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Directions: The objective of this assignment is to consider factors of aging and your current lifestyle.

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After watching the video on longevity and completing the longevity questionnaire. You will have five days to write a reaction 500-word essay on your thoughts on aging, stating your concerns, fears, expectancies and so forth. Discuss any relevant theories mentioned in your textbook. What are some factors that play a role on your health and aging? What is the result of your longevity score? What are some lifestyle changes do you think you will have to make to love longer, healthier, and happier increased life span? 

Watch Blue Zones Video:

Read: http://www

Do: Life Expectancy Calculator: Pick two

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Write: Write your essay on a word document, check for spelling, punctuation, etc. Once you have completed your essay, paste directly in the box below. Write your essay on a word document, check for spelling, punctuation, etc. Once you have completed your essay, paste directly in the box below.

Grading Rubric below

Rubric: Reaction Paper


  • The paper met the 500 words                                                     
  • Original work
  • Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
  • Spell checked
  • College-level grammar
  • Cite your paper APA style
  • Place your name and reference number on the first page on top
  • Works Cited Page is APA style
  • Discussion of a theory in middle or late adulthood and how it connects to one’s own life or family members
  • Discussion of factors that contribute to longevity
  • Discussion of longevity
  • Discussion of Erikson’s psychosocial theory on the stages of aging
  • Personal connection to content on changes to current lifestyle and what may impact a shorter life expectancy according to your own profile. 

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