited) and a description of how you plan to organize your poster (due Week 7).

3. Create and submit a draft poster containing all required elements. You will gain peer feedback on the content and design of your poster (due Week 9).

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4. Make changes based on feedback and submit your final poster (due Week 11).

“Please do every Part in different word document

So there will be a 3 word document for part 1-3”

Part 1 Project Checkpoint: Community Organization Proposal

(2 pages)

To complete this checkpoint, select a specific city, town or community region within a larger city and conduct research on that city you have selected. (For example: instead of selecting Denver, Colorado, try selecting a smaller part of the Denver Metropolitan Area, such as Littleton.) It would be best to select the town or area you currently reside in so you have access to local resources and information, if needed.

After you have selected your city, create a community nonprofit organization that meets the needs of that community. Ideally, use the Widdows textbook and other course materials to identify potential issues that you want to solve in your community. These issues could relate to war, gender inequality, poverty, climate change, business and labor conditions, or any other course topics. Choose a topic that will fill a need in your selected community. (For example, if there is no organization addressing needs of military veterans in the community you selected, perhaps you would select that topic for your organization to address)

Other examples include:

· Animal/dog ranch for stray dogs/unwanted dogs

· Center for after school reading/education

· Homeless shelter/job-retraining

· Soup kitchen where clients help with management of the organization

In your submission, describe the type of community organization you are going to create for your community. Your submission should include brief answers to the following questions:

· What community is your organization going to serve? This must be a specific city, town, or region of your choice.

· What type of issues in your community is your organization going to address?

· What ethical theory or framework is going to guide your organization’s mission and work?

Submit this information to ulearn.

Part 2 Project Checkpoint: Research Outline

(See the other file name week 7 outline) 3 pages

To complete this checkpoint, use the outline template provided in the Week 7 tab (Look at another attachment I have already attach a outline form, use that one) .
Download the template and replace the blue text with your own information.

In week 3 you identified the community and the problem. To complete this checkpoint you will conduct research to learn more about the community and the problem, and identify the services your organization will provide to address that problem.

Use the information you find, along with research on similar organizations, to draft a mission statement and goals for your organization.

First, investigate the demographics of your chosen community. Consider the following information:

· Population demographics (age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, etc…)

· Poverty rate

· Unemployment rate

· Minimum wage

· Education level

· Any current social issues in this community

· Any current health issues in this community

· Other information relevant to your project

Next, check back to the ethical framework you identified in your proposal and decide if you are going to stick with that or choose another framework to serve as your theoretical framework as you develop your organization (Moral theory (Utilitarianism, Kantianism, Virtue Ethics), Political theory (Cosmopolitanism, including Rawls’ principles of international morality), or Rights theory).

Next, develop your organization’s purpose, mission statement, goals and strategies to address the needs of the population. Purpose and mission statement must be connected to your ethical framework.

One strategic way to acquire this information is to research similar organizations. Look at other mission statements adjust them to meet the needs of the organization you are creating (you can get ideas from other mission statements, but do not plagiarize!). How are other organizations providing similar services?

Do not make information up. Your organization should be based on similar, actual organizations. This will keep your project realistic.

Record all your information on the research outline template. Also use the outline to keep track of all your sources.

Complete the outline, including part II where you will begin to map out how to present your information on a poster, and submit to ulearn.

Part 3 Project Checkpoint: Poster Draft and Peer Feedback



to create a poster)

To complete this checkpoint, submit a draft of your virtual poster for peer review in the Week 9 Discussion.

Your poster should convey information about your organization and the community it serves according to the requirements on the Project Outline Template: There are five required sections, you may put them in any order on your poster: Community, Problem, Organization (and its services), Ethical Framework, and References. On your poster you may title these sections however you wish. For example, your “Community” Section might be titled “Apple Valley, NC – A Vibrant Community with a Troubling Problem” Or simply, “Apple Valley, NC.”

Ideas for optional sections include a timeline of the problem’s development, a list of related statistics, or a “snapshot” of a person (or animal?) served by your organization.

Submitting your poster now allows you to receive feedback from your peers and gives you time to make any necessary changes before you submit your final poster.

Use the software Canva to create your poster. Video tutorials are available in the Week 5 tab. If you would prefer to use another software program, seek instructor approval first.

Submit this poster draft to ulearn in the Week 9 Discussion forum.

Part 4 Final Project

To complete the final project, upload the final version of your organization’s poster to ulearn, making changes based on feedback from your peers and instructor. The final version of your poster is due on the last day of the course.

This project requires research, time management, creativity and organizational skills. Be sure to keep up with the checkpoints and you will be fine!

Need help visualizing what your poster should look like? Review these tips about how to effectively display information in a poster:

· NCSU’s

Creating Effective Poster Presentations

· Piktochart’s

How to Make an Eye-Catching and Effective Poster

· Youtube Video:

Make a Poster in Canva


Running Head:





Your Name


PHIL3240: Ethics: A Global Perspective

Community Project Outline

Professor Name

Community Project Outline
Replace all BLUE text with your own information

I. Introduction

A. Statement of the problem

1. The Community. Describe the community. Include, for example:

a. Population demographics (age, race, ethnicity, socio-economic, etc.)

i. Reference: List source

b. Poverty rate

i. Reference: List source

c. Unemployment rate

i. Reference: List source

d. Minimum wage

i. Reference: List source

e. Education level

i. Reference: List source

f. Current social issues facing this community?

i. Reference: List source

g. Current health issues facing this community?

i. Reference: List source

h. Other data relevant to your identified problem

i. Reference: List source

ii. Reference: List source

2. The Problem. Describe the problem you have identified (must be a topic related to our study of global ethics and be a need in your area)

a. Reference: List source

b. Reference: List source

3. Existing programs and strategies. Describe what is currently being to done to address this problem in your area – What efforts and/or organizations are already working on this issue? What are the gaps – why are these efforts not sufficient to address the need?

a. Reference: List source
b. Reference: List source

B. Proposed NEW organization

1. Purpose: What is the purpose of your organization – what specific issue will it address?

2. Mission Statement: What is your organization’s Mission Statement?

3. Goals: What are the specific GOALS of your organization related to the identified problem?

4. Strategies: Explain exactly what the people that work for your organization will do to meet the organization’s goals and address the need you have identified.

5. Ethical Framework: What is the guiding ethical framework of your organization? Are you going to view your problem proposed solutions through the lens of a Moral theory (Utilitarianism, Kantianism, Virtue Ethics), Political theory (Cosmopolitanism, including Rawls’ principles of international morality), or Rights theory? How does the ethical framework you choose connect to the mission?

II. Poster Design

List the headings of each section that you are going to include on your poster. There are five required sections, you may put them in any order on your poster: Community, Problem, Organization (and its services), Ethical Framework, and References. On your poster you may title these sections however you wish. For example, your “Community” Section might be titled “Apple Valley, NC – A Vibrant Community with a Troubling Problem” Or simply, “Apple Valley, NC.” Ideas for optional sections include a timeline of the problem’s development, a list of related statistics, or a “snapshot” of a person (or animal?) served by your organization.

Section 1: The Community: Your Section Title

Section 2: The Problem: Your Section Title

Section 3: The Organization (and its services): Your Section Title

Section 4: The Ethical Framework: Your Section Title

Section 5: References

Section 6: (optional): Your Section Title

Section 7: (optional): Your Section Title

Section 8: (optional) Your Section Title

III. Works Cited

What sources are you using? Organize them here even if they are also listed in Section I – this will make writing your final Works Cited page much easier.

Example, MLA format:

Widdows, Heather. Global Ethics : An Introduction. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.

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