Law and Economics Paper

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1, 2

I, G, C, W

Law and Economics Paper #3: “Business Report”

300 Points – 30% of Course Grade (Due on March 22, Sunday of week 2 @ 11:59 PM EST)


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Connection(s) to SLOs

Connection(s) to SAIL

Identify and categorize concerns and issues in a variety of economic and law related frameworks, such as Social Science Perspectives, Consumer Reputations, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,

Archie Carroll’s Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, etc.

1, 2

I, G, C, W

Define and differentiate the various categories of Public and Private laws. Align them with economic theory / concerns.


I, C, W

Evaluate real-world examples at the intersection of economics and the law

Recommend and justify, for a business or industry sector, a set of potential options which

specifically explores the background of a scenario, evaluates economic concerns, and explores legal considerations / ramifications.

1, 2, 5

I, C, P, W

This assignment asks you to write a business report (paper) for a real or hypothetical company in the Romaine lettuce industry that provides a discussion of the background and discussions pertaining to economics and the law. Further, you are to evaluate the economic and legal pros and cons regarding a solution, justifying your recommendation.

Paper Required Elements:

A. COVER PAGE (APA Formatted)


1. Brief description of concern with the Romaine Lettuce events of the past few years

2. Summary of relevant Consumer Reputation concerns

3. Summary of the relevant Social Science Perspectives

4. Summary of the relevant Hierarchy of Needs levels

5. Summary of the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility levels


1. Include a simple Supply and Demand curve to explain the impact(s) from the events.

2. How might this impact the affected companies?

3. The products’ sale prices?

4. How might this impact other companies/sources?

5. What (if anything) else can be concluded?


1. Relevant Public Law discussion

a. Real Connections from multiple categories

b. Briefly cite and summarize an existing case or two (from any category)

2. Relevant Private Law discussion

a. Real Connections from multiple categories
b. Briefly cite and summarize an existing case or two (from any category)

E. CONSULTATION (1-2 pages)

1. Should the company invest $10 Million dollars in new tools (technology, testing, training, etc.) to prevent future outbreaks and recalls?

a. Economic pros and cons for BOTH options (“YES” – or “NO”)

b. Legal pros and cons for BOTH options (“YES” – or “NO”)

2. Your recommendation: “YES” – or “NO” (and justification)

F. WORKS CITED (APA formatted)


· Format: Typed paper, submitted electronically.

· Length: Will vary, 8 to 10 pages of prose is typical

· Formatting: Students must use APA format. Your paper must include a cover page.

· In-Text Citations: Simply use the following format of parentheses / last name (of author) / comma / date (published) / parentheses – (Smith, 2012). Please use APA support material for citationsand bibliography.

· Bibliography: The paper requires that you enlist both primary and secondary outside sources. Your paper must include a full bibliography (APA formatted) with a suggested range of 10 to 15 entries.

All assignments (beyond Discussion Board Participation) will be graded using the following rubric:

GRADING RUBRIC: Written Communication











Weight 20%

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work.

Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s) (e.g., the task aligns with audience, purpose, and context).

Demonstrates awareness of context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., begins to show awareness of audience’s perceptions and assumptions).

Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience).


Weight 20%

Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole work.

Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape the whole work.

Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop and explore ideas through most of the work.

Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop simple ideas in some parts of the work.


Weight 20%

Demonstrates detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task

(s) including defining terms, organization, content, presentation,

formatting, and stylistic choices

Demonstrates consistent use of important conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s), including defining terms, organization, content, presentation, and stylistic choices

Follows expectations appropriate to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s) for basic organization, content, and presentation.

Attempts to use a consistent system for basic organization and presentation.


Weight 20%

Demonstrates skillful use of high- quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing

Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing.

Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing.

Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas in the writing.


Weight 20%

Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error free.

Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers.

The language in the portfolio has few errors.

Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors.

Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage.

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