IT 445 Q2

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Pg. 01

Question Three

Assignment 2

Deadline: Day 24/3/2019 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 6]

Decision Support Systems

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College of Computing and Informatics

Question One
2 Marks

Learning Outcome(s): LO4

Resolve the issues involved in the management and development of DSS.

In bag-of-word approach, given the corpus below, do the following:
a) Create a term dictionary (1 gram only)
b) Create term-by-document matrix




I am a good student who likes reading


He is not a very good swimmer


The class was very long and not very useful


The game is fun and tense

c) Identify the stop words in the corpus

Question Two
2 Marks

Learning Outcome(s): LO3

Use some DSS and demonstrate the database working with DSS and statistical models.

Differentiate between a single layer perceptron and a multilayer perceptron and give diagrammatic examples.
Question Three
2 Marks

Learning Outcome(s): LO4

Resolve the issues involved in the management and development of DSS.

Data Preparation is a critical data mining task. Differentiate between the following:
Data cleaning:
Data integration:
Data selection:
Data transformation:

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