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Compare and contrast the digital vs analog approaches to recording, organizing, and communicating information from the articles (week 1 and week 2), videos, and any other element you discover to develop a strategic position…which one is better and why? Post your argument and provide a brief explanation for why you chose those elements and why you believe they are important.


There are no correct or incorrect answers; this process is designed to help you assess what elements are most important to you.

Read: Article #1 –  May, C. (2015, June 3). A Learning Secret: Don’t Take Notes with a Laptop. Retrieved from Scientific American:

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 Article #2 – Buhlig, J. (2016, May 20). The Science and Experience of Analog Writing. Retrieved from Joe


Week 1 Article #1 Link

Week 1 Article #2 Link


Week 1 Video Link

Article #1 – Elsheikh, K. (2017, November 11). 7 Effective Communication Techniques That Will Make You Excellent. Retrieved from Medium:


Article #2 – Myatt, M. (2012, April 4). 10 Communication Secrets Of Great Leaders. Retrieved from


Week 2 Article #1 Link

Week 2 Article #2 Link

Part 2

500 Words

Leadership Journal: Using the information learned above, how has the digital vs. analog impacted your organization’s strategic decision making processes?

Organization = AMAZON

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