Signature Assignment: Instructional Plan and Presentation

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Instructional Plan and Presentation Instructions

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Signature Assignment Guidelines


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Finalize your Instructional Plan and Presentation project as outlined in the Signature Assignment: Instructional Plan and Presentation Instructions.

Include this assignment in your MAED/AET digital record of signature assignments to be submitted in the final course. Refer to the

Adult Education and Training Professional Portfolio Requirement

for more information.

Submit your assignment as instructed by your facilitator.






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Signature Assignment: Instructional Plan and Presentation*

CUR/516 Version 5


University of Phoenix Material

Signature Assignment: Instructional Plan and Presentation*

The Instructional Plan and Presentation project provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate instructional design knowledge. You will design and create an instructional plan that includes the following components: goals, objectives, instructional strategies, activities, timeline and details for implementation, and an evaluation overview.

Part I

Select a course or training session you would likely be responsible for planning for your workplace or for a workplace with which you are familiar.

Create a graphic organizer, outline, table, or paper that includes all of the following elements regarding your course or training session:

· The specific name and title of the course or training session

· A description and purpose of the selected course or training session

· The target audience: conduct an audience analysis and then describe the characteristics of the target audience

· Length of course or training session

· Two to four goals for your course or training session based on your course or training session description

Part II

Write 1 to 3 learning objectives that align with each of your stated goals in Part I.

Format your assignment with one of the following: graphic organizer, outline, table, or paper.

Include the following elements:

· The defined goals

· The objectives for each goal written in the A-B-C-D format

· Descriptions of instructional strategies and activities you will use in the course or training session

· Descriptions of instructional technologies you will use in the course or training session

Part III

Create a plan for designing and implementing course or training session.

Include the following:

· Resources needed and materials that must be prepared

· Total length of time your course or training will take

· Individuals involved (facilitator, learners, administrators) with implementation

· Details of how your plan will be implemented

How you will communicate the training/course to participants including specific timelines and schedules

How you will engage learners during the training/course

How you will know participants are learning during the session. What formative assessments will you use?

Part IV

Describe evaluation instruments that must be created.

Describe the criteria you will use to determine whether participants met the learning goals and objectives.

Compile your completed instructional plan as follows:

· Part I

· Part II

· Part III

· Part IV


Construct a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that addresses each of the parts of your instructional plan. The presentation must be appropriate to the speaker’s audience and must include main ideas on the slides, details in the speaker notes, and citations to references that adhere to APA formatting.

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Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.




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Signature Assignment Guidelines

CUR/516 Version 5


University of Phoenix Material

Signature Assignment Guidelines

Signature Assignments are aligned to program student learning outcomes and provide critical information to help the university ensure students have mastered learning outcomes necessary to be effective practitioners and to assist in the university’s programmatic assessment process. Students will use the knowledge and skills learned throughout the program to complete this assignment. Signature Assignments are required and cannot be changed or deleted, as denoted by the asterisk in the title.

This course contains a Signature Assignment: Instructional Plan and Presentation. It is due in Week 8. The Signature Assignment in this course is aligned to Program Student Learning Outcome: #1 Students can design and implement instructional practices to produce a positive impact on adult learning.

Students and faculty can access the Signature Assignment in the week in which it is due by clicking on the assignment’s link. The link will be labeled as a Signature Assignment followed by the assignment’s name and an asterisk (*).


The Signature Assignment will be evaluated by faculty using a standardized rubric. Students can access the Signature Assignment in the week in which it is due by clicking on the assignment’s link and then going to the Grading tab. Hover over each section of the rubric to review the expectations (Meets, Exceeds, etc.).

Note: The Signature Assignment can be submitted and evaluated only one time in the course. There is no opportunity for re-submitting the assignment based on faculty feedback. It is important to review the assignment and rubric throughout the course to ensure that the final product meets the assignment requirements and the rubric expectations.

Copyright © XXXX by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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