critical thinking lib

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Assignment. Answer Questions #1, #2, and #4 at the end of “Behold the Stone Age”

And answer questions #2 and #4 at the end of “Never Just Pictures.”

Explanation of Learning Logs During the course you will be keeping a learning log in which you will answer a specified number of discussion questions from The World of the Image. This anthology includes a wide range of readings on the visual image in culture, from perspectives in science, anthropology, psychology, art, and the media. The anthology will help introduce you to the various disciplines you will study in the liberal studies major and give you practice in assessing arguments. These questions are designed to give you the opportunity to reflect on the readings and make connections between the disciplines represented in the anthology. You will submit this log to your instructor at the end of each Module during the term. As informal writing, the log will be graded based on whether you have entered a response to an assigned question and the clarity of your response. Although writing is relaxed for this assignment regarding cover pages, headings, and line spacing, you still must include information from your readings to meet level four on the grading rubric and clarify your response. Please make sure these reading conclusions are format compliant with in-text citations and with the reference at the end of the log entry

ISBN: 978-0-13-443199-4 Smoke, Trudy, and Alan Robbins. The World of the Image. New Jersey: Pearson/Longman, 2007. Print. ISBN-13: 978-0-321-38882-7

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